What Did You Just Say?


David L. Mulherin

I can't believe I just heard you say that! What would ever compel you to speak like that? Many parents or loved ones ask good questions like this when you say something that is inappropriate. What about the first time you swore in front of your parents? Do you remember their reaction and how it affected you for sometime? Let's look at what we say and how it affects people.

Luke 6:45c says "For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks." When reading this verse, I believe this means the things we allow as influences in our life are stored in our hearts. The things we store in our hearts flow from our mouths. Have you ever thought about the words you use on a daily basis? I have and I did not like what I was hearing.

I remember when I used to curse and how I would use just the right curse word at just the right time. I remember how I learned the art of doing this; You have to be correct when you use one of these words. This way you get the right response from those around you. It's part of that peer pressure movement. You don't want to look bad in front of your friends (or at least that's what you tend to think.)

I was eighteen. I remember one day at work, I missed what I was aiming at with the hammer. I hit my left hand. Right away a word flowed from my mouth that was not too pretty. After a few minutes of pain I started to go back to work. That's when I heard a voice coming from the other side of the shop. It was my dad. He had a few words of wisdom for me to think about. He said, "Did that make it feel better?" Oh did I get mad. But I knew better than to say anything back. He was right. That particular word did not take away the pain. Now that I see the light of God, I know the words simply made me look stupid.

My dad never cursed in front of myself or my brothers and sisters. To my knowledge he did not curse in the business that he owned. I remember him as a soft- spoken man but yet very strong. He was only 5'7" tall and weighed about 130 lbs. But dad had a way about him that made others know that he was not to be messed with. One day I was at work. I think I was about thirteen years old when I remember a tall man coming into the shop. The man had to be six and a half feet tall. I mean this guy was giant. The man walked toward my dad and he was not happy. The words coming from this man's mouth were extremely loud and extremely unpleasant. But that didn't faze dad. My dad just stood his ground, looked the other man right in the eyes, and listened to everything he said. Then my dad spoke. I don't remember what he said; I only remember how he said it. He spoke in a very soft, calm voice, and he spoke with authority. Not once did he swear or raise his voice. When he finished speaking, the other man apologized and left. This image is clear in my mind to this very day, even though it was over twenty-seven years ago.

Proverbs 15:1 say "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." On that day, I saw this verse in action and it left an impression on me.

As I grew up, I began to swear more frequently. You see, I thought it was alright to swear. Just don't get mad and swear. I was wrong. I spent seventeen years on the road as a cross-country truck driver. My swearing worsened. At one point my language became so bad that one of my brothers asked me to stay away from his children. I remember getting angry and thinking "how dare he speak to me in this manner. He swears too." I guess I just didn't hear what I was saying; the words just flowed from my mouth as if my brain was on cruise control.

You see, my heart was filled with impure thoughts and words. These thoughts and words represented me. They left the impression that this was who I was. Sadly enough, I knew deep down that this was not me. I was a caring, loving, and concerned human being. When my brother told me to stay away from his children, it broke my heart. But it also started the process that brought about a change in the way I spoke. However, until I was saved by the grace of the Heavenly Father through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, I still did not know that swearing was a sin.

When Jesus opened my eyes to the sin of cursing, I called upon Him to give me the strength and to make the changes in my life that was pleasing to Him. As I have grown in Jesus I have come to understand that what I allow to influence me is what will come from my mouth and be on my mind.

What influences you on a daily basis? First, there are the books and magazines you read. Then there's the radio, TV, and movies you listen to and watch. Then most of all the people you are close to. The people that you spend the most time with, at work, and at home. Do you go to the clubs where you will encounter rough language and love talking about sexual matters? Do you like to tell dirty jokes and listen to them? Then this is what is in your heart and this is what will flow from your mouth.

Is there something wrong with this? Yes! First and foremost, it is not pleasing to God. How do I know this? It's in the Bible. Proverbs 15:26 says "The Lord detests the thoughts of the wicked, but those of the pure are pleasing to Him." Webster's Dictionary defines the word 'wicked' as "addicted to vice; evil; immoral; mischievous." The word 'vice' is defined as "depravity or immoral conduct; blemish or defect in character; failing or bad habit." According to Proverbs 6:16-19, "There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him: (v17) haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, (v18) a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, (v19) a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers."

These are all unpleasing to God because they are not His ways. They are the ways of sin. Genesis 1:27 says "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." God knows no sin. He cannot make you sin. God loves you so much that He allows you to have free choice in everything you say or do. Why? God wants you to make the decision yourself. What kind of Father would He be if He forced you to love Him? That which is in your heart should be pleasing to God the Father. How would you feel if you had just swore at somebody and turned around to see Jesus standing behind you? Read the Bible. See the love God has for you. Find the salvation through His Son Jesus Christ and He will show you the impurities in your life.

October 16, 2002


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