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Shining Force 2 - Walkthrough and Guide

This guide will help you on your quest throughout Shining Force 2. I will update it frequently, but be warned: this page will take EXTREMELY long to build.

Battles are in red, between battle info is in white.

Grans Island

You wake up in your bed. Walk downstairs and after your mom is done talking, go east until you reach the school. Talk to Sarah and go downstairs. Talk to Sir Astral. Head upstairs. Sit in the seat next to Chester(the guy who looks like a horse; those are called centuars). Astral will come up, and soon a soldier will enter and bring Sir Astral to the castle. Sarah gets an idea and asks you a question. Answer 'yes' and Sarah and Chester will join your Force. Now, walk outside and go north until you reach the castle. Two guards will stop you, but Sarah smart-talks the gaurds into letting you in. Once you enter, go up until you find some stairs to your left. Go up those stairs, and in the room you enter, there are some stairs in the upper-right-hand corner. Go up these. Next, there will be a long talking sequence. After that is done, Sir Astral will leave the room. Go back downstairs and go left. Talk to Astral and answer 'yes' to his question. Follow him and continue up the stairs until you reach a guard. Talk to him and go through the passage you are in. Follow the path to the tower and enter. Welcome to your first battle.

Battle #1:(Note: At the beginning of the game, you can name your lead character what you want. From now on, I will be calling him his default name: Bowie.) This battle has 6 Gizmos, each with 5 HP(Hit Points). Since the enemy's movements are random, I cannot tell you exactly what will happen, but I can give battle strategies. In this battle, keep all your characters together; in other words, make sure all your characters are no more than 1 space away from another. Proceed slowly; if only one Gizmo attacks, have all your characters surround it and attack. If more than one Gizmo attack, move Chester and Sarah in, and only move Bowie in for the kill. Now since Sarah can heal, here is who she should heal if everyone is hurt(from now on, this will be known as the Healing Order[Otherwise known as the characters who should be guarded, from most important to least]): First Heal Bowie, then Sarah, then Chester.

After the battle, follow Sir Astral back into the room where the King was sick, and go up one more floor from there. You'll see a talking/fighting sequence, than the screen will darken. Next, the King and Minister will talk to you, and the King will ask you to fetch Hawel, a historian who lives past Yeel, northwest of Granseal, the city you are in(also your hometown). Answer 'yes' and exit the castle. Go to the most southwest of the town and a person named Jaha will join you. Now, go to the shop to the north of where you are standing. Buy a Short Sword for Bowie, equip it, and buy a Short Spear for Chester and equip it. Buy a few Medical Herbs too, but watch your money-- you'll lose half of it every time you lose a battle. Now go west, out of the town, but if anyone gets 'exhausted'(dead) in battle, go to the church first and have the priest raise them from the dead. When you leave, you will enter Battle #2...

Battle #2: You will encounter 2 Huge Rats and 4 Oozes. Now this battle is a little harder. Move Jaha to the left of Chester; the Huge Rat will attack him(there is a 75% chance of this). Have everyone else attack except for Sarah. Keep her back to Heal people when they get hurt. Healing Order: Bowie, Jaha, Sarah, Chester. Move up slowly and kill all the Oozes not next to any Huge Rats, then ONE space at a time move toward the Huge Rat and Ooze and once you get there, attack with Jaha, Chester, and Bowie when the Rat is almost dead, preferably when he has 3 HP left. Great! Now you've won Battle #2!

Now go northwest until you reach a small town between two mountains. Enter the town. It is called Yeel. There is no weapons shop here, so just heal your people at the church and head to the top of the town. A man in brown is standing next to a woman. Talk to the man. His name is Kazin and he will show you to Hawel's house. Walk north into Battle #3.

Battle #3: This has 2 Huge Rats, 3 Oozes, and 1 Huge Bat. Watch out for the Huge Bat, he might put your characters to sleep! Start out by going North to attack, and let the Huge Bat come to you. Once he does, have everyone pound on it! After that, the battle is pretty easy. Just keep going until all the baddies are dead. Healing Order: Bowie, Jaha, Sarah, Chester. On to Hawel's house...

When you enter Hawel's house, two soldiers run away and Kazin walks up to his master, and in a few seconds, he dies. With some sad music, Kazin the MAGE then joins you Force. Kazin is an EXTREME help, because he learns very powerful spells over time. He has low defense, and don't even think about him attacking unless he ran out to MP. Once you leave the house, another battle starts...

Battle #4: This battle has 3 Huge Bats, 2 Galam Archers, and 3 Galam Soldiers. Watch out for the archers: they pack a hefty punch. Protect Kazin, and never have him stand next to an enemy when he is using an attack, always 2 spaces away. Healing Order: Bowie, Kazin, Jaha, Sarah, Chester. Whether you win or lose the battle, Lemon will take you to Galam Jail.

After a long talking sequence, Slade the rat will show you an exit from the jail. Next to that is where you find the Chirrup Sandals. When you go in the exit, face directly up and search to find a Mithril(See my Mithril page). Now follow the tunnel until you exit. Then go through the kitchen upstairs and then go left(note the Church on your right side) and when you go in the next room, a battle will start.

Battle #5: This has 2 Galam Archers, 3 Galam Soldiers, 1 Galam Knight, and 2 Galam Mages. The Galam Knight is the boss, and if you defeat him, you win the battle even if there are other monsters. In this battle, move forward quickly until you have defeated the enemies on the west side of the wall. Then heal your group and keep going. Healing Order: Bowie, Kazin, Sarah, Jaha, Chester. If you lose, you will go to the Church inside the castle, not the one you last saved at. You'll also go here if you cast Egress.

You will recieve the Jewel of Light and it will fuse to the leader's neck. Slade then joins your Force. Go to the weapons store and buy a Short Rod for Sarah, and use the one you got from the Galam Mage for Kazin. If you didn't get one from the Galam Mage, just buy another one. Also buy the latest Lance for Chester. Leave the town and prepare fot the sixth battle...

Battle #6: There are 3 Galam Soldiers, 1 Galam Archer, 2 Galam Mages, 2 Galam Knights, and 1 Dark Cleric. There is no boss in this battle. Approach the knights slowly; when one attacks, have everyone jump on it and kill it. Then move your party east to kill the Galam Soldier and Galam Archer, then move South to finish off the battle. Healing Order: Bowie, Slade(I hope you raise Slade well, he becomes a great fighter), Sarah, Kazin, Jaha, Chester. After the battle, go into Granseal.

Welcome home! Soldiers everywhere lie dead, and the weapons shop hasn't gotten any new weapons. Go to a small house with a small character facing up and talk to it. Name it what you want, and Kiwi(the characters default name) will join your Force! He is pretty weak and is hard to raise, and usually use him to draw enemies closer. Now go into the castle and head for the Ancient Tower. The King and Minister will follow you. Go down the stairs you find in the tower and continue until you reach a room with King Galam in it. A battle will start.

Battle #7: This battle has 3 Galam Archers, 1 Galam Mage, 3 Galam Knights, 1 Dark Cleric, and 2 Dark Smokes. Watch out for the Dark Smokes; they killed my Level 7 Slade in one hit! The enemies in this battle are stupid; they attack the first chance they get. Kill them right away! Healing Order: Bowie, Slade, Sarah, Kazin, Chester, Jaha. After this, an earthquake will start.

Now leave the castle and two soldiers will fall in a pit. There is a hole next to the school where a Mithril is(see my Mithril page). Go through the school to the harbor. Get on the boat, and say good-bye to Grans Island for now...

Part 2 - South Parmecia

Remember, this will take awhile... Come back soon!