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~Misty's Gifs~

~Neptune's Lady~

He cursed and he swore.
His world wouldn't stand still.
She was his ocean,His Monarchy.
His Heart was Hers,in custody.
Rhapsody,desire a seaside lullaby.
Taking it day by day.
He could not let her go.
He wanted her back where she belonged.
Feelings inside,He knew what he was leaving behind.
He had let the Siren of his desire,slip away.
Her eyes, knew what he was feeling.
Could she change her mind.
This love did not come easy.
From the depths salty waters,azure blue.
Miles of decadence.Her cup was already overfilled.
Heart choking, she had grown hungry.

~Mistycool~© 2002

~Bren~ ~Laura~ ~Gloria~ ~Quix~
~Karen~ ~Starr~ WaterFallMerm ShePoses
ShellMerm ShoreMerm1 ShoreMerm MossMermLG
MossMermFR MoonCradleLG SheDreams1 DreamsFramed
TowerFramed SoapMermFramed MermSerpFramed TowerWall
SoapMermLG Shellmerm Serenity Lunch?
MoonCradleFR SheDreams BeWitched PrincessMerm
CradleMerm PearlMerm MermKneels LgNeptune
FramedNeptune OceanMerm MermSparkle MermSerpent
FramedMermRock LgMermRock MermIsle LgMermDragun
FramedMermDragun FramedMyst LgDragunMyst Dolphins
OceanDolphin Wee~Dolph DolphinMerm DolphSplash
SmDolphPlay LgDolphinPlay Dolphins/Fish DolphinGlobe
DolphinPals NightCove BluDolphin RedMerm



