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Dream Cards

I am just beginning this site, so please bear with me. If you have any dream cards to contribute, tell me the site to get it from! Or, attach by e~mail. Soon, we can have an entire gallery! :) ~Allan

Unprovoked Attack--by Sunakk
I made this dream card as a dream addition to the Dominion expansion set, before it came out. It was one of my first attempts at making a dream card.

==The strength of this card, though it may be too powerful, is in making an opponent ship vulnerable. It does this in two ways: reducing its shields, and allowing them to be beamed through. It is a tactic and interrupt wrapped in one! The ship is vulnerable two ways: it can be attacked by another ship more easily (which has to be there for the card to be played); and intruders can waltz on through the shields--no matter what the affiliation.
_This is a great surprise tactic, as your opponent may think that his Sarek and Picard is safe on the Future Enterprise while the away team waits on the planet, but now these old men are duking it out against Cardassians (or Bajorans, or Klingons, or Romulans, or Jem'hadar...) to save their necks. And if the intruding force includes two SECURITY, they go home with a free equipement!
_A great combo to use with this dream card is Romulan Ambush. Your opponent may think their ship is strong enough to withstand the nasty card--until it is the target of an Unprovoked Attack!!

-=Others' Dream Cards=-
Following are links to pages containing dreams cards others have made, plus my own comments/suggestions about each card. (Since they are not my creations, I cannot copy them to my site.) I apologize if any links are broken.
The End...Or Is It? -- Event Very creative card, interacts well with cards released thus far.
Locutus Clone -- Borg personnel Perhaps a bit too much power to give the Borg, but they are good at adapting! I like the concept very much!
Maneuver Worf Theta One -- Tactic While narrow and specific, this tactic certainly deserves to be printed, as Worf does one hell of a good job fighting against the odds.
Coaxial Warp Core -- Equipment I think an event is more realistic and balanced, but the idea is good!
Bevvox -- Non-Aligned Personnel (Think Tank) I wonder why this character wasn't included with the others when printed.... Good card!
USS Sovereign -- Federation Ship This is a card that definitely needs to be added to the STCCG world.
Pathfinder Research Center -- Federation Station While I like the concept of the card, I think this should be a Headquarters card instead, and should take off the Engineers download to balance its power. Perhaps a more creative use would be to move to Earth any staffed ship in another quadrant--now that would be useful!
Superman -- Non-Aligned Personnel I had to add this for fun. While terribly unbalanced, this could be turned into a reasonable card. First off, his Strength would have to be an *, so that he can't die or kill in personnel combat. Second, some of the later skills should be done away with, as he's not that kind of genius!
Echo Papa 607: Stasis Drone -- Equipment I really like the idea of this card, but would make one adjustment: getting out of the stasis shouldn't be possible until next turn.
Mang'Hom -- Klingon Personnel The concept of being able to change the difficulty of a holographic personnel is reasonable, but I don't see the enticement for it to be anything but 10. Perhaps a reciprocal point bonus?
Claustrophobia--Dilemma A very thought out card, and worth being included in a future expansion. I would change "counselor" to "Empathy" however.
Glider -- Equipment A very intuitive and useful card, as well as balanced. While it may be abused by red-shirters, there are other cards to deal with that.
Shape-Shift Inhibitor -- Equipment I wonder why there isn't a card like this in print? It is a good defense against the Dominion, and seems balanced to gameplay to me. The text is redundant, however; all Founders are changelings and all changelings are shape-shifters.
Manual Steering Column -- Event While I still don't see the advantage this has to a starship, the card fits very well with the concept shown in the movie. By being an event that affects all ships (but not seeded), it is balanced and allows for another defensive strategy in battle, of which there are few.
You're Not Just a Hologram... -- Event A creative approach for a card, and realistic for both gameplay and connection to the Star Trek universe. I would make it an interrupt, however, limiting the staffing to two full turns and scratching the matching commander (this quality was not shown in the show).
Section 31 Ship -- Federation Ship This card would be a great addition to tht STCCG environment. It has its uses and could work well with many deck strategies, but isn't too powerful.
U.S.S. Apache -- Federation ship Another card that I would think should have been included in a past expansion, to go along with the vast number of ships made and shown in the later episodes of Deep Space Nine. The card doesn't go overboard with stats, and is balanced by staffing requirements and lack of cloaking device. (Series should be DS9, however.)
Scan: Borg -- Incident A unique way of looking at Long Range Scan from the Borg perspective. Goes well with ideas from the show, and current game mechanics. Not too powerful, as it cannot be seeded and effects must happen immediately. I would add, however, "discard incident" after the first two outcomes, for clarification.
Flying DeLorean -- Artifact A valuable and strategic addition to the STCCG environment, as there are several themes dealing with time travel. The card is certainly not overpowerful, as you must earn it first and its capacity is two personnel. While not exactly from the Star Trek universe, this would be another way Time Travel Pod could work. :)
Amanda -- Federation Personnel A fitting addition to the motion pictures personnel, this card would fit well with any Vulcan theme. I'm not sure how much diplomacy she actually did in the movies, but the other skills are very appropriate and reasonable. Perhaps anthropology would be more suitable?
Borg Founder -- Domionion Personnel Another creative addition that would add some security to a Dominion deck. The personnel has some valuable skills, and would be great for taking down a Borg Cube, yet still helpful for the Borg player so as to not ruin the infiltration. And know knows? Maybe founders did have a spy in the Borg...

This is all I have right now. Come back later for additions. Plus, if you have your own, send me the link or your picture in an email.
If you have any comments or questions, just e~mail me! If you have any suggestions on dream cards, I can probably make a nice-looking one.

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Last updated 7/3/02

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