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Welcome to my homepage! My name is Karen. I am currently working on my page to bring you loads of pictures and information about my family (including all of the assorted critters!)

A few things that we enjoy here on the ranch include playing with our horses, and riding dirt bikes.

Activities that we enjoy with the horses include skijoring, driving, and trail riding. Skijoring combines riding with skiing. You use a horse and rider to pull another person wearing downhill skis. It is a ton of fun, and there are even competitions where you race on a marked course with small jumps. We drive two of our horses. Minnie is a paint mare who has been driven a lot. She has been in parades from Arizona to Indiana. She found a home with us a couple years ago, and seems to really enjoy her semi-retirement! Biscuit is a large pony-sized gelding. He is absolutely adorable. I tried driving him to see how he would take to it... and he did wonderfully. He still has a ways to go, but he is a quick learner. Our other horses are Blizzard, my spunky Quarter Horse gelding, Poco, the steady older mare, and our newest addition, a Tennessee Walker Filly named Aurora. She came to us from my friend Bobbi in Virginia. We do most of our trail riding on the roads around our home here in Millington. We have a lot of dirt roads around us, with very little traffic. It makes for some enjoyable riding! We plan to do some hauling out to trails to enjoy some of the great scenery that is offered on the many trail systems in our home state of Michigan. One goal of mine is to one day do the coast to coast ride.

My husband, John, got me interested in dirt bikes. I guess it's a fair trade-off. He rides horses now, too! I have a Yamaha TT-R 250, John rides a Husaberg FE 501, Kristopher tears up the track with his Kawasaki KDX 200, and Aaron is currently roaring around the turns with a Husquavarna 510. We ride the MCC trails in the state, as well as our own track and trail in our back yard. I haven't been out on the trails much, but John takes his boys riding several times a year. They have an absolute blast!

Our other critters include Bruce the Airdale Terrier, and our newest addition, Penny the Rat Terrier. PENNY'S PAGE IS HERE! Bruce is John's dog. We found out after trimming the boy at home, it is WAY easier to take him to the groomers! We did end up with a nice finished product though. Penny was born on the day my beloved dog Tippy died (memorial page almost done.) We got her in southern Ohio from Moore Manor Kennels. See our latest addition to the family: Midnight!

You can contact me here

My Favorite Web Sites

My Hubby's homepage
Laurie's Page (my sis)
Samantha's Page (my niece)
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