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Keweenaw Pagan Fellowship

About Us
About Paganism
More Information
Who We Are

The Keweenaw Pagan Fellowship is a loosely organized group of local Pagans and Heathens, here to support the Pagan presence in the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan's Upper Peninsula by providing information for and facilitating contacts within the Pagan community. We meet informally on a regular basis for networking, socializing, sharing information, and support.

What We Do

We're pretty informal; basically we get together every week to talk with likeminded people. We're a social group, not a worship group or magical group, but we do provide a great place to meet and get to know other Pagans and Heathens.

Pagan Coffee Night

Pagan Coffee Night is our main "official" activity. We sit, we talk, we drink coffee, all in a Pagan-friendly atmosphere. That's about it. If you're a practicing Pagan or Heathen and interested, email us with a little information on your interests and background.

In addition, we've recently started a small newsletter for the local Pagan community, Lake Effect, available at several spots locally. Contact us for more information.

To Contact Us

Email us at, or write us at:

PO Box 624
Houghton, Michigan 49931

visitors to this site since July 19, 2003.

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