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The Lotus Sutra

Chapter 14

Peaceful Practices

The bodhisattva should at all times delight
in preaching the Law in a tranquil manner.
On pure and clean ground
he should spread his sitting mat,
anoint his body with oil,
wash away dust and impurities,
put on a new clean robe
and make himself both inwardly the outwardly pure.
Seating himself comfortably in the Dharma seat,
he should preach the Law in accordance with questions.
If there are monks
or nuns,
men lay believers,
women lay believers,
rulers and princes,
officials, gentlemen and common people,
with a mild expression he should preach for them
the subtle and wonderful doctrines.
If there are difficult questions
he should answer them in accordance with the doctrines,
employing causes and conditions, similes and parables
to expound and make distinctions,
and through these expedient means
cause all listeners to aspire to enlightenment,
to increase their benefits little by little
and enter the Buddha way.
He should put aside all ideas of laziness,
all thought of negligence or ease,
remove himself from cares and worries
and with a compassionate mind preach the Law.
Day and night constantly he should expound
the teachings of the unsurpassed way,
employing causes and conditions,
immeasurable similes and parables
to instruct living beings
and cause them all to be joyful.
Clothing and bedding,
food, drink, medicine –
with regard to such things
he should have no expectations
but with a single mind concentrate
upon the reasons for preaching the Law,
desiring to complete the Buddha way
and to cause those in the assembly to do likewise.
That will bring great gain to them,
an offering of peace.
After I have passed into extinction
if there are monks
who are able to expound
this Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law
their minds will be free of the jealousy and anger,
of all worry and hindrance.
No one will trouble them,
curse or revile them.
They will know no fear,
no attacks by sword or staff,
nor will they ever be banished,
because they abide in patience.
Wise persons will be good
at cultivating their minds like this
and be able to abide in peace
as I have described above.
The blessings of such persons
are beyond calculation, simile or parable;
thousands, ten thousands, millions of kalpas
would not suffice to describe them.

 "Also, Manjushri, that the bodhisattva or mahasattva in the latter age hereafter, when the Law is about to perish, should accept and embrace, read and recite this sutra, he must not harbor a mind marked by jealousy, fawning or deceit.

Translated in Serbian by Mića Mijatović, 13. 05. 2000. in Belgrade
Source: The Lotus Sutra, translated by Burton Watson

Lotos sutra

Poglavlje 14

Miroljubive prakse

Bodisatva uvek treba da uživa
u propovedanju Zakona na miran način.
Na čistom tlu
treba da raširi svoju prostirku za sedenje,
da namaže svoje telo uljem,
da spere prašinu i nečistoću,
da obuče novu čistu odeću
i da učini sebe čistim i iznutra i spolja.
Namestivši se ugodno u Darma sedištu,
treba da propoveda Zakon u skladu sa pitanjima.
Ako ima kaluđera
ili kaluđerica,
muškaraca laičkih vernika,
žena laičkih vernika,
vladara i prinčeva,
zvaničnika, gospode i običnih ljudi,
blagim načinom izražavanja treba da im propoveda
tanane i čudesne doktrine.
Ako ima teških pitanja
treba da odgovara na njih u skladu sa doktrinama,
koristeći uzroke i stanja, poređenja i parabole,
u izlaganju i razlikovanju,
i da pomoću ovih veštih sredstava
učini da svi slušaoci streme prosvetljenju,
da uvećavaju svoje dobrobiti malo po malo
i da stupe na Budin put.
Treba da ostavi po strani sve ideje o lenjosti,
sve misli o aljkavosti i lagodnosti,
da se udalji od brigâ i mukâ
i da u duhu saosećanja propoveda Zakon.
Danju i noću neprekidno treba da izlaže
učenja neprevaziđenog puta,
koristeći uzroke i stanja,
bezbrojna poređenja i parabole
da bi podučio živa bića
i učinio da sva budu radosna.
Oblačenje i spavanje,
hrana, piće, lekovi -
u odnosu na takve stvari
ne treba da ima očekivanja
već da se jednousmerenog uma skoncentriše
na razloge za propovedanje Zakona,
želeći da dovrši Budin put
i da učini da okupljeni čine isto tako.
To će im doneti veliku dobit,
ponudu smiraja.
Pošto budem otišao u utrnuće
Ako bude bilo kaluđera
koji su sposobni da izlažu
ovu Lotos sutru Čudesnog Zakona
njihov um će biti oslobođen ljubomore i ljutnje,
i svih briga i prepreka.
Niko im neće stvarati teškoće
niti kleti ih ili grditi.
Neće znati za strah,
za napade mačem ili toljagom,
niti će ikada biti proterani,
stoga jer prebivaju u strpljivosti.
Mudri će biti dobri
u kultivisanju svog uma na taj način
i biće sposobni da borave u miru
kao što sam gore opisao.
Blagoslovi takvih
izvan su svakog proračuna, poređenja ili parabole;
hiljade, desetine hiljada, milioni kalpa
ne bi bilo dovoljno da se ovi opišu.

Takođe, Manđušri, da bi bodisatva ili mahasatva u potonjem dobu, ubuduće, kada je Zakon na putu da iščezne, prihvatio i prigrlio, čitao i recitovao ovu sutru, ne sme da gaji duh obeležen ljubomorom, ulagivanjem ili prevarom.

Preveo Mića Mijatović, 13. 05. 2000. u Beogradu
Izvor: The Lotus Sutra, translated by Burton Watson

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03-07-27 00:12:07