More Scrambling
To Come
by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 30 and Shambo feels as blindsided as John.  She thought her alliance
was going to boot Dave off.  She had no idea there was a plot to boot John.
Russell tries to console her, he tells Shambo that John was making threats
behind her back.  They booted him to protect her.  She buys the story but
wants assurance that Dave will go next time.

Day 31 and Jaison joins Brett and Monica on the beach.  He tells them that
he is the real brains behind Foa Foa.  How Jaison is using Russell to do his
dirty work.  LOL!  This guy is delusional!  Jaison also adds that Russell
does not need the prize money.  He tells them that Russell told Mick that
he made $2 million dollars last year.

It's time for the Reward…, oops!  No, it's an Immunity Challenge!  WOW!
Survivor Bowling is the game today.  Each gets two throws in round-robin
play.  Those who get the most pins down move on to next round till only
one is left.  During Round One, Shambo beats Natalie 9-0, Russell beats
Brett 4-0, Jaison beats Monica 6-1, and Dave beats Mick with a strike, 10-6.
During Round Two, Shambo beats Russell 5-4 and Jaison defeats Dave
7-0.  In the Final Round, both Shambo and Jaison throw wild and miss on
their first throws.  Shambo misses again on her 2nd throw, Jaison manages
to knock down two pins to win immunity.

Back at camp, Dave is panicky.  Russell talks with Natalie and Mick to con-
firm that Dave is the target.  Monica then asks Russell who's going home?
Russell tells her it's going to be Dave.  She tries to poison the well about
how Shambo would get more votes from a Galu Jury.  So Russell talks
with Dave about booting Shambo.  Dave is agreeable, but suspicious.

At Tribal Council, Jaison confirms that more people are factoring in who
would be better at the Finals for vote strategy.  Shambo quells any doubts
saying that she would never have voted to boot John.  Monica says that
the voting is still unpredictable.  Dave thinks he would be a better foil
for those who want a shot at a million dollars.  Russell thinks his move
was a good strategy.

It's time to vote.  We see Dave and Shambo trade votes.  But when Jeff
tallies them, it's Dave who gets voted off.  Everybody went against him.
After snuffing out Dave's torch, Jeff acknowledges that Foa Foa has now
managed to take full control of The Game.

Day 32 and Russell and Mick discuss taking Brett out next.  Mick wants
to know who Russell will take to the Finals?  Russell wants Mick to focus
on the task at hand.  Mick is worried and Russell senses that Mick may
freak out and flip sides.

Day 33 and it's another Immunity Challenge.  Each will swim out to fetch
one bag at a time, then launch it into a raised basket with a plank.  First
to get all three bags in basket wins.  Brett gets the first followed by Mick.
Russell and Shambo then get one.  Brett gets his second bag.  Again, Mick
is right behind him.  Russell gets his second basket while Jaison and
Natalie get their first.  But it doesn't matter.  Brett and Mick race to get
their third baskets.  Brett misses, then Mick misses.  Brett scores on his
next try, winning immunity.

Back at camp, The Game begins!  Monica is worried that she is now the
target for the evening.  She and Brett work on Mick to make him flip on
Russell.  Micks agrees that Russell may be a snake.  Later, Mick talks
with Jaison about booting Russell.  Meanwhile, Monica works on Russell,
telling him how Jaison is waiting till Day 36 to boot him.  She adds that
Jaison told her about how Russell made $2 million dollars last year.  This
sends Russell off deep end.  Furious, he first confronts Natalie, who denies
it all.  Russell then asks Brett who also pimps out Jaison.  Russell then
confronts Jaison.  He denies it all and says Monica is just playing with him.
But now, Jaison is truly worried about Russell and talks with Mick again.
Russell talks with Shambo about the whole affair.  They agree that Monica
must go tonight.  But Russell is now worried about his alliances.  He vows
to use his idol if necessary.

At Tribal Council, Russell shocks everyone by putting the idol around his
neck.  Jeff asks him why he's doing this?  Russell answers that he is
letting everyone know that he's got it and is prepared to use it tonight.
Monica is all giggles.  Brett says Russell is way too cocky.  Shambo says
that today was the ugliest day at camp thanks to Monica.  Monica laughs
at all the trouble she caused.  She's glad she drove Russell crazy.  He
admits that he allowed her to get under his skin.  Mick is concerned how
this will impact The Game.

It's time to vote.  We see Monica and Russell trade votes.  After all ballots
have been cast, Jeff fetches the urn.  He tells the group that if anyone
wants to play their idol, they must do so now.  Russell looks up and down
at the rest, then stays put.  He does not play it.  Jeff counts the votes.  Only
Monica and Brett voted to boot Russell.  The rest send Monica away.  Jeff
warns the remainder that there will be more scrambling to come!

SPOILERS:  Mick, Brett and Natalie form an alliance.  Russell catches wind
of this and bonds with Jaison to defeat them and go all the way!
