So Long, Ma!

by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 33 and Brett is schmoozing his way into Shambo's hair.  LOL!  Yes,
he's giving her scalp a massage and she is enjoying it.  Russell tells Jaison
that they have to get rid of Brett ASAP!  He's just too good at challenges.

Day 34 and we find Brett schmoozing Natalie with his knowledge of Bible
verses.  She's eating it up, too!  Is this guy good, or what?  Shambo is still
having hair issues.  I suppose wearing the same mullet for 23 years can
get a tad tedious.  But what's worse is that she puts food in her hair!  Yes,
and it stinks bad.  Russell thinks she should just shave her head bald.

It's time for an actual Reward Challenge.  They will be divided into two
teams of three, then take turns pulling on ropes, which form a net holding
up a big lovely bunch of coconuts.  First team to get 100 or more loses.
The prize is an afternoon getaway at a local village for a feast, then an over-
night stay there complete with soft mats, pillows and blankets.  They
draw rocks to determine team captains.  It's Russell versus Natalie.  She
picks Brett first, which raises some eyebrows.  Russell takes Jaison. 
Natalie then picks Mick, leaving Shambo for Russell.

Early in the event, Russell notices Natalie and Brett holding hands and
praying together.  He tells Shambo about it and says they have to break
those two up.  The prayers seem to be working, as Natalie's team is doing
much better than Russell's.  But as the ropes get fewer, things even up.
It comes down to Russell's turn with the score 77 for his team and 81
for Natalie's.  He must be careful and get no more than 22 coconuts to
fall.  Not easy as Jaison and Natalie, both of whom just went before Russell,
each got over 40.  Russell selects a rope and gently releases it.  He eases
the rope through the others of the net and gets ZERO coconuts to fall!
Amazing!  Brett is up next and despite his earlier successes, he drops
23, putting Natalie's team over at 104.  Russell's team wins!

The winners arrive at the village and immediately get directed to the feast.
There is plenty of roasted pig and other local fair.  Jaison enjoys having
a day off from The Game.  Russell enjoys having protein and plenty of
fluids to sustain him for the final push.  Shambo scores a big hit when
she delivers a toast to the tribe.  They love her!  The gang joins in on the
big dance afterwards.

Meanwhile, back at Camp Aiga, the Losers decide to create their own
reward.  They'll spend a relaxing day at the beach searching for snails
and clams.  Yummo!  Not exactly the same as roasted pork with all the
trimmings.  Back at the village, night falls and the Winners get comfy
in their bedding.  Jaison voices concerns about Natalie.  Russell tells
him not to worry, he'll have a talk with her.  But Russell throws out the
option of booting Mick should Brett win immunity again.  Jaison agrees.

Day 35 and all of Aiga are together again.  Russell and Natalie have their
chat.  He tells her that the others are concerned about her picking Brett
first.  She says it's nothing and confirms her loyalty to him.  Russell then
clues her in on the Mick Option. 

Day 36 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  It's a race to count items
at six stations and use the amounts to open a combination lock.  There
are tables of fish, crabs, a pen of pigs, etc.  It begins to rain just as the
race starts.  Russell, Jaison and Mick are neck and neck, followed VERY
close by Brett.  It remains tight right to the end.  Brett is the last of the
four to begin working on his lock.  But, as the Good Book says, the last
shall be first.  Brett manages to win once again!  Jaison is frustrated and
decides that Shambo is to blame.  She's no help at all in stopping the
Brett Machine.

At camp, Jaison approaches Russell and tells him that Shambo has to go.
Just then, Shambo walks up to join their conversation.  Jaison clams up
and takes off.  Shambo senses that something is up.  She nags away at
Russell wanting every detail and nuance of what Jaison said.  Russell
tries to dispel any concerns.  But she may have gnawed at him too much.
Russell talks with Mick about booting Shambo.  Mick is surprised and
relieved.  He's worried about himself being a target.  Russell confides to
Uncle Cameraman that he is still torn.  He knows that Shambo would be
loyal to him, but agrees that Mick would be better at this point to help
stop Brett from winning any more challenges.

At Tribal Council, Jeff points out that Shambo is the only ex-Galu left
who is vulnerable.  Natalie says that Shambo is good to take to the Finals
as the Jury hates her.  Russell says that everyone is playing now for the
million dollars.  Jaison adds that Brett is the biggest threat right now.
Shambo agrees with him.  Brett knows he must keep winning to survive.
Jeff brings up how close Mick was to winning.  Mick admits he has been
close but adds that Russell has played a far more strategic game than he
has.  Russell says that tonight will be his first difficult vote.

It's time to vote.  We see Mick and Shambo trade votes.  Jeff gathers the
urn and asks Russell if he's going to play his idol as it is the last chance
to use it?  Russell says no, he wants to keep it as a souvenir.  Jeff counts
the ballots.  It's 5 to 1 against Shambo.  Brett is now the only obstacle to
an All-Foa-Foa-Final-Four. 

SPOILERS:  None really.  Sunday, 8PM EST.  The 2-hour Season Finale! 
Followed by the reunion show.  Be there, Aloha!
