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Snowy Nine Months Out of the Year. My Homepage!

My name is CJ or on the computer as FLYBOY and I welcome you to my humble home. I guess this is my way of remebering my past and letting everyone around the world know about me. Now a little about my self I'm 19 and from Minnesota. I'm 6'1", 180 lbs., blond hair, blue eyes, and athletic. If that's not good enough I have some pictures.

Me and my Truck

Me in Black and White

Me dressed up

Me and Sue

I love to make everything a competition, and I like people to be just as competitive with me. I have already graduated from High School. Just shy of being an honor graduate. I can't wait to see if I can make it on my own. If you want to see how the Class of 1999's future will turn out. Check out the Senior Class Prophecy. I was on the Varsity Basketball team and I was on the Varsity Track team. When I can I like to play pick up games of football. I love watching Vikings(Cris Carter is the man, and is the link to other VIKINGS Pics!), Timberwolves(My favorite basketball player John Stockton), and soon to be our new hockey team the Minnesota Wild. Right now I am attending North Dakota State University. I'm majoring in Civil Engineering, and minor in Military Science and Coaching. Also while I am there I will be taking Army ROTC to get my commission. I still haven't been able to get away from sports and running so I plan to run in some Marathons this summer. On Thursday nights I also play coed volleyball here on campus. I have my own truck a 1979 Chevy Silverado with a short box, a 350 engine, and is in mint condition. The truck has a lot of power and is in excellent condition. Right now I'm working at Target as a TPS AKA security guard. There isn't a job that I know of where a person does less for a job and gets paid for it. It should be a good job until I get out of college. I'm also a Private First Class or E-3 in the Army National Guard and I have successfully completed basic training as well as my Advance Individual Training. It was too easy, but I would never do it again. I am now MOSQ as a 31U or a Signal Support Systems Specialist. I had fallen just short once again of making honor graduate at that school. I have my Millitary Driver's Liscense for the Humvee and lower. My unit is Delta Battery 216th ADA located in Monticello, MN. If you are interested in joining the Minnesota Army National Guard contact SGT. Mrozek at 612-295-4999 and tell him I sent you. If you want to chat with me my AOL IM screen name is FLYBOY17. Please sign the guest book at the bottom.

Here's a Top Ten List that will last for the next four years.

Top Ten Jesse The Body Ventura Campaign Slogans

10.He's Already Used To Deceiving The Public.

9.Let's Get Ready To Legislate!

8.Building A Steroid-Enhanced Bridge To The 21st Century.

7.A Man In Tights Has Nothing To Hide.

6.C'mon, Don't You Want To See Newt Gingrich In A Choke Hold?

5.I'm The Only Candidate Endorsed By Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

4.Finally, A Governor Whose Shorts Glitter.

3.Combining The Wise Economic Stewardship Of Hulk Hogan And The Progressive Policies Of Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka.

2.Vote For Me Or So Help Me God I'll Piledrive You.

1.It's The Stupidity, Stupid.

My Friends and this is always changing just like me.

Nick R. - Friends as long as I can remember and liked to get me into trouble. He is going to Bethel College.

Lisa H. - We always helped each other out with our problems until she moved out into the country. I don't know of too many females that are as good as her in so many sports.

Sue L. - My prom date and one of my track teammates. We just became really good friends in the last year. She's also in the Air Force full time. I miss you!

Becky Z. - Sue's best friend. She was sort of thrusted on me as a friend of mine also now. She is going to SCSU.

Tracy M. - Went to space camp at the same time in '94, and we have been writing ever since. She will be graduating this year. I still can't believe it!

Crystal F. - We started talking a lot more lately, and we are always there for each other. Unfortunatley may become a replace ment for Abby.

Abby H. - She's a really good friend, but we are sort of taking a break from each other, and I'm not sure how long it's going to last yet.

Sam C. - My roommate here at NDSU. He's pretty cool and we get along pretty well.

Wade P. - Always invites me out to parties, but I have to work so I can't go.

Justin K. - A Star Wars and Star Trek freak. Goes to SCSU, and he works with me a Target.

Brad W. - He was my locker neighbor at school and is always there for a good laugh. Work's at Pizza Hut and goes to a cooking school.

Brian P. - He is extremely, extremely tall. I think he also attending St. Cloud State University right now.

Andy S. - My cousin and my friend. He is my complete opposite. He never graduated so I'm not too proud to say he's a cousin, but he's still family.

David D. - My other cousin. He is my other complete opposite. Andy and him are almost the same. He is going to school to work with computer graphics.

Bert S. - This kid is my cousin! He's full of crap! He doesn't know what he is talking about, and doesn't know how to spell!

Catherine M. - I am helping her on a web page. Please visit it on my favorite links.

Thanks for visiting my web page and please visit these other links below. My E-Mail address is at the bottom, and Please sign the guest book.

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My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Net Address - Free E-Mail address
I made this for Cathryn. Please check it out.
Star Tribune
WCCO Channel 4
My favorite radio station K102
