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You have reached the Official Homepage of
The Truth
Yes, it's true. We are fictional characters. It's something my friends and I discovered. It's kinda weird.

Truth must of necessity be stranger than fiction. For fiction is the creation of the human mind, and therefore is congenial to it.

-- G.K. Chesterton, The Club of Queer Trades

The Terrible Truth: It all started when Brad found various fanfics about us posted on the net. Here are the stories.

What the Blind Seer Saw: Another fanfic we found. Much longer than the previous ones.

Phoenix 1138: Brad's homepage. Go there if you dare.

I am a Ficitonal Character: This is a slideshow Brad put together about how we're fictional. It actually makes a lot of sense.

Wit and Wisdom: Here are a few things we have been known to say...

Completely Unrelated Links: If you like this page, you may like these other pages too.

Downloads: Here are a few things that you can download. Well, actually there's only one thing right now, but give it time...

BradQuest: A bizarre, unfinished adventure game featuring Brad!

This site is still under construction. But soon, all will know the truth...

Penultimately updated February 7, 2005
Last updated September 18, 2006