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20. Lessening One’s Karmic Retribution

"Lessening one's karmic retribution" is one of the benefits gained through one's faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra It means that one will experience the effects of bad karma from the past to a lesser degree than would normally be true. In "Letter from Sado", Nichiren Daishonin clearly talks about this principle, citing a passage from the Hatsunaion Sutra (Sutra of the Great Nirvana) which reads, “It is due to the blessings obtained by protecting the Law that one can diminish in this lifetime his suffering and retribution.” He states that in the past he despised the votaries of the Lotus Sutra and ridiculed the sutra itself. As a result, he was doomed to undergo terrible sufferings which would torment him over many lifetimes, one type of sufferings manifesting itself in each existence. However, because he now denounces the enemies of the Lotus Sutra so severely, he lessens in a shorter period of time his negative karmic retribution and causes all sufferings to descend upon him at once. He goes on to explain it by using a metaphor of the repayment of a debt.

In keeping with this example, the principle of “lessening one’s karmic retribution” will be illustrated as follows: Good karma which yields happiness is compared to revenue, and evil karma which causes suffering, to expenditure. Good karma is likened to a deposit, and evil karma, to a debt. Of all types of evil karma, the slander of the True Law is the highest expenditure, and this offense is like a great debt. Therefore, to repay one’s depth means to undergo sufferings which are equal to the sum of the debt. One can expiate one’s heavy karmic retribution by experiencing that much suffering. However, the offense of slandering the True Law is too grave to be completely eradicated during a lifetime. Moreover, to slander Mystic Law means commiting all kinds of evil acts, because Mystic Law is none other than the Law, or the essence of the universe. Consequently, as the “Letter from Sado” states, over an unimaginably long period of time one must undergo each of the sufferings resulting from slanderous acts against the Mystic Law, harassing one in lifetime. It is like repaying a pile of debts in long-term installments.

On the other hand, the practice of the Mystic Law provides the way for all people to make and accumulate great good karma and fortune. Only by embracing and propagating this Mystic Law can one repay the debts of one’s bad karma, even that of slandering the True Law. In other words, when one undergoes sufferings and hardships because of one’s practice of the Mystic Law, one can minimize and even eradicate the vast accumulation of negative effects of the causes which one created ot only in this lifetime but throughout the infinite past. Just as one can alleviate the suffering of one’s repayment through the great increase of one’s income (fortune), one can experience the effects of bad karma to a lesser degree.

Translated into Serbian by Mića Mijatović 15. 12. 2001. in Belgrade
Source: Fundamentals of Buddhism, by NSIC editional department (SGI Tokyo's publishing department)

20. Umanjivanje karmičkih retribucija

"Umanjivanje karmičkih retribucija" je jedna od dobrobiti stečena kroz veru i praktikovanje Lotos sutre. To znači da će iskustvo efekata loše karme iz prošlosti biti umanjenog stepena nego što bi to normalno bilo. U "Pismu sa Sadoa", Ničiren Dajšonin jasno govori o ovom principu, navodeći odeljak iz Hatsunaion sutre (Sutra Velike Nirvane) gde se kaže: "Usled blagoslova je stečenih štićenjem Zakona da se može u ovom životu umanjiti vlastita patnja i retribucija". On tvrdi da je u prošlosti prezirao poklonike Lotos sutre i ismevao samu Sutru. Ovo je rezultiralo time da beše osuđen da podnosi strašne patnje koje bi ga mučile tokom mnogih života, i to tako da se u svakom životu manifestuje po jedna vrsta patnje. Međutim, pošto on sada javno optužuje neprijatelje Lotos sutre tako teško, on umanjuje na kraći period retribucije svoje negativne karme i čini da se sve njegove patnje umanje odjednom. On objašnjava to koristeći metaforu otplate dugova.

Zadržavajući se na ovom primeru, princip “umanjivanja karmičkih retribucija” biće ilustrovan ovako: dobra karma koja donosi sreću poredi se sa prihodima, a loša se karma, koja uzrokuje patnju, poredi sa rashodima. Dobra karma je slična depozitu, a loša dugu. Od svih vrsta loše karme, klevetanje Istinskog Zakona je najveći rashod i ova povreda je ka jedan veliki dug. Prema tome, isplatiti dugove znači podneti patnju jednaku zbiru dugova. Neko može ispaštati tešku karmičku retribuciju doživljavanjem takve i tolike patnje. Međutim, vređanje klevetanjem Istinskog Zakona je previše teško da bi se potpuno iskorenilo tokom života. Štaviše, klevetati Mistični Zakon znači počiniti sve vrste loših dela, pošto je Mistični Zakon ništa drugo do Zakon, ili suština Lotos sutre, savršeno obdaren svim zakonima univerzuma. Sledstveno tome, kao što “Pismo sa Sadoa” tvrdi, tokom nezamislivo dugog vremenskog perioda moraće se podneti svaka od patnji proistekla iz klevetničkih dela protiv Mističnog Zakona, podnosivši svaku od njih u po jednom od života zaredom. Ovo je slično isplati gomile dugova u dugoročnim ratama.

S druge strane, praktikovanje Mističnog Zakona obezbeđuje način svim ljudima da stvore i prikupe velike količine dobre karme i sreće. Jedino prihvatanjem i propagiranjem ovog Mističnog Zakona mogu se otplatiti dugovi loše karme, čak i one koja se tiče klevetanja Istinskog Zakona. Drugim rečima, kada se podnose patnje i teškoće usled praktikovanja Mističnog Zakona, mogu se svesti na najmanju meru ili čak iskoreniti vaskolike nagomilane negativne posledice i uzroci stvorene ne samo u ovom životu, već tokom beskrajne prošlosti. Baš kao što se može ublažiti patnja otplaćivanja putem velikog povećanja prihoda (sreća), mogu se iskusiti i posledice loše karme u jednom umanjenom stepenu.

Preveo Mića Mijatović 15. 12. 2001. u Beogradu
Source: Fundamentals of Buddhism, by NSIC editional department (SGI Tokyo's publishing department)

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