Something Has
To Give
by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 15 at Galu.  Returning from the non-Tribal Council (nobody was
voted off since Russel was removed for medical reasons), Erik is very
sad about losing Russel.  Not only was he a good leader, but he was also
a fifth male.  Now the Boys of Galu feel threatened due to the even gender
lines within the tribe.  They do recognize, however, that Shambo does
not get along with the other ladies.  They will recruit her into their club.

Day 16 at Foa Foa finds Evil Russell confident that the tide will turn in
their favor.  He's even willing to put his plans for booting Liz on hold
if it means winning challenges.  WOW!  What a sacrifice!  LOL!  Back
at Galu, the Boys decide to elect Shambo as the new leader.  They
tell her she has their support.  After winning, Shambo gives a short
speech about her management style.  Dave is worried, after the speech,
that her dimness may lead to disaster!

It's time for a Reward Challenge.  It's to be the old Memory Game.  13
sets of survival gear are hidden under 30 mini-huts.  Also, 4 match-less
items.  Tribes will take turns as one player uncovers two huts.  Make
a match and the tribe has a choice of taking a point, 7 of which are
needed for victory, or to keep the actual gear to use.  The winning
tribe gets a day excursion on a sailing ship.  They also send one to
spend time with the losing tribe.

Galu scores first, matching a fire starter kit.  The actual kit is big and
is wrapped in a large tarp.  Galu fore goes the point to keep the tarp.
They get 3 more matches, which they do exchange for points.  Foa
Foa finally gets on the board thanks to Russell.  The game progresses
to Galu with 6 points and Foa Foa with 3.  Natalie gives Foa Foa a
fourth point.  Monica is up for Galu and makes the winning match.
Galu wins, yet again.  Shambo selects Laura to spend time with Foa
Foa, while the rest enjoy the boat ride and a meal.

Returning to camp, Foa Foa makes Laura feel at home.  Even Russell
is nice to her!  LOL!  It turns out that his daddy was a preacher and
Laura is a theology student.  Russell deals her into a secret alliance
with Natalie to be Final 3.  She accepts the offer.  He also tells her to
forget about the hidden idol clues.  Russell fibs and tells Laura that
Ben had the idol but got booted off without using it.

Galu paddles out to the sailing ship, a three-mast brig.  They help
crew the ship, including the helm and raising sail.  Then it's time to
eat.  A meaty stew is served with fresh bread and scones.  Yum!
Monica is still upset that her pal Laura was banished from the trip.
Speaking of which, on Day 17, Laura and Natalie swap stories about
Harleys and favorite books.  This irritates Liz, who is trying to get the
fire going.  Nobody is helping her.  Waah, Waah!  Russell thinks Liz
is stupid.  He sees the value in Natalie befriending Laura for a post-
Merge future.

Day 18 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  It's another puzzle
game where tribes must paddle out to 'fish' 6 sets of fish-shaped
pieces.  Once all are a shore, assemble the puzzle and win.  Foa
Foa gets an early lead and hold it for quite a while.  They get their
6 sets first and head back to shore.  But Galu is far from beaten and
they close the gap quickly.  Both tribes begin assembling their puzzles,
but do not solve the pattern at first.  Foa Foa figures it out, but Galu
also does so immediately after.  Mick and Liz work feverishly over
Foa Foa's puzzle, but Jaison chokes and Galu wins once again.

Back at camp, Russell is mad about Jaison blowing the challenge.
He talks with Mick about booting Jaison.  Meanwhile, Liz and Jaison
discuss the situation.  She's worried that the targets will be her or
Natalie.  Jaison just seems out of it.  He's embarrassed about his
role in today's loss.  Russell talks with Liz about booting Jaison.
She's happy to hear that's the plan!  Russell is still torn.  He does
not trust Liz but Jaison has done little to help the tribe win.  He
tells Uncle Cameraman, "Something has to give."

At Tribal Council, Jeffs rubs it in as he lists Foa Foa's failings.
Natalie is still hopeful they can rally.  Russell is too, but his time-
line is different.  He's already looking to outwit Galu after a merge.
Jeff raises the trust factor with Liz and Mick.  They believe they
can trust everyone in the tribe.  Jaison is frustrated with losing all
the time.  He admits to his role in the loss and accepts fate.  It's
time to vote.

We see Liz cast her ballot to boot Jaison.  Jeff fetches the urn
and counts the votes.  It's 4-1 to boot Liz!  LOL!  Russell has a
big smirk on his face.  Jeff snuffs out her torch.  He turns to Foa
Foa and tells them they may stink at challenges, but they have
gotten really good at blindsiding.  LOL!

SPOILERS:  It's THE MERGE!  Right away, things get crazy as
everyone politicks for who will be voted off next?
