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Senior Reading 

over seventy five selections available in our school 

over three hundred selections total

J = Readers who recommended the book 


Poetry ] A ] B ] C ] D ] E F ] G ] H ] I J ] K ] L ] M ] NO ] P ] QR ] S ] T ] UV ] W ] XYZ ]

Seniors may choose any book on this page or any book from the junior page.  

Austen,  Jane.


Classic Novel

253 pgs, 1070L

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Austen,  Jane.

Pride and Prejudice.

Classic Novel

260 pgs, 1190L

JJ    $

In English Room.

Austen,  Jane.

Sense and Sensibility.

Classic Novel

315 pgs, 1180L

Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.

Brönte,  Charlotte. 

Jane Eyre.

A Classic Novel


Be the first to read it!

 In English Room in condensed form; complete form is in library in fiction

Brönte,  Emily.

Wuthering Heights.


Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room in condensed form.

complete form is in library in fiction

Buck, Pearl.  

The Good Earth.

a classic novel and a selection for the Oprah Book Club


Be the first to read it!$

full version in library in fiction

Camus, Albert.

The Stranger. 

A Classic

123 pgs, 880L


In English Room.

Casey, John 


National Book Award

Most Honored National Book Award

Be the first to read it!

in our library in fiction

Cather,  Willa.

My Antonia. 


Be the first to read it!

In School library in fiction

Cather,  Willa. 

O Pioneers!

161 pgs, 930L

Be the first to read it!$

In English Room

Conroy, Pat. 

Lords of Discipline.

560 pgs, 970L

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Cooper, James F.

 The Last of the Mohicans.

A Classic Novel


Be the first to read it!$

In school library in fiction

Crane,  Stephen.

  Red Badge of Courage.  

A Classic Novel 

204 pgs, 920L

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Dickens, Charles. 

David Copperfield.

Classic novel

800 pgs, 1070L

Be the first to read it!$

in library in fiction

Dickens, Charles. 

Great Expectations. 

380 pgs, 1230L

Classic novel

Be the first to read it!$

In English Room.

Dickens, Charles. 

Tale of Two Cities.

Classic novel

367 pgs,  1130L

J    $

In English Room.

Dickens, Charles. 

Oliver Twist.


Be the first to read it!

In our school library in fiction

Dineson,  Isak.

Out of Africa. 

A Classic Memoir

Be the first to read it!$

 In our library at 967.6

Douglas,  Frederick. 

My Bondage and My Freedom.

A Classic Autobiography


Be the first to read it!

 in our school library under biography

Du Maurier. 


A Classic Novel

380 pgs, 880L

J $

 In the English Room

Ellison,  Ralph

 Invisible Man.

National Book Award Winner

Be the first to read it!

In English Room

Eugenides, Jeffrey.  Middlesex

Pulitzer Prize,

Oprah Book Club

529 pgs

Be the first to read it!

in English Room

Faulkner,  William

As I Lay Dying 

244 pages.

A Classic Novel


In English Room. 

Gibbons, Kaye.

Ellen Foster

126 pgs

Be the first to read it!

in our library in fiction

Gibbons, Kaye.

A Virtuous Woman.

An Oprah Book Club Selection

165 pgs

Be the first to read it!

in our library in fiction

Graves Robert

I,  Claudius.  

432 pgs

Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.

Greene Graham

 Power and the Glory. 

221 pgs, 710L

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

The Chamber.

  676 pgs, 810L

Be the first to read it!

In English Room 

Hardy, Thomas.

Return of the Native. 

A Classic Novel


Be the first to read it!

In the English Room


Harr, Jonathan.

A Civil Action. 

492 pgs 

Be the first to read it!

in our library at 346.73

Hawking, Stephen.

 A Brief History of Time.

182 pgs, 1290L

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Hawthorne,  Nathaniel. 

The Scarlet Letter. 

Classic novel

244 pgs, 1400L 

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Hemingway,  Ernest. 

For Whom The Bell Tolls.

A Classic Novel

471 pgs, 840L

J    $

In English Room

Herbert,  Frank 


Nebula Award,  Hugo Award

488 pgs, 800L

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Homer & Richard Lattimore.

  The Odyssey

A Classic of Epic Poetry


Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.

Hugo, Victor. 

The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

An Abridged Classic Novel

497 pgs, 1340L

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Hugo, Victor. 

Les Miserables

An Abridged Classic Novel

333 pgs

Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.

Huxley Aldous

Brave New World.

A Classic Novel


Be the first to read it!

