Let The Rains
by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

It's Night 11 at Camp Galu and Shambo is unhappy that Yasmin got booted
off.  She feels especially vulnerable since Shambo cast the only other
vote against Monica.  Alone and miserable, Shambo feels out of place.
She retires early after getting the fire started.  The rest stay up and chat
around Shambo's fire about how she needs to go.  Hmmm!

Day 12 at Galu and Erik is irritated by the strong waves.  The tide is high
and the ocean is angry.  At Foa Foa, they are also worried about what is
happening along the shoreline.  Tree-mail arrives and announces that it
is time for a Survivor food fight.  Yes!  The gross food challenge!  Liz
starts spreading doubts about Ashley.  This riles Russell, as only he is
allowed to spread doubts.  LOL!  And spread he does, but about Liz to
the others.

The Reward Challenge is Jeff's Samoan Smoothie Stand.  He spins his
wheel of fateful Samoan delicacies as a player from each tribe rolls a
ball onto the roulette-wheel.  Jeff then combines the results into a drink
which must be downed completely to score a point.  First tribe to score
five points wins a protein-packed BBQ menu; steaks, burgers, dogs.

Shambo and Jaison go first.  Jeff makes the first blend of giant clams
and his choice, octopus with sea snails.  Both players finish their drinks
and score a point.  Next up are Russell vs Russel.  They both drew jelly-
fish.  Jeff adds some milk and both score, keeping it tied up at 2 each.
Mick and Brett make it 3-3 after downing sea cucumbers and giant clams.
Monica and Liz both draw sea urchins and score.  It's tied at 4 all.  Next
up are Dave vs Ashley.   They both draw sea slug guts.  Jeff only adds
water to see the slimy clumps better.  Dave downs his after nearly puking.
Ashley comes close but can't finish.  Dave wins the BBQ for Galu!
Russel chooses to send Shambo to Foa Foa again, which upsets her.
She wants protein and argues with Russel about sending somebody else.
But he stands firm.  Jeff gives Shambo another clue to the hidden idol.

At Foa Foa, Shambo gets a lot of love and a group hug.  They understand
why she is upset.  Ashley feels bad about losing the match.  She fears
she'll be a target now.  Natalie tries to cheer her up.  At Galu, Russel
clarifies why he sent Shambo to Foa Foa.  He's punishing her for losing
a chicken.  He then tries to get a fire started for the BBQ, but no luck.
Dave chimes in with his two-cents and Russel does not appreciate the
back-seat-advice.  The two argue while nothing gets done and all their
lovely meat remains uncooked.  Dave finally takes charge and gets the
fire going. 

Back at Foa Foa, Shambo shares the idol clues with everyone.  They all
agree the hollow stump must be the location, but no idol is found.  Liz
calls out Russell as having the immunity idol.  He denies the charge and
they bicker.  He warns her about not trusting him.  Night 13 and it finally
starts to rain.  It's a hard, windy, cold rain.  Everyone is soaked.  At Galu,
many now wish Russel had chosen the tarp instead of the pillows and
blankets from a previous Reward Challenge.

Day 14 and a very soggy tree-mail announces the Immunity Challenge.
Both tribes gather and Shambo gets a chilly reception when she rejoins
her tribe.  The event calls for one man and one woman from each tribe
to hold ropes which suspend a net-basket.  Four players from each tribe
will then toss coconuts into the other tribe's baskets, making them heavier.
Russell and Liz hold Foa Foa's while Russel and Kelly hold Galu's baskets.
Galu gets a big head start as they connect and load up Foa Foa's baskets
faster.  Russell strains and finally relents.  It's all up to Liz.  Foa Foa does
start to connect and loads up Russel's basket, but it's too late.  Liz is
overwhelmed by the weight of her basket and collapses.  Galu wins!

Back at camp, Foa Foa is absolutely miserable.  Jaison complains about
everything.  It's been raining now for two straight days.  Russell asks if
anybody feels like going home?  Nope, nobody does.  It's raining too
hard to wander around politicking, so all agree to stay put in their shelter.
They'll go to Tribal Council without any plans.  Russell is unhappy with
this decision.  But it seems clear that Liz and Ashley are the targets.

At Tribal Council, Jaison is asked by Jeff what was his hardest experience
prior to "Survivor"?  Jaison recounts his athletic days training for water
polo.  Good grief!  Some are actually happy at tribal Council as it is a
nice, big dry shelter with warm fires.  Jeff is told that the rain prevented
any politicking.  Russell raises trust as the most important factor tonight
but adds that he trusts everyone.  Ashley says she trusts Russell and
Natalie the most.  Liz says she trusts everyone.  Mick hopes that tonights
vote makes them stronger and more organized.

It's time to vote.  We see Ashley vote against Liz and Jaison against
Ashley.  Jeff counts the ballots.  It's 5 to 1 against Ashley.  I should also
note that Jeff is still not reciting the hidden immunity idol verbiage before
counting the votes.  Ashley's torch is snuffed out and Jeff pleads with
Foa Foa to try harder.  LOL!

SPOILERS:  The storm continues to batter both tribes.  Another castaway
is injured during a challenge and requires some medical attention.  Oh oh!
