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  Charley - Dog

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BIS BISS CH Korcula Midnight Star Bret D

Charley Dog was a once in a lifetime dog. His gentle nature and loyalty were his trademarks. Charley's show career includes the following:
1991 DCA National Specialty
by judge Ed Bivin

8 Best In Shows
# 1 Dalmatian for 1990 & 1991
21 Specialty Best Of Breed wins
WD or Better at Two Specialties
DCA Award of Merit Winner at 16 Months

Kennel: Bret D Dalmatians
Breeder: Charles & Lynn Garvin
Owner: Debbie Zink & Charles Garvin
AKC #: Available by request
Whelped: 6/27/1985
Sex: Male
Color: Black/White
BAER: BI-Lateral

Charley-Dogs Pedigree


Charley excelled as a sire producing:
52 American Champions
2 Best In Show winning sons
5 Multiple Group Winners
4 Specialty BOB Winners
Multiple DCA Winners including:
DCA Winners Dog
 DCA Best In Sweeps
 DCA Award of Merits
 DCA Best In Futurity

12 WD & WB at Specialties
Charley-Dogs Winning Kids

I want to take this opportunity to thank those breeders who sent their beautiful bitches to Charley. He continues to be a strong force within many pedigrees today.

My heart still aches when I think of him. He will be remembered always and is missed terribly


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 All Rights Reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced without permission