In our school library in fiction

Howarth, David and Stephen.

Nelson: The Immortal Memory.

371 pgs

Be the first to read it!

 in our school library under biography

Jones James

 From Here to Eternity. 

A Classic Novel; National Book Award

850 pgs

Be the first to read it!

In English Room

 Johnson, Charles

Middle Passage 

National Book Award

Most Honored National Book Award Finalist

207 pgs, 1150L

Be the first to read it!

In our school library in fiction


Joyce,  James.

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

A Classic Autobiography

252 pgs, 1120L

Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.

Kafka, Franz. 

The Metamorphosis.

A Classic in graphic form.

J    $

 In English Room.

Kennedy,  John.

  Profiles in Courage.

Pulitzer Prize. 

133 pgs

Be the first to read it!$

In our school library at 920K

Koestler,  Arthur.  

Darkness at Noon.

215 pgs

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Kostova, Elizabeth. 

The Historian.

    Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room. 

Larson, Erik

Devil in the White City.

National Book Award Finalist;  

On the New York Times Best-Seller List since February of 2003.  

432 pgs, 1170L

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

LeGuin, Ursula.

The Left Hand of Darkness.

Hugo and Nebula Awards.

172 pgs, 970L

Be the first to read it!$

In English Room

Lewis, C.S.

The Screwtape Letters.

172 pgs

Be the first to read it!$

In our library at 220.

Maraniss, David.

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize.

When Pride Still Mattered: 

A Live of Vince Lombari.

500 Pgs

Be the first to read it!

in our library under biography

Marquez,  Gabriel.

100 Years of Solitude.

Nobel Prize Winner

An Oprah Book Club Selection

417 pgs, 1410L

Be the first to read it!

In English Room

McCarthy, Cormac. 

The Road.

Pulitzer Prize; Oprah Book Club 

287 pgs

JJJJ                $

In English Room

Melville,  Herman.

Billy Budd. 

A Classic Novel

114 pgs, 1450L

Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.

Morris, Mary McGarry.

Songs in Ordinary Time.  

An Oprah Book Club Selection

Be the first to read it!

in our library in fiction

Oates, Joyce Carol. 

We Were the Mulvaneys.

An Oprah's Book Club Selection

454 pgs 

Be the first to read it!

In English Room

Paton,  Alan.  

Cry, The Beloved Country.

A Classic Novel and a selection for the Oprah Book Club

312 pgs, 860L

Be the first to read it!$

in our library in fiction

Rand, Ayn. 

Atlas Shrugged.

1069 pgs, 1070L

Be the first to read it!

In English Room

Reynolds, Alastair.

Redemption Ark. 

694 pg

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Reynolds, Alastair.

Revelation Space. 


Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.


Roberts, Kenneth.  

Northwest Passage 

636 pgs

Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.

Robbins, David.  

Last Citadel. 

518 pgs


 In English Room.

Rolvaag,  Oleg.

Giants in the Earth. 

452 pgs, 830L

Be the first to read it! $

 In English Room.

Shepard, Adam.

Scratch Beginnings: 

Me, $25, and the Search for the American Dream. 


Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.

Sinclair, Upton.

The Jungle. 

421 pages, 1170L

Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.


Smiley, Jane.

A Thousand Acres.

Pulitzer Prize.

398 pgs

Be the first to read it!

In the English Room.  

Steinbeck,  John.

East of  Eden.

A Classic Novel

600 pgs, 700L

Be the first to read it!

 In English Room.

Steinbeck,  John.  

The Grapes of Wrath..

A Classic Novel

454 pgs

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Stevenson,  Robert Louis.  

Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde.

A Classic Novel

114 pgs, 1110L

J    $

 In English Room.

Stevenson, Robert Louis.  


A Classic Novel

221 pgs, 990L

Be the first to read it!$

In English Room

Styron, William 

Confessions of Nat Turner  

Pulitzer Prize


Be the first to read it!

in our library in fiction

Uris, Leon.


A Classic Novel

Be the first to read it!

in our library in fiction

Volsky, Paula.


577 pgs

Be the first to read it!$

In English Room. 


Warren,  Robert Penn.  

All the King's Men.

Pulitzer Prize

661 pgs, 1130L

Be the first to read it!$

 In English Room.

Wolfe, Tom.

The Right Stuff.

367 pgs, 1110L


in our library 629.109

Wouk, Herman.

The Caine Mutiny.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

537 pgs, 910L

Be the first to read it!

In English Room

Wright,  Richard. 

