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Depression will be the second leading cause of disease by 2020 Worldwide: World Health Organization

Natarajan, a board member of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, refers to the World Health Organization's prediction that by 2020 depression will become the second leading cause of disease worldwide.

"In developing countries like Canada, it will be the leading cause," said the Regina psychiatrist.

Many people don't ask for help because of the stigma associated with the disease, Natarajan said.

"One in five people have a diagnosable mental illness, but when we look at how many people are actually getting help, it's less than one-third," he said. "They are ashamed and try to hide their symptoms. It is so important that everyone realizes that the earlier people get help, the better the outcome."

About 4,000 Canadians commit suicide each year. Mental illness is a factor in most suicides and is the most common cause of death for people aged 15 to 24.

Natarajan noted that of the 10 leading causes of disability, five are mental disorders: major depression, bipolar mood disorder, schizophrenia, alcohol and substance abuse and obsessive compulsive disorder.

This week — Mental Illness Awareness Week — was established by the Canadian Psychiatric Association in 1992 to raise awareness of the level of mental illness in Canada.

Early signs of mental illness include: marked personality changes, an inability to cope with problems and daily activities, strange ideas or delusions, excessive anxiety, prolonged sadness, marked changes in sleeping or eating patterns, thinking or talking about suicide, extreme highs and lows, alcohol or drug abuse, irrational fears, excessive hostility and violent behaviour.

"If you think you have a mental health issue, do not keep it to yourself," Natarajan stressed.

The family doctor should be the first stop, he said.