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News From Maychoria

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Who I Am and What I Believe
Sifting Sand.
Tale the Sixth.
Tale the Fourth and Tale the Fifth.
Tales of the Seekers: Tale the Third
White and Green
Tales of the Seekers: Tale the First
Tales of the Seekers: Tale the Second
A new story, Newsflash--Exclusive.
New Contents for Tales of the Seekers.
A Lowdown Snake-in-the-Grass
Tales of the Seekers--Prologue: The Joining of Two Paths
Crises and Conspiracies
Some Thanksgiving
Lyrics for a new song. Song for Leah.
Nonsense Quotes and Serious Quotes updated.
Tales of the Seekers--Tale the First: Dark Vision.
A newRandom Thought
New poem, The Story of My New Life.
Chapter 23: Going Home is up.
Yay! All done! Yippee! Woohoo! Hurrah! Hurray! ::Party horn noises:: Blatt, blatt, blatt!
Now I'll start working on the Tales of the Seekers. Work on typing them up, that is. They're already written.
New for From Email: Lines.
Chapter 22: Victory is up.
Chapter 21: ...Before It Gets Better is up.
New web addy for Darth Paul Spooner.
Nonsense Quotes and Serious Quotes updated.
Chapter 20: It Always Gets Worse... is up.
New section. From Email. This will probably get updated a lot.
Maps! (And there was much rejoicing.)
I add an image to Chapter 9.
A link for my brother's page.
Blow on That Dusty Harmonica
Coming soon from Paul Spooner--maps!
Nonsense Quotes and Serious Quotes updated.
New poems, "Foundations," and "God Speaks to Fragile Man."
New story, written last Wednesday, The Stars Are Cold.
A new partial story, Ethereal. Slightly weird.
A bunch of new links.
A new poem, You Don't Want to Know.
Chapter 19: Crescendo is up.
I add an image to Chapter 18.
I add an image to Chapter 19
Nonsense Quotes and Serious Quotes updated.
New thing to read in Serious section of Other Writing, Culture Wars: A New Myth.
Chapter 18: A Way Through is up.
I add an image to Chapter 6. Another good one from Darth Paul!
Chapter 17: The Eye of Jah is up.
Nonsense Quotes and Serious Quotes updated.
I add a new page: Random Thoughts, for those things that must be said.
"Government Election" entry added to the Ordering of Maychoria page.
I add one of those hypertext thingies at the top of the glossary page to make it more accessible. Check it out!
Nonsense Quotes and Serious Quotes updated.
Chapter 16: Preparations for Battle is up.
I add a link for the New Tribes Mission website.
I add the Ordering of Maychoria page. It's not finished yet, but good nonetheless.
I get a guestbook for the main page. I dare you to sign it!
I add an image to Chapter 14.
I organize the links page and add a bunch of new ones.
Chapter 15: A Flash of Gold in the Dark is up.
I retool the main page and add a bunch of links.
I update Nonsense Quotes and Serious Quotes.
I post a poem I wrote in '98 and recently found in some old papers, Thankful to be Weird.
I clear up some html and grammar mistakes and add a link for The Hamster Dance page.
I add an image to Chapter 11.
I add an image to Chapter 12
Chapter 14: Ralph and the Dragon is up.
I am again frustrated with the brevity of html pages, which caused me to cut a scene with Ryoo and Sarah from Chapter 14 so the chapter would fit, and begin looking for a way to extend pages.
I manage to post the scene anyway.
This page first begun.
Serious Quotes and Nonsense Quotes updated.
February '00
I attempt to post Free as the Wind and get frustrated at the brevity of html pages, which cause me to split the story into three parts.

Sometime between October '99 and February '00
I post up to Chapter 13, drag Paul Spooner into Maychoria for artwork purposes, search sites for other artwork, start the Other Writing page, put up a bunch of poems, begin the Serious Quotes and Nonsense Quotes sections, and generally make a fool of myself, html-wise.
October '99
I come back to this page and wonder if I could possibly finish it. I give it a try.
Sometime in early '99
I begin this home page and post the first few chapters, then let it slide in disgust.
August of '98
I complete the project that has taken me so long and wonder if anyone else would enjoy it.
August of '96
I begin writing a story that will ultimately take me two years. The first chapter, which I struggled and delighted over, would end up being cut by me.
Summer of '96
I realize that there isn't much good Christian fantasy out there and decide to do something about it.

Main Page Other Writing From Email Darkrender Contents Glossary Maps