Black Boy

A Classic Autobiography

383 pgs, 950L

Be the first to read it!

In English Room

Wright,  Richard. 

Native Son.  

A Classic Autobiography

392 pgs, 700L

Be the first to read it!

In English Room.


In addition, you may choose  any of these books below - if you can find them.

(these are book that are recognized classics or have been awarded 

The Nobel Prize,

The Pulitzer Prize,

The National Book Award (excluding the children's),

The National Book Critic's Circle Award,

Or any book that has been selected for the Oprah Book Club.)  


Austen, Jane.


A Classic Novel


Not yet available in our school


Austen Jane.

Mansfield Park.

A Classic Novel

Not yet available in our school


 Austen Jane.

Northanger Abbey.  

A Classic Novel

Not yet available in our school

Conrad,  Joseph

 Lord Jim.

A Classic Novel

307 pgs, 1110L

Not yet available in our school

Dexter, Pete 

Paris Trout

Be the first to read it!

National Book Award

Most Honored National Book Award Finalist

Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Dickens, Charles. 

Bleak House.  

Classic novel


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Dickens, Charles. 

Nicholas Nickleby.  

Classic novel


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Dickens, Charles. 

The Old Curiosity Shop. 

Classic novel


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Dickens, Charles. 

Hard Times. 

Classic novel


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Doctorow,  E.L. 

Billy Bathgate 

Most Honored National Book Award Finalist

Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Doctorow,  E.L. 

Loon Lake 

Most Honored National Book Award Finalist

Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

 E.L. Doctorow 

The March

Pulitzer Prize

Most Honored National Book Award Finalist

Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

  Dubus, Andre, III 

House of Sand and Fog 

Most Honored National Book Award Finalist


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Faulkner,  William

Sound and the Fury. 

A Classic Novel



Not yet available

Faulkner,  William

Light In August 

A Classic Novel

Not yet available in our school



Faulkner,  William

Absalom Absalom!  

A Classic Novel

Not yet available in our school


Faulkner,  William

The Unvanquished

A Classic Novel

Not yet available in our school

Haley, Alex. 



Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Hansen, Ron 


Most Honored National Book Award Finalist

Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Hardy, Thomas.

Far From the Madding Crowd. 

A Classic Novel.  


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Hazzard, Shirley 

The Great Fire 

National Book Award 2003, Most Honored National Book Award Finalist

Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Hemingway Ernest

 A Farewell to Arms. 

A Classic Novel

336 pgs, 730L

Not yet available in our school

James,  Henry

 The Turn of the Screw. 

A Classic Novella


Be the first to read it!$

Not yet available in our school

Jones, Edward P.

The Known World 

Pulitzer Prize 2004, Most Honored National Book Award Finalist

Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Kafka,  Franz


A Classic Novel



Not yet available in our school

Kantor,  MacKinlay 


Pulitzer Prize


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

McMurtry, Larry 

Lonesome Dove  

Pulitzer Prize

Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Mitchell, Margaret

 Gone With the Wind.

A Classic Novel

947 pgs, 1100L

Be the first to read it!

available in the public library

Morris, Wright

Plains Song. 

National Book Award

Most Honored National Book Award Finalist

Be the first to read it!

Proulx, E. Annie. 

Shipping News.

Pulitzer Prize

National Book Award  Most Honored


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Shaara, Michael 

Killer Angels  

Pulitzer Prize


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

 Solzhenitsyn, Ivan.

One Day in the Life.


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Styron, William 

Sophie's Choice 

National Book Award 

Most Honored National Book Award Finalist

Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school


Swift,  Jonathan.

 Gulliver’s Travels.

A Classic Novel

Be the first to read it!$

Not yet available in our school

Tyler, Anne

Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant 

Most Honored National Book Award Finalist


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Tyler, Anne

Breathing Lessons 

Pulitzer Prize

National Book Winner / Most Honored


Be the first to read it!

Not yet available in our school

Washington,  Booker T.

Up From Slavery.  

