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Ted Neeley's Place
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My Ted Neeley Page
OK, what I am trying to accomplish here is to enlighten all who care to listen about the greatest artist (according to yours truly) to ever walk the earth...Ted Neeley. Who just so happened to play the greatest man to ever walk the earth. Jesus of Nazereth.

This page will not give you a bunch of pics of Ted for one reason only... everything I have is already out there...Darn it!!

This page will supply all the links I can find on Ted Neeley and anyone associated with the "Motion Picture"/Play "Jesus Christ Superstar"...some say "LOTS!!!"

Lastly, this page will tell you of how this man brought out many emotions a; boy/then, young man/15 years ago and man/now, ever had.

OK, OK, here is a pic of the man. Pic Of Ted Neeley

Here is how to join the Ted Neeley Fan Club.

Links To Ted Neeley or Jesus Christ Superstar

Carl Anderson's Homepage

Denises Page

JCS Anniversary Page

JCS Rock Opera Page

JCS Original Broadway Cast


This Jesus Christ Superstar site is owned by
Christopher C. Mudgett.

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