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Symptoms of Depression in Adolescents

"Teen Depression isn’t just a Bad Mood and Occasional Melancholy,
Depression is a SERIOUS Condition and it NEEDS Treatment."

Depression is an illness of the entire body. It creates severe and long lasting
feelings of sadness or related symptoms that get in the way of a person's functioning.

Physical symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, stomachaches, neckaches, arms or legs hurt due to muscle tension, digestive disorders. (ruling out other medical causes) Persistent unhappiness, negativity, irritability. Uncontrollable anger or outbursts of rage. Overly self-critical, unwarranted guilt, low self-esteem. Inability to concentrate, think straight, remember, or make decisions, possibly resulting in refusal to study in school or an inability (due to depression or attention deficit disorder) to do schoolwork. Slowed or hesitant speech or body movements, or restlessness (anxiety). Loss of interest in once pleasurable activities. Low energy, chronic fatigue, sluggishness. Change in appetite, noticeable Chronic worry, excessive fear. Preoccupation with death themes in literature, music, drawings, speaking of death repeatedly, fascination with guns/knives. Suicidal thoughts, plans, or attempts.


Treatment usually involves medicines, psychotherapy and lifestyle changes. In most states, after the age of 14, you have the right to see a physician and have it remain completely confidential. You have to remember though, if you intend to use your parents insurance, your parents will of course find out. Also, if you are suspected of harming yourself or others, the doctor has to break the confidentiality in order to protect you from harm.

Life is not always easy, and sometimes it's difficult to smile when the dark clouds move in to block the sun. But you must have faith that things will get better. Reach inside and draw on your strength and hope. It's still there, waiting to see you through this difficult time. The night may seem long, but think of all the possibilities that the dawn might hold. And in the end, you'll be a stronger person from this, and you'll be so proud that you made it.

What is Depression?

Depression is a disorder that affects your thoughts, moods, feelings, behavior and physical health. People used to think it was "all in your head" and that if you really tried, you could "pull yourself out of it." Doctors now know that depression is not a weakness, and you can't treat it on your own. It's a medical disorder with a biological basis.

Sometimes, a stressful life event triggers depression. Other times depression seems to occur spontaneously, with no identifiable specific cause. Whatever the trigger, depression is much more than grieving or a bout of the blues.

Depression may occur as repeated episodes over a lifetime, with periods free of depression in between. Or it may be a chronic condition, requiring ongoing treatment over a lifetime. The disorder affects more than 18 million Americans of all ages and races.

Medications are available that are generally safe and effective, even for the most severe depression. With proper treatment, most people with serious depression improve, often within weeks, and can return to normal daily activities.

The Main Types of Depression Include:

Major depression

This type of mood disturbance lasts more than 2 weeks. Symptoms may include overwhelming feelings of sadness and grief, loss of interest or pleasure in activities you usually enjoy and feelings of worthlessness or guilt. This type of depression may result in poor sleep, severe fatigue, difficulty concentrating, change in appetite and suicide.


Dysthymia (dis-THI-me-uh) is a less severe but more continuous form of depression. It lasts for at least 2 years and often more than 5 years. Symptoms usually aren't disabling, and periods of dysthymia can alternate with short periods of feeling normal. Having dysthymia places you at an increased risk of major depression and suicide.

Borderline Personality Disorder

People with borderline personality disorder, swing in and out of very depressive, anxious, and irritable states that last anywhere from a few hours to a few days or more. The world around them and their emotions seem to always be in conflict. They are prone to bouts of anger, sometimes resulting in physical aggression and violence. Just as often, however, they direct their anger at themselves and can cause bodily harm. At their core, many are troubled by deep feelings of emptiness.
People with borderline often step over their boundaries in relationships. They become furious when their expectations are not met; yet they remain very attached to the relationship, paralyzed by their fear of being left alone. They may cut or hurt themselves in other ways to prevent the other individual from leaving the relationship.
A fear of abandonment tortures many people with borderline personality disorder. One theory stems back to childhood, where there may have been a lack of acceptance by parents which could lead to a loss of self-esteem, increased dependence, and an inability to cope with separation. Parents of these individuals often neglected or rejected them or otherwise behaved inappropriately. Treatment for borderline personality disorder, may involve; one on one therapy, group therapy, and medication. Read more about Borderline Personality Disorder here

Adjustment disorders

Adjustment disorders are often precursors to major depression. If a loved one dies, you lose your job or you're diagnosed with cancer it's perfectly normal to feel tense, sad, overwhelmed or angry. Eventually, most people come to terms with the lasting consequences of life stresses, but some don't. This is what's known as an adjustment disorder — when your response to a stressful event or situation causes symptoms of depression. Some people develop an adjustment disorder in response to a single event. Among others, it stems from a combination of stressors. Adjustment disorders can be acute — lasting less than 6 months — or chronic — lasting longer. Doctors classify adjustment disorders based on the primary symptoms.

Bipolar Disorder

Having recurrent cycles of depression and elation (mania) is characteristic of bipolar disorder. Because this condition involves emotions at both extremes (poles), it's called bipolar disorder or manic-depressive disorder. Mania affects your judgment, causing you to make unwise decisions. Some people have bursts of increased creativity and productivity during the manic phase. The number of cycles at either extreme may not be equal. Some people may have several cycles of depression before having another manic phase, or vice versa. Read more on Bipolar Disorder here.

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety or social phobia is a lesson to help us become more loving and caring. We may fear what we do to others. A person who fully loves is a person who is without fear.

Social anxiety is the fear and anticipation of being criticized, judged, humiliated or watched by other people. It is the belief that people will essentially reject you as a person once they get to know you. It is marked by the self fulfilling prophesy and belief that people will hate you, not love you, or hurt you in some way.

Social anxiety is learned dysfunctional behaviour. Quite often the person with social anxiety would have been brought up by parents who constantly criticize them and notice what they are doing all the time. If you go back far enough your anxiety may have actually made sense in it’s original context. In extreme cases a phobia of people can develop.

There are some people who do not understand the principle of boundaries in relationships. They are constantly interfering with each other, making comments and invading each others spaces.

The person with social anxiety may unknowingly uses this type of behaviors themselves. It is this type behavior that may result in people actually rejecting and disliking them.

A person with social anxiety may appear cold and rejecting to other people. For instance as a result of anxiety they may speak with a negative or sharp tone, which can cause a negative response in other people. If they say anything even innocently, it may come out critical, patronising or scornful.

Social anxiety may have served a purpose for preparing you to face negative treatment from others like criticizing family members.

The best solution is to love other people. You can switch from being defensive to being gentle and caring towards others people and taking a genuine loving interest in others. Learn to feel the love of others and radiate feelings of love and light from your auru onto other people. You can also overcame public speaking by using this technique of simply just loving. Loving people is natural. More on Anxiety and Related Illnesses

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a pattern of depression related to changes in seasons and a lack of exposure to sunlight. It may cause headaches, irritability and a low energy level.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Antisocial Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Many people with depression have symptoms of anxiety as well. Anxiety that develops
after age 40 is often related to depression rather than being an independent problem.

More on Depression
