Foa Foa Wins!!!
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

It's Night 8 and Foa Foa (FF) returns from Tribal Council.  Jaison is happy
he got Ben booted off.  But the whole experience is draining him.  He is
tired, hungry and mentally worn out.  In the morning, he and Evil Russell
chat and walk along the beach.  Russell thinks Jaison is taking The Game
too personal.  He can no longer trust Jaison.  Let the plotting begin!

Day 9 and we find things normal at Galu Tribe.  Remember them?  The
tribe that wins everything?  We've seen little of their smiling faces the
last 3 episodes.  Shambo would like to see even less.  She enjoyed her
time with Foa Foa.  She'd like to switch or merge now.  Erik meets her
privately in the jungle, hoping to get idol clues.  He promises to protect
her if he finds the idol he believes is hidden somewhere in their camp.
John wanders over and also brings up the idol clues.  Shambo shares
with both.  She hopes her strategy works.  Uh-huh!

It's tree-mail time.  Both tribal leaders are ordered to select one man and
one woman to travel with them to a map location.  They will compete for
food.  Russel of Galu takes Shambo and Dave.  Mick takes Russell and
Natalie.  Both groups arrive on a lonely beach.  Where's Jeff???  He's
nowhere to be found.  I guess Jeff figures Galu is going to win anyway, so why bother?  LOL!  They do find a treasure chest and a cage  holding
three chickens.  Not knowing what to do, both groups start to grab the
loot.  But Dave finds a note in the chest.

It's Survivor Bocce ball!  The chest has a bunch of colored balls, yellow
and purple, and a flag.  Each player gets three balls to toss at the flag.
The tribe with the ball closest at the end wins the chickens.  Mick and
Russel square off first.  Mick gets two balls very close to the flag.  Then
the ladies match throws, but no change.  Foa Foa is actually winning!
Russell and Dave now throw their balls.  Russell's third ball comes really
close to the flag and is now the best shot.  Dave has one ball left.  He
takes his time and aims well.  SUCCESS!!!  Dave's ball lands butt-up
against the flag!  Galu wins again!!!

Meanwhile, back at Camp Galu, Erik decides to search for the idol.  The
rest are away or snoozing, so he pokes around trees near the camp.  Erik
thinks that the same clues apply, it's inside a hollow tree.  John notices
Erik's activities as he lays in a hammock.  Erik climbs up a short tree
and sure enough, he finds the idol!!!  The winners return with the hens.
Russel appoints country girl Shambo as Chicken Mistress.  Back at Foa
Foa, a storm hits, dampening their losing spirit more.  Russell decides
to dump Jaison as his foil for the Final Two and recruits Natalie to take
his place.  Natalie is thrilled.  Russell tells her she has it made!

Day 10 at Camp Galu and Shambo checks the hens.  They laid one whole
egg.  LOL!!!  When she opens the crate to get it, one bird flies the coop.
She and Erik chase after it.  Erik gets clothes-lined by the clothes-line!
LOL!  The chicken flies up and finds the top of a tree.  Shambo is sur-
prized chickens can fly.  Russel shakes his head.  It is a bird, don't ya
know!  Galu gives up.  Shambo tries to play down the missing hen and
play up the single egg.  Yyyyyeah, Rrrrright!

Day 11 at Galu and Kelly is busy hacking at coconuts while Yasmin
watches.  Even watching is too much work for Yasmin, who leaves to
grab a nap.  Kelly shares the coconut milk with others.  They are fed
up with Yasmin's laziness.

It's time for an Immunity Challenge.  Tribes will race across nets while
carrying blocks.  Once all are across, they will stack the first set of blocks.
Once accomplished, they will then race across a rope bridge.  Once all
are across, the tribes may untie and open two sacks of blocks, then stack
them.  First to stack the 2nd batch wins.

Both tribes are dead even across the nets.  Galu works better together
and they finish their stack first.  Galu has a lead as John flies across the
rope bridge.  Yasmin helps build their lead.  But Foa Foa starts to gain
ground.  Especially once Monica loses much of Galu's lead.  Russell
closes in as Brett crosses.  Both tribes are nearly even as they go for
the sacks.  Galu proves to be faster untying them.  Foa Foa keeps it
close during the final stacking.  Kelly then drops two of her final blocks
and Foa Foa surges ahead.  Foa Foa WINS!!!  Their first Immunity victory!

Back at camp, Russel is mad at Monica.  He blames her for their defeat.
He begins to talk up booting her with others.  Dave and John think that
Shambo or Yasmin would be better choices.  Speaking of which, Yasmin
tells Shambo the reason she does nothing around the camp is so she
won't be blamed for any mistakes, like letting a chicken escape.  Ooooh!
That's cold!  Erik talks with John and Kelly about booting Monica, but
they have made up their minds to boot Yasmin.  Erik tells Russel, who is
livid.  He tries to pitch booting Monica one more time.

At Tribal Council, Shambo tells Jeff it sucks that they lost.  John throws
Yasmin under the bus for doing nothing around camp.  She defends herself
and claims to be very competitive during challenges.  Yasmin also flirts
with Jeff, telling him she wore her hooker heels just for him.  Ewwww!
Russel voices keeping the tribe strong for challenges.  Yasmin backs him
up, of course.  She then throws Monica under the bus for losing the IC.
Dave says his vote is based on what's best for the tribe.  Lauren says
her vote is based on what's best for the camp.  It's time to vote.  Monica
gets two votes from Yasmin and Shambo.  The rest give Yasmin the boot.
Jeff warns them to get their momentum back.

SPOILERS:  It's our old favorite classic challenge, the Survivor Gross
Food contest.  A nasty storm hits and keeps raining for two days.  Both
