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  Oberski & Schefka Genealogy
St. Mary's Cemetery - Parisville

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Huron County - Parisville, Michigan

St. Mary's Cemetery
located on Parisville Rd. approx. 1/2 mile north of Atwater Rd.

Many thanks to Robert B. Labelle for taking the time to publish numerous booklets that list names and birth/death dates on headstones and monuments in Huron County.  His booklet on St. Mary's Cemetery made my job of finding headstones much easier.  He prepared a map of the cemetery as shown below.

St. Mary's Cemetery map

Below is an index of tombstone photos that are currently available for you to view.  Find the name(s) you are searching for then click on the highlighted page number that follows the list of names.  (The photos are of relatives and friends of the family, along with other people that bring back memories of my childhood.)

With the exception of Gary J. O'Berski, all of the following tombstones are located in St. Mary's Cemetery in Parisville.  (Gary's tombstone is located in Pioneer Cemetery, Roscommon, MI.)


Lamke, Theodore & Irene (Oberski)       Oborski, John M.
O'Berski, Roman & Irene (Schefka)      Oborski, John S. 
O'Berski, Gary J.       Oborski, Minnie   
Oberski, Albert & Gertrude (Kucharczyk)       Oborski, Xavir 
Oberski, David & Mildred (Bezemek)     Paionk, Adam & Lucille (Lamke) 
Oberski, Izedore & Rita (Grifka)      Susalla, Stanley & Anna (Oberski) 
Oberski, Leo      Wodwaska, Arnold M. 
Oberski, Leonard      Wodwaska, Syl
Oberski, Loraine
Oberski, Lucy (Czeszewski)
Oborska, Susan (Woytalowicz)  Page 1

Ceseski, Edward J. & Genevieve (Obee)       Oberski, Vincent J.
Ceseski, Sharon      Oborski, Edmund 
Obee, Irma       Oborski, Frank 
Obee, Victor K.       Oborski, Frances (Palach)
Oberski, Alexander #1      Oborski, Lucy (Swartz) 
Oberski, Alexander #2
Oberski, Alex F. 
Oberski, Bernard D. & Rita A. (Priemer)
Oberski, Edmund R. 
Oberski, Gertrude 
Oberski, Marshall 
Oberski, Robert  Page 2

Guza, Edmund & Elizabeth (Swartz)      Schefka, Rose (Pyrek) 
Konkel, Louis G.      Yageman, June (Schefka) 
Konkel, Martin & Justina (Gruba)
O'Berski, Roman & Irene (Schefka)
Schefka, Caroline (Cook/Kucharczyk)
Schefka, Casimer M. & Frances M. (Pfaff)
Schefka, Francis "Frank"
Schefka, John & Alma (Rumptz)
Schefka, Joseph
Schefka, Keith 
Schefka, Laverne & Marion (Guitar)
Schefka, Margaret

Page 3

Brazar, Casper & Josephine (Gomoluch)      Pyrek, Angeline (Glaza)  
Brazar, Roman      Pyrek, John
Fisher, Edna C. (Glaza)      Pyrek, Joseph
Fisher, Clements A.      Pyrek, Mary (Bureiza)
Glaza, John J. & Gertrude (Pyrek)      Pyrek, Victoria (Palach) 
Goniwiecha, John & Catherine (Pyrek)       Schefka, Rose (Pyrek) 
Goniwiecha, Richard & Jeanette (Susalla)      Sobczak, Leonard F. & Beatrice E.
Parak, Martin
Parak, Peter & Rose C.
Parak, Theodore
Partaka, Eddie J.
Partaka, John & Isabella A. (Danielski)

Page 4

Danielski, Raymond & Selma      Romzek, Dale 
Gwizdalla, Frank & Theresa M.      Romzek, Joseph & Tekla (Woycik)
Gwizdalla, Laurence "Larry"       Shaina, Rosalia
Kloska, Frances      Smielewski, Edward "Cass" & Marie "Mamie" 
Kolodziejski, Katarzyny      Susalla, Josephine
Kozfkay, Joseph & Eleanor (Pawlowski)      Swiercz, Magdalena
Kucharczyk, Frank & Francis (Ciszewski)     Ulfig, Stephen "Steve" & Helen (Alent) 
Lamke, Lawrence & Theresa       Uller, Adam
Leppek, Martha       Wojtalewicz, Frank & Catherine
Obee, Mayle W.      Woycik, Joseph C.
Oborski, John J. & Johanna R.      Wrubel, Melvin & Ardis 
Pawloski, Walter & Helen     Wrubel, Eleanor 
Peplinski, Edmund & Leona       Zurek, Jozef
Pionk, Marie 
Pokora, Bernard & Dorothy 

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