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Fuzzy Pumpkin's tailgating adventures

I graduated from Michigan State University in 1994 and I love to get back to good ol' East Lansing whenever I get a chance. I made a lot of friends and of these friends a large group of us get together as often as possible and celebrate MSU football by tailgating like there's no tomorrow. We are known thoughout the world as the Fuzzy Pumpkins. In case you didn't know, the picture to the left is Beaumont Tower, located in the heart of the MSU campus.

The old style sign at the MSU entrances.

The Fuzzy Pumpkin Photo Gallery.

In case you want to see some pictures of the group   Click here.

Just some ducks on the red cedar river on campus

More tailgating pictures.   Click here.

Here's another picture of the Red Cedar.
Meet Sparty, our mascot

Tailgating 2001 is just about to start up. This about sums it all up. Its played at MSU this year and you know what that means......a year of u of m fans bitching about calls because they lost.

Tailgating 2000 - Game #1 Click Here

Another page of game #1 for year 2000 Click Here

Here is a link to an official MSU page. Click here
To check out MSU Atheletic information such as Scheduals, traditions, ticket info, etc. Click here

The Lansing State Journal has a great MSU sports section.   Check it out

Just in case you forgot.

You have to check this out MSU Fans.   To download, Click here