The Joy That Once Was

Robert Diffin

Is there any thing spoken of more often by our Lord than rejoicing? Besides Hell, I mean. Well, He is careful to always remind us of the dangers of sin but He also reminds us to express joy. What if you don't have any? Well, get some. Why should anyone go through life without joy when it is one of the many things the Savior so willingly provides. Did you not find that joy when you came to the Lord. I tell you; I remember feeling like I could do anything for the rest of my life and that is the gospel, quite frankly. If you are not feeling that same joy and release in your life; you need to go back to Calvary.

Yes, you need to meet with Jesus and that is where you will find Him. Not in the hustle and bustle of serving and working and acquiring all sorts of meaningless trophies. You can only revisit that joyous blaze of Christ awareness at the cross. That is where he gave His all to bring us joy and that is where God planned our salvation that we might find Him; at Calvary.

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ sent me, not to give baptism, but to be a preacher of the good news: not with wise words, for fear that the cross of Christ might be made of no value. (BEB)

Paul was supposed to give us good news not to make us sad because who is depressed at hearing good news? We should rejoice at the news of what Jesus did for us. It's wonderful to have someone care enough to do that much just for us; just for you. Especially when it is the God of the whole universe who lavishes such caring. It should make us giddy with wonder and extreme joy just at the thought. What a grand gesture for Him to come down out of Heaven to live with us; but then He died for us. How could anyone do anything to bring more joy to the heart. Then He looks around at us and simply says: "Rejoice".

John 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

Because He returned to the Father having redeemed us and having made us joint heirs to this joy; the power that is given us to overcome the world and therefore be joyous is unlimited, unlimited. Now that should really make you happy. There is no limit to the joy we can experience because Jesus went to the Father and He is our joyous representative to the Father who delights in mercy and has unbounded love for us. He therefore expresses that love through His son Jesus Christ and there is nothing that can seperate us from the love He has for us, nothing. We should spend our days jumping for joy like school children. Not because school is out but because we are loved. Isn't everyone happy and exuberant when they are loved?

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