The Steps of Faith Stephen Took!


David L. Mulherin

Unlike most people in the bible Stephen comes out of nowhere. He is placed into power, and then Stephen takes some very bold steps of faith. Stephen takes these steps at the cost of his life here on earth. In taking these steps Stephen knew of the eternal life that he would gain. Sounds simple enough but is it really that simple?

I ask myself this question. Where did Stephen come from and how did he become so faithful? The bible doesn’t give us the history of Stephen before he appears in Acts Chapter 6 Verse 5. All we know is what verse 5 says. “They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit”.

The early church at that time was having problems. You read this in chapter 6 starting in verse 1. This problem could have divided the church but the twelve Apostles gathered all the disciples together. Then they laid out a plan that would solve this problem. Freeing the apostles to do the work Christ had called them to. The apostles told the disciples to choose seven men from among them who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. (Verse 3)

Stephen was the first one they chose. This tells me that Stephen was not new to the church. People knew him. They saw how the Lord was working through him. To them Stephen had already proved his walk with Christ but to us he is a total stranger. For me to believe that Stephen was full of faith as I read in verse 5, I have to believe the bible to be true. Because it’s not 'till later that we see Stephen's faith through his works.

When you have the background of a man it makes it easier to judge his motives. With Stephen this is all removed. There is nothing to cloud our thoughts. There’s nothing to give us preconception about Stephen’s walk with Christ. We have to take the man for who he is stated to be.

Stephen took on a single task of making sure all the widows received food. From that task he grew into a warrior for God. Stephen allowed himself to be a servant of others opening the door for them and him to better serve Christ.

We have no idea whether Stephen knew Jesus before He was crucified. What we do know is Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit. The bible teaches that to be filled with the Holy Spirit we must first surrender to God. History shows that men and women who have fully surrendered to Christ have impacted this world in a mighty way. This is even true about the men and women of the Old Testament. The saints placed their total trust in God expecting Him to deliver them.

I could share with you the story of Joseph who’s trust in God brought him to the place of being second in command of all Egypt. Then I could tell you about Abraham who waited upon the Lord to make him the father of many nations. How about Noah! Do you know that it took One Hundred years for him to build the Ark? Talk about faith Noah had plenty. He built the Ark for a great flood when he had never seen it rain. All devoted men. All were walking with God.

Let’s take a look at Rahab the Prostitute. Rahab's story is found in Joshua Chapter 2 and chapter 6 verses 22-25. She did not know God but she had heard of the God of the Israelites. She had heard the stories of how God had delivered His people time and time again. This is seen in chapter 2. She knew that the Lord was going to give Jericho to the Israelites. (Chapter 2 Verse 9) Rahab feared the Lord because she knew that those who opposed Him would perish.

Rahab took a very bold step of faith when the king of Jericho sent a messenger saying give up the spies. She lied to the messenger. To lie to the king was your death. Rahab knew what had happened to the kings of the Amorites (verse 10). How the Israelites destroyed them. This caused Rahab to fear God more then the king of Jericho. Stop and think about it! Rahab feared an unseen God over a king who’s messenger stood at the door. Because of this fear she faithfully hid the spies. Then she helped them escape.

Rahab's faith proved itself not only to the Israelites but also to the Jews of the New Testament. You can read this in Hebrews 11:31 and in James 2:25. How could this prostitute have so much faith that it was counted unto her as righteousness (James 2:25)? Can you and I have this faith? The answer is yes.

This is the faith Stephen had. He knew that no matter what happened to him God would deliver him. Stephen was a Jew and he knew God's law. More importantly he had surrendered to Christ. Stephen did what the majority of the Jews wouldn’t do. He believed with all his heart, mind, and soul that Jesus is the Son of God.

Through this belief Christ was able to use Stephen to do great things. Acts 6:8 says, “Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people.” God could not use Stephen to do these things if Stephen was not willing to be used. God is a God of Love. He will not force you to do anything against your will. But He will chase after you if it is His will. God's will is to draw you closer to Him. And it’s always for the good of the people.

Start reading in verse 9 and you will see Stephen's faith grow. You’ll notice that man tried trapping Stephen with a lie. But the lie backfired. Stephen knew the law of God. In knowing the law he knew the history of God's people. If you read chapter 7:1-53 you will see Stephen give the truth of God's law. The very law he was accused of falsely teaching.

What strikes me is in chapter 6:15 Is than it says “All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.” I don’t know about you but if I was sitting there ready to condemn this man whose face was like an angel I would be having second thoughts. When a person has the face of an angel that person is very close to God. The high priest should have known that. Stephen was not being judged by common man. He was being judged by the very people that knew God's law.

This same group is the one’s that judged Jesus. They knew God's law but they had interpreted it their way. A way that was pleasing to them but not to God! Stephen, just like Jesus, made them feel uneasy. The truth which Stephen and Jesus spoke was not the truth the Sanhedrin wanted the common people to know.

Stephen brought the Sanhedrin to anger when he quoted the word of God starting with Abraham and ending with Jesus. I think their anger increased when Stephen spoke the words in chapter 7:51-53. It says “You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: you always resist the Holy Spirit! Was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered Him – you who have received the law that was put into effect through angels but have not obeyed it.”

Stephen spoke the truth but sometimes we just don’t want to hear the truth. Even more when it’s cramping our life style. Stephen is growing stronger in faith and closer to God as he speaks the truth. Stephen knows the Holy Spirit is leading him so he allows himself to be used. Stephen is not holding back. He is allowing the Spirit to freely work through him.

To reconfirm this verse 55 says “But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.” At that point Stephen’s faith was complete. There’s no doubt about it. To look up and see Jesus standing at the right hand of God must have overfilled Stephen's soul. Nowhere else in the bible do you read of Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Jesus Himself says that He will be seated at the right hand of God (Luke 22:69).

Think about it! When do you stand up? It’s when something or someone meets your approval. You go to a concert or you hear a speaker and your moved to the point of giving a standing ovation. This is what Jesus was doing. Jesus was saying to Stephen “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

As Stephen was stoned I get the feeling that he felt nothing. He just continued to look at Jesus face. Stephen knew what was happening to his body but it was not affecting his soul. Verse 60 says “Then he (Stephen) fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.” Stephen's faith was so strong that while being murdered he asks Jesus to forgive them. Not only those throwing the stones but also those that blessed Stephen's being stoned.

So where did Stephen's faith come from? It first of all came from Stephen surrendering to Jesus Christ. Stephen knew there is a God. He knew he needed God. Second Stephen had hid the word of God in his heart. So that he could call on that word to use in everyday life. When that day started Stephen did not know that he would be meeting Jesus. Even so he was prepared to die for Christ. Thirdly Stephen did not stop the Holy Spirit from working in his life. As a matter of fact Stephen sought every opportunity to let the Spirit freely work.

When you do these things your faith grows. The Holy Spirit should be growing in you. Remember you need to know God and He needs to know you. This comes through reading of the word, hearing of the word, fellowship with other Christians and most of all, quiet prayer with God.

May 30,2003


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