A Classic Autobiography


Be the first to read it!$

Not yet available in our school

Jin, Ha 


National Book Award Winner

Not yet available in our school



Agee, James Death in the Family, Pulitzer Prize

Algren, Nelson, The Man with the Golden Arm, National Book Award Winner

Allende, Isabel.  Daughter of Fortune, Oprah Book Club Selection

Angelou, Maya.  The Heart of a Woman, Oprah Book Club Selection

Anonymous.  Sir Gawain & the Green Knight.  A Classic.  Not yet available in our school

Ansay, A.  Manette.  Vinegar Hill, Oprah Book Club Selection

Asimov, Isaac.  Gods Themselves, The, Hugo and Nebula Awards

Baldwin , James Just Above My Head, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Barth, John, Chimera, National Book Award Winner

Begley, Louis Wartime Lies, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Bell , Madison Smartt All Souls' Rising, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Bellow, Saul, The Adventures of Augie March, National Book Award Winner

Bellow, Saul, Herzog, National Book Award Winner

Bellow, Saul Humboldt's Gift, Pulitzer Prize

Bellow, Saul, Mr.  Sammler's Planet, National Book Award Winner

Benedict,  Elizabeth Slow Dancing, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Berg, Elizabeth.  Open , Oprah Book Club Selection

Berriault, Gina, Women in Their Beds, National Book Critics Circle Award

Bloom, Amy Come to Me, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Bohjalian, Chris.  Midwives, Oprah Book Club Selection

Bowles, Paul: The Sheltering Sky.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Bowles, Paul: The Spider’s House.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Bradley, David Chaneysville Incident, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Brooks, Geraldine, March, Pulitzer Prize

BurgessAnthonyClockwork  Orange.This volume must be obtained  from the city library.1310L

Butler , Samuel: Erewhon.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Butler, Robert Olen Good Scent from a Strange Mountain, Pulitzer Prize

Card, Orson Scott Speaker For the Dead, Hugo and Nebula Awards

Chabon, Michael Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Pulitzer Prize

Cheever, John Wapshot , National Book Award Winner

Clark, Authur C.  Rendezvous with Rama, Hugo and Nebula Awards

Clarke, Arthur C.  Fountains of Paradise, Hugo and Nebula Awards

Clarke, Breena.  River, Cross My Heart, Oprah Book Club Selection

Cleage, Pearl.  What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day, Oprah Book Club Selection

Collins, Wilkie: Armadale.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Collins, Wilkie: No .  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Collins, Wilkie: The .  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Collins, Wilkie: The Woman in White.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Cosby, Bill.  The Best Way to Play, Oprah Book Club Selection

Cosby, Bill.  The Meanest Thing To Say, Oprah Book Club Selection

Cosby, Bill.  The Treasure Hunt, Oprah Book Club Selection

Cozzens, James Gould Guard of Honor, Pulitzer Prize

Crace, Jim, Being Dead, National Book Critics Circle Award

Cunningham, Michael The Hours, Pulitzer Prize

DeLillo, Don Libra, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

DeLillo, Don Underworld, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

DeLillo, Don White Noise, National Book Award Winner.  Not yet available in our school

Desai, Kiran, The Inheritance of Loss, National Book Critics Circle Award

Dixon , Stephen Frog, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Doctorow, E.L. World's Fair, National Book Award Winner

Dostoevski, Fedor:  The Idiot.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Dostoevski, Fedor: Brothers Karamazov.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Dostoevski, Fedor:  Crime and Punishment.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Dreiser, Theodore: Sister .  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Dreiser, Theodore:  An American Tragedy.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Drury, Allen Advise and Consent, Pulitzer Prize

Dunn, Katherine Geek Love, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Eco, Umberto: Focault’s Pendulum.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Eco, Umberto: The Name of the Rose.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Eliot, George: Adam Bede.  A Classic Novel.  Ask Mr. Greenlee

Eliot, George: Middlemarch.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Eliot, George: Mill on the Floss.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Eliot, George: Silas Marner.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Eliot, George:  Daniel Deronda.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Elkin, Stanley, George Mills, National Book Critics Circle Award

Elkin, Stanley, Mrs. Ted Bliss, National Book Critics Circle Award

Erdrich, Louise, Love Medicine, National Book Critics Circle Award

Faulkner, William Reivers, Pulitzer Prize

Fitzgerald, Penelope, The Blue Flower, National Book Critics Circle Award

Flanagan, Thomas Year of the French, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Flaubert, Gustave: A Sentimental Education.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Flaubert, Gustave: Madame .  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Ford, Richard Independence Day, Pulitzer Prize

Fowles, John: French Lieutenant's Woman.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Fowles, John:  Magus.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Franzen, Jonathan The Corrections, National Book Award Winner, Oprah Book Club Selection

Gaddis, William Frolic of His Own, National Book Award Winner

Gaddis, William, J R, National Book Award Winner

Gaines, Ernest J.  A Lesson Before Dying, National Book  Critics Circle Award, Oprah Book Club Selection

