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Hey guys and gals! Thanks for coming to my Wonka Mistakes. This movie was filmed in 1971 and it did not have much money to make the movie. So, as you may know there are alot of mistakes.

First of all, when Willy Wonka plays the musical lock, Mike Teevee's mom replys that that tune is by Rachmaninoff. Actully it is the Marriage of Figaro by Mozart.

In the Wonkavision room, when Mike Teevee says "lights, camera, action!", The Oompa loompa operating the camera put on his goggles, then a couple of seconds later it shows the same oompa loompa putting on his goggles again with a surprised look on his little face.

When the whole crew are in the boat, the Wonkatania, first the Oompa's are rowing counter clockwise, then in the tunnel they are rowing clockwise!

In the main chocolate room, after Wonka sings "If you want to view paradice", he stabs a green mushroom with his cane. If you look closly, you can see about 6 other piercings on that mushroom from other practice takes shots before the original take.

This one is a hard one, and it prooves how much I love Wonka and how much time I have on my hands. In the very beginning when it's showing all that chocolate and the credits are being showed there is a part where it shows chocolates similar to Hershey Kisses in rows and rows and rows. There is a lot of them. If you look closely (Very closely) There is a deformed kiss. It looks like the top caved in. You can see it if you wait for the credits to say "Lyrics and music by" and then it says Leslie Bricusse...If you look to the left just then you'll see it. It's 3 kisses over from the "L" in Leslie. Check it out.

When they are about to go through the Wonkawash, there is a decal thing on the back wheel. Then, after they go through the wash, it is gone!

In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, there are tons of hair mistakes. Like one time Wonka's hair is all messed up, then the next shot, it is combed neatly! There is about 5 in the movie.

In the begining at Bill's candy shop, when he is singing the song and he goes behind the counter notice the door is up. Then, when he sings the lyrics "seperate the sorrow and collect up all the cream" the door is down and when he opens it he about takes the head off the little blonde girl!

When Grampa Joe and Charlie steal fizzy lifting drinks, notice that throughout that scene, you can see wires to hold them up.

If you look when Wonka Charlie, and Joe first climb into the Wonkavator, you can spot numerous differrences from when it is in the sky. Like how at first the top is flat, then once it is in the air, it has a point and a ball on the top of the Wonkavator. And also you'll notice that the doors and sides are glass, but when it's in the air only a small portion is glass!

At the top of this picture on the left is the first shot when Wonka comes out for the first time. Notice that the shadow of the building is over the red carpet. the next scene shown at the top right shows tha t the shadow is not over the carpet. They must of filmed it at a different time of day.
At the bottom pictures you will see this mistake: Most films prepared in letterbox for home viewing actually permit you to see more of a film's original frame than a pan-and-scan version, but there are exceptions. In the non-letterboxed version of "Willy Wonka" you can see the hose which inflated Denise Nickerson's blueberry costume. The hose was not visible in the theatrical release due to the letterbox matte--the filmmakers may have been counting on that.