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Hot Tub Information Central Article: Radios, televisions and Electronics Add-ons for Spas and Hot Tubs.

Radios, Televisions and Doo-Dads (oh my)


Radios, Televisions and other electronic do-dads for spas & hot tubs.

Boy, am I going to say something unpopular with a good number of my fellow spa builders.

Buying a radio, television or other high-tech / electronic gadget with your spa, is just plain dumb!

Let me tell you why: The average markup on consumer electronics when purchased at a big box store like BestBuy or online from a company like is about 10 to 15% and lower if you shop well.

Most spa / hot tub manufacturers of any size pay regular wholesale prices for their consumer electronics, then mark them up as they do every other component in their spa, which is 30 to 100%! Which means in many cases your dealer is paying two times or more what you would if you went online and bought the same component.

Then they mark it up another 100% or so and you end up paying 4 or 6 or 10 times what regular retail is.

And worst of all many manufacturers of spas and hot tubs go shopping for the least expensive components, just to keep the price "reasonable", but who ends up with a poor quality product? You the consumer.

To top that off with the many restrictions on the add on components that are prevalent in  warranties of some spa and hot tub companies, and you end up with an expensive product that does not work shortly after you receive your new spa and will not work shortly after YOU PAY to get it fixed.


The only argument I have heard is that like a car, you now would not want to buy a spa without a radio.. to those people I say HOOEY! If the average spa company of size produces 10,000 tubs annually, and GM produces something like 6 Million cars per year, it is not too hard to figure out where the best bang for the buck lies.. in the car!

So I say to you, the newly educated consumer, do your shopping well! And do not buying into the gadget craze that is sweeping the spa industry.

If you have decided that you want to have music out by the tub here are a few suggestions that I think , make sense (before you spend $1000, $2000, $3000 or MORE for a system installed in the tub). 

The good news is that if you have already spent your money on one of these systems, many of the items below can be used to enhance your existing In-Spa system, to even further your enjoyment!.

Or do a little search of for yourself.



 Interesting footnote: I could only find one source for outdoor televisions on line, it was at 

(I know nothing about this company , other than they have a positive rating as an eBayer and that they have all the right banners on their site BBB Paypal, etc.)

The good news here is that if you do a search for "outdoor Television on eBay they maintain a store there, where you can pick up bargains on out door televisions and several other of their products.

So if your looking for an out door television click the banner below and search for "outdoor television"

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