Gaitskill, Mary Veronica, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Gaskell, Elizabeth : Cranford .  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Gaskell, Elizabeth: Wives and Daughters.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Gibson, William Neuromancer, Hugo and Nebula Awards

Glass, Julia Three Junes, National Book Award Winner

Godwin, Gail Violet Clay, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Gogol, Nikolai: Dead Souls.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Grass, Gunter The Tin Drum  1220L.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Grau, Shirley Ann Keepers of the House, Pulitzer Prize

Guthrie, A.B. Jr.  Way West, Pulitzer Prize

Haldeman, Joe Forever Peace, Hugo and Nebula Awards

Hardy, Thomas:  Tess of the T’Ubervilles.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Hardy, Thomas:  The Mayor of Casterbridge.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Hardy, Thomas:  The Woodlanders.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Hardy, Thomas:  Under the Greenwood Tree.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Hardy, Thomas:  Jude the Obscure.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Hazzard, Shirley Transit of Venus, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Hegi, Ursula.  Stones from the River, Oprah Book Club Selection

Heinemann, Larry Paco's , National Book Award Winner

Hijuelos, Oscar Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love, Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Hoffman, Alice .  Here on Earth, Oprah Book Club Selection

Irving, John World According to Garp, National Book Award Winner Not yet available in our school

Kennedy, William Ironweed, Pulitzer Prize, National Book Critics Circle Award

Kosinski, Jerzy Steps, National Book Award Winner

Lahiri, Jhumpa Interpreter of Maladies, Pulitzer Prize

Lamb, Wally.  I Know This Much Is True, Oprah Book Club Selection

Lamb, Wally.  She's Come Undone, Oprah Book Club Selection

Le Guin, Ursula K.  Always Coming Home, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Le Guin, Ursula K.  Dispossessed, Hugo and Nebula Awards

Lethem, Jonathan, Motherless Brooklyn, National Book Critics Circle Award

Letts, Billie.  Where the Heart Is, Oprah Book Club Selection

Lott, Bret.  Jewel, Oprah Book Club Selection

Lurie, Alison Foreign Affairs, Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

MacDonald, Ann-Marie.  Fall on Your Knees, Oprah Book Club Selection

MacDonald, George: Lilith.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Mailer, Norman Executioner's Song, Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Malamud, Bernard Fixer, Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award Winner

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Love in the Time of Cholera 1440L.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels.  The Communist Manifesto.  1360L.  A Classic.  Not yet available in our school

Maxwell, William  So Long, See You Tomorrow, National Book Award Winner

McDermott, Alice Charming Billy, National Book Award Winner

McDermott, Alice That Night, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

McEwan, Ian, Atonement, National Book Critics Circle Award

McIntyre, Vonda Dreamsnake, Hugo and Nebula Awards

McMillan, Terry How Stella Got Her Groove Back  1270L.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

McPherson, James Alan Elbow Room, Pulitzer Prize

Michener, James A.  Tales of the South Pacific, Pulitzer Prize

Miller, Sue.  While I Was Gone, Oprah Book Club Selection

Millhauser, Steven Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer, Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Mistry, Rohinton.  A Fine Balance, Oprah Book Club Selection

Mitchard, Jacquelyn.  The Deep End of the Ocean, Oprah Book Club Selection

Momaday, N.  Scott House Made of Dawn, Pulitzer Prize

Morgan, Robert.  Gap Creek, Oprah Book Club Selection

Morris, Mary McGarry Vanished, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Morris, Wright Field of Vision, National Book Award Winner

Morrison Toni.   Song of Solomon.This volume must be obtained from the city library. 

Morrison Toni.    Beloved.This volume must be obtained from the city library.

Morrison Toni.   The Bluest Eye, This volume must be obtained from the city library.

Munro, Alice, The Love of a Good Woman, National Book Critics Circle Award

Nissenson, Hugh Tree of Life, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Niven, Larry Ringworld, Hugo and Nebula Awards

Oates, Joyce Carol Blonde, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Oates, Joyce Carol them, National Book Award Winner

O'Brien, Tim Going After Cacciato, National Book Award Winner

O'Connor, Edwin Edge of Sadness, Pulitzer Prize

O'Dell, Tawni.  Back , Oprah Book Club Selection

O'Hara, John Ten North Frederick, National Book Award Winner

Oufkir, Malika.  Stolen Lives: Twenty Years in a Desert Jail, Oprah Book Club Selection

Ozick, Cynthia Puttermesser , National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Percy, Walker Moviegoer, National Book Award Winner

