"There Goes
The Lead."
by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 24 at Camp Agia and Russell is getting ready to start counting that
million dollar prize!  He's confident that The Game is now his, though he'll feel safer when he has the idol again.  Galu gathers by the fire and moans
about being outwitted.  Laura is upset and worried that she is now a target.
Shambo laughs it up with Russell.  They giggle at the thought of booting

Day 25 and Russell is up before the rest and out hunting for the immunity
idol.  LOL!  Are the production staff even up yet?  The rest wake up and
have breakfast.  Shambo tries to recruit John into her alliance with Foa
Foa.  He declines the offer for now and promises not to rat her out to the

It's time for a Reward Challenge.  Two teams of five will compete.  One from
each team will lay belly down on a cradle suspended by ropes.  The other
four team members will maneuver the cradle so the rider catch retrieve 15
numbered flags, in order.  First team to get all 15 flags in numerical order
wins a plane ride to a local island for a picnic by a waterfall.  Wasn't that
the reward last time, more or less?  Come on guys, let's put the thinking
caps on, maybe.

Yellow Team has Shambo, Jaison, Mick, Monica and John, who'll ride the
cradle.  Purple Team has Dave, Laura, Brett, Russell, and Natalie, who'll
ride their cradle.  Purple gets an early lead as John gets clumsy, knocking
over flags.  He has to right them before moving on.  Natalie has at least a
two flag lead throughout the challenge.  She rides the cradle for dear life,
almost falling off a few times.  Purple wins reward!  Russell is hoping to
get a clue for the next idol.  Jeff gives the winners a camera phone to
take snapshots.

The winners board their plane and head off.  The mood is happy as every-
one is getting along.  At the picnic site, they find hot dogs, pie and all the
trimmings.  Back at camp, Jaison and Mick try to recruit Monica into the
anti-Laura vote.  They let on that they already have a 5th vote.  "You are
Number 6", they tell her.  No, Monica doesn't do an impersonation of
Patrick McGoohan.  She probably never heard of him.  Back at the picnic,
Russell plays around with the phone and finds the clue.  It's a memo on
the phone and there is also a video of it's location, under a rectangular
rock. covered with moss.  The rest see the clue also.

After returning to camp, Russell tells Jaison and Mick about the clue.  He
and Jaison go hunting immediately.  Dave and Laura follow right behind.
Laura shadows Jaison while Dave sticks with Russell.  Russell sees the
rock but decides to first sprint away to draw Dave far from the site.  The
plan works!  Russell loses Dave easily and circles back to fetch his prize.
Russell now has the immunity idol once again!  Is this guy good or what?

Day 27 and Monica tells Laura that one or more members of Galu may
have flipped to Foa Foa.  She figures Shambo is one and knows she must
keep winning immunity.  Speaking of which, it's time for the Immunity
Challenge!  Each gets one throw of a rock at hanging tiles.  Each person
has three of their color.  They are staggered in row, so one throw could
break more than one.  Each broken tile earns a spear for Round Two.  If
you break someone else's tile, they get the spear.

Jaison scores first, breaking one tile.  Dave then breaks one of Monica's,
earning her a spear.  Mick gets one and then Brett breaks two of his with
one throw.  Laura and the rest miss, so they are out.  No immunity for
them.  Brett shoots his first spear with a crossbow and hits the second
ring of the target.  Jaison misses completely.  Monica hits the target but
is low and outside.  Mick aims his well and hits inside Brett's mark, putting
Mick in the lead now.  Brett takes his second shot but is too low.  Mick
wins immunity!

Back at camp, the plan to boot Laura goes into action.  Shambo tells Brett
that she is voting against Laura and tries to sway him to join.  Laura,
Dave and John discuss options.  They want to vote Russell off, but John
tells them the votes are not there.  Natalie might be a wiser choice.  They
figure the vote will be 5-5 Should the second vote also be a tie (4-4), then
the 8 will draw from the bag and the purple rock sends someone home.
John thinks Galu has been playing stupidly.  Oh how right you are!  Monica
and Brett come up with a new plot where she tries to convince Foa Foa
that she'll only vote with them if they go after John.  She tries to get
Russell and the others to go along, but they tell her Shambo wants Laura

Meanwhile, Brett tells John what Monica is up to.  John is not happy about
this scheme at all.  He does not like being the bait.  Russell and the others
decide to talk with John about what Monica told them.  John tells Russell
that he'll flip if there is a second vote.  But he's thinking he may stick
with Galu on both votes and take his chances with the purple rock.

At Tribal Council, John is surprised how the last two votes have gone.
Jaison says that Foa Foa is more trustworthy, as they are four solid votes.
John agrees that at this point, Foa Foa seems more united.  Shambo also
makes it clear that she considers Galu history.  Laura stares her down and
is upset that Shambo doubts Galu's loyalty.  Jeff raises the issue of the
purple rock.  Will you really allow trust your fate to such a random draw?

It's time to vote.  We see Shambo vote Laura and Dave vote for Natalie.
Jeffs counts the ballots and it is a tie, 5-5.  All except Natalie and Laura
will vote again and only for one of the two.  We see Jaison vote for Laura
and Brett vote for Natalie.  Jeff counts the votes.  It's 4-3 for Laura as he
reads the last ballot.  Laura is booted!  John flipped!  YAY!!!  Jeff tells
Agia that they are far from a functional tribe.  As he snuffs out Laura's
torch, Erik tells Kelly, "There goes the lead."

SPOILERS:  Russell thinks it's time to create chaos.  He liberates the
chicken in a midnight commando raid.  LOL!  Dave tries to get Shambo
to flip back and boot Russell. 
