Russel Can You
Hear Me?
by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

This week's episode was a bitter-sweet one.  It's Day 15 at Foa Foa and it
is still raining!  Everyone is cold, wet and miserable, everyone except
Evil Russell.  He's loving the lousy weather!  LOL!  What a guy!  The others
are almost jealous that Ashley is now someplace warm and dry.  Jaison
is convinced by Russell that they would actually be warmer in the water.
He goes along but however warm he was, as soon as Jaison got back on
shore, he was shivering again from the cold.  Russell is still going strong!

At Galu, they are also suffering from the effects of five straight days of
wind and rain.  Russel tries to fish, then returns to camp and works on
keeping the fire going.  The rest are huddled under a tree trying to stay
dry.  They watch Russel work his butt off.  He finally retreats to the shelter
and stumbles getting in.  Russel's body is cold and he tries to warm up.
While Russel is under a blanket, the fire goes out.

Back at Foa Foa, Mick finds shelter inside the hollow tree stump.  It's the
driest place around.  The rest hunker in the shelter, except for Russell.
He's not bothered by the weather at all.  Mere force of will drives him
onward.  He laughs at the rest for trying so hard to stay warm and dry.
He hopes it never stops raining.  LOL!!!

Back at Galu, it stops raining!  A rainbow even appears, lifting everyone's
spirit.  Erik takes credit for the break, as he prayed to the gods of Samoa.
Yeah, right!  He does not have long to celebrate, it's time for a Reward
Challenge.  One player from each tribe will be strapped inside a sphere
of pipes.  The rest of the tribe will be blindfolded.  Two will first push the
sphere a distance to a set of tilt-mazes.  The person inside the sphere
will guide them.  Once at the mazes, four from each tribe will tilt it about,
guided by the sphere-person, until a ball drops through the target hole.
The winning tribe wins pizza, but both tribes will attend Tribal Council
and boot a player.  The winning tribe gets to watch the losing tribe
and eat their pizza then.

Liz is the sphere-rider for Foa Foa, Laura for Galu.  Russell and Jaison
push Liz while Erik and Russel push Laura.  They trade leads and are
very close at first.  But about two-thirds of the way, Galu runs into trouble.
They take a wrong turn and get stuck by a tree.  Russel is clearly winded.
Foa Foa takes the lead and reaches their maze first.  Mick and Natalie
join in as Liz directs them in tilting the maze about.  Galu finally gets
to their maze.  But Russel is stumbling about.  As the others start tilting
the maze, Russel falls face down onto his corner.  He's passed out and
Jeff stops the challenge and calls in the medics!

The medics arrive and lay Russel down.  As one wraps a blood-pressure
monitor around his right arm, the doctor flashes a light into Russel's
eyes.  "Russel, can you hear me?"  At first, he's unresponsive, then
starts to mumble something.  His eyes begin to focus and he regains
consciousness.  Jeff tells both tribes to take their blindfolds off so they
can watch the medics work on Russel.  They have him on oxygen and
listening to his chest.  The doctor tells Jeff that Russel's BP was even
lower than Mike's!  That's enough for Jeff.  He cancels the challenge.
Nobody wins any pizza.  He tells them to return to their camps.  He'll
see them at Tribal Council.  He tells Galu that *IF* Russel returns, it
will be at TC. 

Back at camp, Galu is in a state of shock.  They are concerned about
their leader.  Russel had done a good job holding them together.  As if
on queue, it begins to rain hard again.  Back at the challenge site, the
medics let Russel sit up.  He wants to get back in The Game.  But as
soon as he does, he passes out again.  This time it is serious.  The
doctor tells Jeff that Russel's heart rate shot up to 97 when he sat up
and then dropped rapidly back to 68 when he reclined.  Russel comes
to and Jeff gives him the bad news.  He's out of The Game!  Russel is
just too dehydrated.  His body is completely exhausted.  Russel tries
to protest, but it's no use.  His condition is too serious to continue.

At Foa Foa, Liz is disappointed over the events.  She felt they had a
chance for a victory.  She tells Natalie that the boys will probably vote
off one of them.  Natalie agrees.  Russell later tells Natalie that he will
be voting to boot Liz and will try to convince the others to do likewise.
Meanwhile, Liz appeals to Mick and Jaison.  Mick will not commit to
her.  Oh-Oh!  At Galu, Shambo is worried she may be a target.  She and
Monica get into a tussle over Shambo's vote against Monica at their
previous Tribal Council.  But the boys of Galu are already organizing
their votes against Monica.  They think Shambo is still useful around
camp, especially if Russel is gone.  Plus, they are uncomfortable about
the tight relationship between Monica and Laura.  One must go now and
that one will be Monica.  The lads tell Shambo what their plan is.

Night 15 and both tribes gather at Tribal Council, the first time that's
happened!  Jeff tells them about Russel.  He's getting good care and
should be ok now, but he is in no shape to compete any further.  Jeff
adds that this was the scariest moment he's had in 19 seasons!  Shambo
laments over losing Russel.  Even Evil Russell is charitable and gracious
over the subject.  LOL!  Dave and Erik talk about how hard the whole
experience has been.  Shambo says she'll never quit.  On queue, it
starts raining again.  Dave and Russell argue over which tribe has the
upper-hand now.  Mick chimes in that they would have won the reward.
Jeff informs both tribes that as a result of Russel's departure, it's been
decided not to have any votes.  Nobody else is going home.  Russell
makes more big-talk about how even things are now.  Erik throws down
the gauntlet to him.  Jeff gives Galu the leader necklace and tells them
to select a new leader back at camp.

End-Shot:  Russel talks about how his body failed him.  He's disappointed
that he could not continue, but satisfied he tried. 

SPOILERS:  The Boys of Galu enroll Shambo into their ranks.  At Foa
Foa, Russell is busy keeping the intrigue rolling!
