Pope John Paul II (1920-2005):
An Imperial Vietnamese Tribute

  On behalf of the Imperial Council of Vietnam, an in the name of many million's of devout Roman Catholics (and other Vietnamese Christians) worldwide, including those currently suffering under the scorge of Communism in our beloved and ancient Homeland, and those of Vietnam's Diaspora; scattered by war and oppression to the four corners of the world.

  The Imperial Nguyen Family of Vietnam wishes to convey to the Holy See in Rome, Our very deep sorrow at the news of the death of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, Head of the Roman Catholic Faith. A Great man who was a true Christian and champion of justice, a man who followed in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, and the shoes of Saint Peter the Fisherman.

He was a tireless campaigner and fighter in the cause of Peace and Freedom, of all people's and nations of the world, and a towering figure who was much loved, admired, and respected by all of the many religions of Our ancient Homeland of Vietnam.

  The Imperial Nguyen Family of Vietnam also expressly wishes to acknowledge the great contribution that His Holiness made to the freeing of his beloved native Poland from the yoke of communism, and what was to set in motion a rapid series of events politically, that led ultimately to the collapse of Soviet Communism, The Iron Curtain, and The Eastern Bloc.

  Let the remarkable life of this great man of peace, be an inspiration to all of us. He was fearless in the face of adversity, tireless in his support of justice and freedom, and never wavered in the face of any opposition in the cause Peace, Freedom, and the Love of all people’s of the world. His Holiness believed that in war, all nations and men are losers, and he was also a great supporter of the concept of the United Nations.  

The world has lost one of the dominant personal influences of this generation, a Great man of Peace, who displayed sustained and enduring valour during these most troubled times.

His Holiness Pope John Paul II is one of the most notable world leaders of the 20th century.

May his life's work be an example to us all, and may he rest in peace.

  H.I.H. Prince Regent Nhiep Chinh NGUYEN-PHUC Buu Chanh of Vietnam
Duke of Kien Hoa


Pope John Paul II His Life and His Family.

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Grabia, Andrew. "A Study of the Genealogical Lines of the Wojtyla Family" from Rodziny. Volume III, No 2.(June 1981). Rodziny is the journal of the Polish Genealogical Society of America.

Legrand, Catherine and Jacques. John Paul II. London: Dorling Kindersley, 2000.

Levi, Monsigner Virgilio and Christine Allison. John Paul II. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1999.

Walsh, editor; Michael J. Lives of the Popes. London: Slamander Books, Ltd., 1998.

Weigel, George. Witness to Hope. New York: Clift Street Books, 2001.

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