Our Hero
Does It Again!
by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 21 at Camp Aiga and we find Russell worried that he is next to go.
Forced by rumors to play his hidden immunity idol, he is now defenseless.
Laura tells Uncle Cameraman she thinks Russell was stupid for playing
his idol.  But adds that he is the next target.

Day 22 and Natalie evolves from sweet Southern Belle to Sheena, Queen
of the Jungle!  While walking she comes across a large rodent.  Hunger
drives her to whack the rat with a tree branch.  LOL!  She apologizes to
the rodent for killing it.  Back at camp, Natalie shows off her kill.  All are
impressed.  The rat is cooked and everyone gets a taste of protein.

While tree-mail announces a Reward Challenge, Russell is already think-
ing that there may be another hidden idol stashed somewhere.  Aiga
meet up with Jeff who explains the RC for the day.  They are randomly
divided into two teams of 5 each, with Natalie odd-man(girl)-out.  Four
from each will race in pairs to fetch long poles with white-painted coconuts
on them.  Once all are gathered, assemble poles to form a four digit number
with the coconuts.  The fifth player, who is blindfolded, must use the
numbers to unlock a combination and release a banner to win.

Yellow Team is Russell, Mick, Jaison, Brett and Laura (who is blindfolded).
Purple has Shambo, Dave, Kelly, John and Monica (who is blindfolded).
Natalie is given a choice of which team to support, the winning one gets
a day at a waterfall with a picnic lunch which includes fresh brownies.
Yellow gets an early lead and hangs on to get all of their poles first.  But
Purple is close behind and both teams try to solve the puzzle.  They
solve their number first, but Monica is slow.  Yellow gives Laura their
number and she quickly works the lock.  But Monica finally gets hers
open and Purple wins.

At the waterfall, the winners frolic in the water.  Then they feast on fried
chicken, fruit, donuts and brownies.  In the basket of food they find a
note, providing a clue to the location of another hidden idol.  They agree
it a secret within Galu.  Talk of booting Russell is made but Shambo
thinks he's no threat.  He does poorly at challenges.  The others ignore

Meanwhile, back at camp, Russell is actively searching for the idol he
only guesses exists.  It worked before, why not now?  He looks at all
of the usual places.  By the tree-mail box.  The water hole.  He then starts
looking around by a bamboo bridge.  Sure enough, he finds it!!!  Russell
has done it again!  Is this guy good or what???

Day 24 and Russell goes fishing with Shambo.  He shows her the idol.
She is amazed!  They plot to boot Laura.  The plan is to let Galu vote
for him and then he'll play it.  Shambo suggests booting Kelly as a
back up should Laura win immunity again.  She reasons that Monica is
already disliked by the Boys where as Kelly is friendly with all.

It's time for the Immunity Challenge.  In Round One, each will try to snag
two bags with a grappling hook.  The first three to get theirs will move on
to the Final Round.  Using a peg from one bag, insert into a peg board
and release the next pegs until all are placed.  Shambo is first to get one
bag, followed by Mick, Kelly and Brett.  Mick gets his second and will
advance to final.  Jaison, Laura and Russell get their first.  Shambo is
the second to get both of her bags.  Russell snags his 2nd, but so does
Laura.  They race to reel in their lines.  Laura beats him and advances.
Shambo gets an early lead in Final Round, followed closely by Mick.
But then Laura gets her pegs going and she quickly passes them both
and wins immunity.

Back at camp, Shambo is unhappy that Laura won, but doesn't care.
The back up plan is put into motion.  Russell shows Jaison his new idol.
Jaison is amazed.  He tells Natalie and Mick about it.  Russell joins them
and unleashes his plan to blindside Kelly.  Dave, Laura, Monica and John
discuss booting Russell.  Laura is worried he may have found the new
idol.  She suggests a split vote, just in case.  They talk about Natalie
just as Russell walks by.  He's now worried that she may be the target.
Russell would hate to waste another idol.  Why not?  He's finding them
fast enough.  LOL!

At Tribal Council, Jeff brings up the Erik blindside.  With Erik on the Jury
Bench, Dave and others from Galu talk about how Erik was weakening
their position with his scheming.  Natalie tells Jeff that Galu is treating
the Foa Foa members nice.  Jaison observes how tight they are.  Mick
and Russell are looking for signs of any cracks in their alliance.  Dave
says the Galu block is voting the most dangerous player off next. 

It's time to vote, yet we are shown none.  When all are finished, Jeff
fetches the urn and asks if anyone wants to play an idol before he starts
counting?  Russell stands up and plays his latest acquisition.  The Galu
members are shocked!  Jeff starts counting the votes.  The first seven
are for Russell and none count.  He then reads off three for Kelly.  There
were four but why bother?  Enough is enough.  Kelly gets blindsided.
Jeffs warns Galu that despite their efforts, the Foa Foa Four are still in
The Game.  He also announces that the idol will be back in play!

SPOILERS:  It's a showdown between Laura and Russell.  Both vie for
control of the tribe.  Laura and Dave follow Russell and Jaison on their
idol hunt.  Who will get it first?
