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Keweenaw Pagan Fellowship

About Us
About Paganism
More Information


Hopman, Ellen Evert People of the Earth: The New Pagans Speak Out.
Series of interviews with Pagans of all sorts. Inevitably a bit disorganized but still an excellent resource on diverse paths.
Adler, Margot, Drawing Down the Moon
A somewhat dated and often unreliable but still valuable overview of the Pagan scene, there's nothing else like it
Cunningham, Scott, Wicca, A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Basic text on Wicca, good for the beginner
Starhawk, The Spiral Dance
A classic text, will give you a sense of the spirituality behind Wicca
Gundarsson, Kveldulf. Teutonic Religion
An excellent overview of Asatru
Circle Network News
Published by Circle Sanctuary, contains news on their activities, articles on Pagan practice and belief, and contact information
Oak Leaves
Published by ADF, a pan-Indo-European Druidic organization.
Published by The Troth, a fine magazine with articles on many aspects of Asatru.
Internet Resources


Local Pagan Groups:
Pagan student group at Michigan Tech
Wicca and Witchcraft
The Witches' Voice
Wonderful site with essays, current events, legal and political issues of importance to pagans, contact lists, and much more.
Mama Rose's Kitchen
Large library of Pagan information
Witch's Brew
Enough Witchy stuff here to keep you busy for days
Arachne's Web
Links to many, many Pagan resources


Ar nDraiocht Fein
Home page for ADF, the largest US Druid organization. ADF is pan-Indo-European, meaning that although most of the membership concentrates on Celtic cultures, other focuses (Norse, Greek, Roman, Slavic, etc.) are welcome as well.
Dedicated to the practice of Neopagan Druidism.
Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids
British Druid order; members need not be Pagan.
Note: All three groups support a study program of some sort.


The Troth
Asatru organization; site includes a great deal of good information, including Our Troth, an online book with information on all aspects of heathenry.
Angelseaxisce Ealdriht
Good resource on Anglo-Saxon heathenry.
Irminsul Aettir
Excellent assortment of information on Asatru

Other Reconstructionist Religions

Hellenic reconstructionist organization.
Nova Roma
Dedicated to the restoration of Classical Roman religion, culture, and virtues.
The Kemetic Orthodox Faith
Dedicated to the revival of early Kemetic(Egyptian) religion.
Celtic reconstructionist path, members need not be Pagan.
Revival of the Lithuanian/Baltic spiritual traditions.
The Julian Society
Organization devoted to the restoration of ancient Pagan faiths.
Sword and Shield
General reconstructionist resources.
Pagan Contacts:
Witches of the World
Contact page at the Witches' Voice site, listings for individuals, groups, events, shops, separate listings for teen pagans. Michigan listings at
Weaving the Web
Contact page at the Witch's Brew site. Michigan listings at
Pagan Webweaving Page
Michigan contacts at
Includes a contact page among its many services; to see Michigan listings, go to, select "Michigan" and submit.
Bulletin Boards and Forums:

Michigan Pagans Forum
Public forum on Delphi for Michigan Pagans
Mailing Lists:

Michigan Pagans
List for discussion and networking among Michigan Pagans.
Michigan Witches
Email with the following message: subscribe MI-witches your@email.address.

Usenet Newsgroups:

Moderated group; general pagan topics
General pagan discussion
Moderated group; wiccan topics
Wiccan discussion
Druid discussion
Asatru discussion