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The Bay City Hash House Harriers

If you're like others, you might be asking; Who the hell are the Bay City Hash House Harriers? For a short description, we are "A drinking club with a running problem". Sounds fun, right?

Bay City Hash House HarriersWell it is. Usually, two people volunteer to "hare" the run. They do this at least a week ahead of time. They pick the location and the ending point. The group will show up at the starting location and have no idea where the finish is at. The "Hares" leave about 15 minutes before the "hounds" (the rest of the group)and mark a trail with flour, chaulk, doughnuts, etc. and try to confuse the group with bad trails and misleading marks. The hounds then try to catch the hares. These runs are usually anywhere between 2 and 5 miles. Often the hares put a beer check on there trail. This means the hounds stop for a beer, either at a bar or at a location with beer in a cooler. This also slows the group down. Oh, did I mention, this isn't a race. Racing is frowned on.

When everyone reaches the end, we participate in a tradition called down-downs. Basically, we do a lot of drinking and celebrate new runners, people who have run 10, 20, 30, etc. runs, and other neat shit. Oh yea, you also recieve a name by the group that stays with you for life. That's where the name Greatful Head comes from.

ON-ON I wish we could take credit for inventing this awesome form of entertainment, but we can't. It actually started in 1938 by a group of English soldiers stationed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Since then it has grown huge. There are somewhere in the vacinity of 2500 groups worldwide and over 1000 in the USA alone. For more information on the Hash, Flying Booger has the best site I have ever seen. You can get locations of the closest hash to where you live, or anything else that you might want to know about the world of hashing.

You'll be the Harrierettes best friend if you can do this.   Give it a Flick!

Flying Booger's web page click here
The Bay City Hash House Harriers Web Page click here

Bay City Hash house Harriers
Click the symbol above to see pictures of our 100th hash.

Here are some pictures of the BCHHH   Give it a push.  

Hasher Roller B#tch shows us one of his talents.

Who's Who In The Bay City Hash House Harriers  Click here--A work in progress.  

Check out how BIG we are.   Get your head out of the gutter, I mean how big the group is.   This is a list of most of the runners who hashed with us this past year.   Not all are hard core hashers, some came once and haven't been back, but the point is, they tried it. click here

cool animation

Here are some pictures of our 69th hash celebration  click here

Some of the Bay City Proud hash with the Ann Arbor/Motown group click here

Here are some pix from the 1999 Christmas Carroling Hash   click here

Hot Tub Hash
A little hot tubbin' after the 74th hash.

"A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her"
-W.C. Fields

"24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?"
-Stephen Wright

fast and Furryous

HEAD, Who said head?   I'll take some of that.