Percy, Walker Second Coming, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Poitier, Sidney .  The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography, Oprah Book Club Selection

Powers, J.  F.  Morte , National Book Award Winner

Powers, J.F.  Wheat That Springeth Green, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Powers, Richard Echo Maker, National Book Award Winner

Price, Reynolds, Kate Vaiden, National Book Critics Circle Award

Proulx, E.  Annie Shipping News, Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award Winner

Rhys, Jean: Wide Sargasso Sea .  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Richter,  Conrad Town , Pulitzer Prize

Richter, Conrad Waters of Kronos, National Book Award Winner

Robinson, Marilynne Gilead, Pulitzer Prize National Book Critics Circle Award

Robinson, Marilynne Housekeeping, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Roth, Philip American Pastoral, Pulitzer Prize

Roth, Philip Anatomy Lesson, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Roth, Philip Counterlife, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist, National Book Critics Circle Award

Roth, Philip Ghost Writer, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Roth, Philip Goodbye, Columbus, National Book Award Winner

Roth, Philip, Sabbath's Theater, National Book Award Winner

Rush, Norman Mating, National Book Award Winner

Rushdie, Salman: Midnight's Children.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Rushdie, Salman: Satanic .  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Russo,  Richard Empire Falls , Pulitzer Prize

Schlink, Bernhard.  The , Oprah Book Club Selection

Sebald, W.G. Austerlitz, National Book Critics Circle Award

Settle, Mary Lee Blood Ties, National Book Award Winner

Shields, Carol, The Stone Diaries, Pulitzer Prize, National Book Critics Circle Award

Sontag, Susan In , National Book Award Winner

Spencer, Scott Endless Love, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Stegner, Wallace Spectator Bird, National Book Award Winner

Stone, Robert Dog Soldiers, National Book Award Winner

Stone, Robert Flag for Sunrise , National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Stone, Robert Outerbridge Reach, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Tademy, Lalita.  Cane River, Oprah Book Club Selection

Tarkington, Booth: The Magnificent Ambersons.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Taylor , Peter Summons to Memphis , Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Taylor, Robert Lewis Travels of Jaimie McPheeters, Pulitzer Prize

Thackeray, William M: Barry Lyndon.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Thackeray, William M: The History of Henry Esmond.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Thackeray, William M: The .  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Thackeray, William M: Vanity Fair. 

Theroux, Paul Mosquito , National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Tolstoy, Leo:. Anna Karenina, A Classic Novel.  Oprah Book Club Selection Not yet available in our school

Tolstoy, Leo: Resurrection.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Tolstoy, Leo: The .  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Tolstoy, Leo: War and Peace, A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Toole, John Kennedy Confederacy of Dunces, Pulitzer Prize

Trollope, Anthony: Barchester Towers .  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Trollope, Anthony: Ayala's Angel. 

Trollope, Anthony: Framley Parsonage,

Trollope, Anthony: John Caldigate.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Trollope, Anthony: The Last Chronicle of Barset.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Trollope, Anthony:    Marion Fay. 

Trollope, Anthony:    Phineas Finn. 

Trollope, Anthony:    The Prime Minister.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Trollope, Anthony:  The Warden.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Trollope, Anthony:  The Way We Live Now.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Tuck, Lily News from Paraguay, National Book Award Winner

Turgenev, Ivan: Fathers and Children.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Tyler, Anne Morgan's , National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Tyler, Anne, The Accidental Tourist, National Book Critics Circle Award

Updike, John Centaur, National Book Award Winner

Updike, John Rabbit At Rest, Pulitzer Prize, National Book Critics Circle Award

Updike, John Rabbit Is Rich, National Book Award Winner

Updike, John Too Far to Go, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Vollmann, William, Europe Central, National Book Award Winner

Voltaire.  Candide.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Walter, Jess Zero, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Waugh, Evelyn: Brideshead Revisited.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Welty, Eudora Optimist's Daughter, Pulitzer Prize

Wharton, William Dad, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Wharton, Edith: Age of Innocence.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Wiggins, Marianne Evidence of Things Unseen, National Book Award Most Honored Finalist

Wilder, Thornton Eighth Day, National Book Award Winner

Williams, John Edward Augustus, National Book Award Winner

Williams, Thomas Hair of Harold Roux, National Book Award Winner

Willis, Connie Doomsday Book, Hugo and Nebula Awards

Zola, Emile: L’Assommoir.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school

Zola, Emile: Therese Raquin.  A Classic Novel.  Not yet available in our school





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