
These are various things found inside the sleeve of a select few cds.

Lords of Acid-Voodoo-U

The Lords would like to express their deepest gratitude to: Timothy Leary, Danny Bonaduce, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Marquis De Sade, Richard Roundtree, Al Franken, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, Morton Downey Jr., Trini Lopez, Oliver North, Rick James, Harry Dean Stanton, John Holmes, Mackenzie Phillips, William S. Burroughs, Johnson & Johnson, Kurt Cobain, Nipsey Russel, Bob Ross, Jerry Brown, Anthony Robbins, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Tammy Faye Bakker, Billy Dee Williams, Moog, Marshall, Sonny Chiba, John Hinckley, Lorne Micheals, Todd Bridges, Terminex, Keith Wood, Rick Rubin, James Westland (My Hot Stallion), Roland Beelen, Mark Beaven, our Families...at American, Caroline and Antler Subway Records, all at AAM and Impact Talent, and all the many people who have joined us and shared a little acid. P.S. We forgot Tori Spelling, Yitzhak Rabin, Shamu, Peer Gynt, Leonard Pinth Garnell, Neil Armstrong, Vinny Barbarino, Oral Roberts, Matt Pinfield, Seka, Robert Oppenheimer, Blake Edwards, Benny Hill, Macaulay Culkin, Tony Danza, and Mr. Ed as himself...Sorry, we hope no one was hurt.

Lords of Acid-Our Little Secret

The Good- Stumpy Peeps, Johnny "Guitar" Watson, Albert Hoffman, Peter Paterno, Happy Gilmore, Rick Rubin, Jack Nicholson, Great Healthy Body, The Folks at Mitchell Brothers, Kevin Gasser, Napoleon Solo, Zovirax, Jeremy Brown, Marjorie Heins, Jackie Chan, Thrill Kill Kult, Chasey Laine, Ultra Brite, Noam Chomsky, Todd Mueller, Evel Knievel, Horatio Hornblower, Forrest Whittaker, Roman Polanski, Balthazar Getty, George C. Scott, Barney Cohen, Coco Puffs, Albert R. Broccoli, Marc Giger, Yahoo Serious, Dean & Dave Garbarino, Caglio Stro, Masa Miyazawa, Bill Kennedy, The Cult of Matty, Pinfield, Divine Brown, Mr. Bean, Phrack, Chow Yun Fat, Roman Polanski, The Never/Proper Crew, Steve Martin, Black Booster, Alex Cox, Fallen Angels, Phineas Gage, Dr. Seuss, Malaclypse the Elder, Bill Andreth, Gina Gershon, Zero Mostel, Federico Fellini, Studsterkel, Ernest, Charles Gatewood.

The Good Part II- Uri Geller, Errol Flynn, Jenna Adler, Carlos Casteneda, Dario Argento, Ben Marts, Wong Kar Wai, Charo, VRD=1, Carole Kinzel, Antisone Seivli, Lisa Socransky, Robert Downey Jr., Charles Bukowski, Balzac, Tiger Woods, Tokyo Shock Boys, Liquid Todd, Juliette Lewis, Suzy Homemaker Oven, Weed Whacker, Ed Asner, Ed Grimley, Sharon Stone, William Gibson, Snagglepuss, Weegee, Penis, Robert Wilson, The Folks at Sextacy Ball, The Folks at Mons Venus, The Folks at Antler Subway, The Folks at AAM, Women of Sodom, Chuck Norris, Jasmine St. Clair, Ringo Lam, Joaquin Cortes, Taka Tsukazaki, God Lives Underwater, Rosebud, Janeane Garafolo, Suzy Bright, Sin City, C. Thomas Howell, David Lapham, Caligula, Orson Welles, Big Boy, Steve Masters, Joey Lauren Adams, Harvey, Robert Anton Wilson, Wim Wenders.

The Bad- Enrique Iglesias, Kit Culkin, Brad Pitt, Jonathon Prevette, The Sultan of Brunei, Daft Punk, Michael Alig, David Hasselhof, Elizabeth Hurley, Deepak Chopra, Kelsey Grammar, Woody Allen, John Bennet Ramsey, Haggis, Christian Coalition, Christina Applegate, Val Kilmer, Peter Gatien, Liv Tyler, Centennial, Blur, Drew Barrymore, Scott Peck, Penis, Tommy Lee, Tyfanny Million, Martha Stewart, Meryl Streep, Sophia Coppola, Presidents of the United States, Hillary Clinton, Camille Paglia, Dad, Bruce Willis.

The Ugly- Dennis Rodman, Bill Bennett & Delores Tucker (we still love you!), Don Imus, Kathee Lee Gifford, Lourdes, Ciccone, Leann Grimes, Connie Chung, David Gahan, Harrison Ford, Martin Lawrence, Carmen Electra, Twinkies, Steven Seagal, Patrick Ewing, David Letterman, Marilyn Manson, Bob Barker, Willem Dafoe, John Lyndon, Paulie Shore, Jabba The Hut, Steve Buscemi, Mom, Jim Carrey, Penis, Janet Reno, Ralph Lauren, Chelsea Clinton, Multiple Orgasms.

The Missing- Marshall Herff Applewhite, Patrick McNeil, Tupac, Notorious B.I.G., Ennis Cosby, Annabelle Chong, Forrest Gump, Dweezil Zappa, Alanis Morisette (we wish), Dean Martin, Willem DeKooning, William Casey, Shoko Asahara, Brigitte Nielsen, Tawana Brawley, Ted & Al Bundy, Fawn Hall, Margaret Meade, Flight 808, Abba, Richard Nixo, Houdini, Paul Bunyan, Manuel Noriega, Napoleon, Virgins, Alfredo Garcia, Topo Gigio, Major Tom, JFK's Momentos.

The Heavy- Ruth McArdle, Joe "Mama" Besser, Rosie O'Donnell, Chris Farley, James Brown, Sally Struthers, Catherine The Great and her stallion, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Kill Bennedy, Big Bottom, Fatty Arbuckle, Aretha Franklin, Stagalee, Grizzly Adams, Chicago's Greatest Hits, Oatmeal, Paul Raven, James Westland, Babe Instinct, Tammy Faye, Pavarotti.

From the Single "Do What You Wanna Do"

Coming soon!