Evil Russel Plants
His Evil Seeds.
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 18
Season 17
Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 7 at Foa Foa (FF) find Jaison and Mick talking already about booting
Ben.  Jaison was very upset with what Ben said about Yasmin at Tribal
Council.  He considers it racist.  Evil Russell chats up Ashley about who
should go next.  Ashley has no opinion yet, little realizing that Russell is
already targeting her.  He tells Uncle Cameraman that his tribe is the worst
ever.  Russell has no doubt about controlling events.

Ben tries to teach the others the proper way to start a fire.  He is concerned
that the piece of flint is being worn out too fast by use from the others.
But nobody is getting it.  Ben thinks the tribe will starve and die without
his outdoors skills.  Ben continues to annoy the rest with his folksy ways.
Russell is happy about this, he wants to keep Ben around for just that
reason.  LOL!

At Galu (remember them?) Laura is teaching yoga on the beach.  Shambo
thinks they are stupid, plus lazy.  She's doing all the work around camp.
Back at FF, Russell tells Ben how Ashley tried to drum up votes against
Ben.  They discuss booting Ashley.  Ben is on board the Russell Express.
Hahaha!  At camp, Ben confronts Ashley and it gets ugly.  Ashley runs
off and tells Natalie that Ben thinks she is out to get him.  They both agree
that Ben is trouble and wonder who told Ben about Ashley's attempt to
rally votes against him at the last Tribal Council?

It's still Day 7 and we're back at Camp Galu.  They just got tree-mail, which
includes a sack full of swim suits.  It's another combined Reward/Immunity
Challenge.  Both tribes will send out two swimmers to fetch four crates,
one at a time, while both tribes have two members playing blockers.
The first tribe to stack all four crates such that their sides all have different
colors showing wins immunity and comfort.  Pillows, towels and two
thin mats. 

Galu gets an early lead when Liz and Natalie are easily delayed by Galu's
blockers.  It looks hopeless for Foa Foa from this point.  They do manage
to close the gap during the stacking phase, but FF is just too stupid.
Galu wins again!  Their chief, Russel-G, is tempted by Jeff with a choice.
He may take the comfort items, OR, a second prize, functional camping
gear, including a nice big waterproof tarp.  Russel-G thinks for a brief
moment and decides to stick with the comfort prize.  Jeff also has him
send another tribe member to stay with FF till Tribal Council.    He selects
to send Shambo this time.  Jeff gives her a note to read later, the second
clue to the already found immunity idol.

At FF Beach, Shambo gets acquainted.  She is much friendlier than Yasmin
and trash talks her own tribe.  Shambo tells them all about yoga time. 
She thinks her tribe is just a bunch of lazy bums.  FF wants to adopt her!
Shambo says she feels more at home with FF than with Galu.  Back at Galu,
Russel-G confesses he contemplated taking the camping gear.  But he
felt obligated to take care of the ladies.  The men are upset.  They would
have traded everything just for the tarp.  Next time it rains, all those com-
fort items will get soaking wet. 

At FF, the politicking begins.  Jaison wants Ben gone.  He's even threaten-
ing to quit if Ben is not voted off next!  Ashley is happy to go along as
she thinks she's the target.  Evil Russell talks with Liz and Mick about
booting Ashley.  Mick injects Jaison's attitude in the discussion.  They
agree to boot Ben next after Ashley.  Russell shows Mick the immunity
idol as a sign of trust.  Mick is impressed!  So are we!  LOL!

It's FINALLY Day 8.  Shambo teaches the girls the art of fire making. She
uses the opportunity to search the hollow stump for the idol.  Evil Russell
and Mick talk with Jaison about the plan to boot Ashley first and then Ben
next time.  But Jaison isn't budging.  He wants Ben gone NOW!  Russell
tries to argue about Ben being stronger for challenges and the potential
of a girl-power-play to pick them all off.  Jaison does not care, he still
wants Ben gone NOW!

At Tribal Council, Shambo takes a seat on the Jury Log while Foa Foa
airs their dirty laundry.  Jaison tells Jeff he's happy to have met Shambo
and would love to trade Ben for her.  Shambo is considered a positive
force.  Jeff asks Ashley why things are not more harmonious since they
booted off Marisa, the Disruptor?  She throws sand Ben's way.  Ben says
he's voting to boot Ashley and calls her their weakest link.  Jaison then
calls Ben out for being a racist at the last Tribal Council.  The sparks fly
as he and Ben argue.  It gets ugly.  Russells tries to salvage things but
it's too late.  Ashley is happy that Ben and Jaison are fighting as it shifts
attention away from her.  Jeff asks Ben if he wants to clear the air with
Jaison, but Ben feels he has done nothing wrong.  It's time to vote.

Once Shambo leaves, the voting begins.  We see Ben and Ashley trade
votes.  Jeff tallies the ballots.  It's unanimous.  6 to 1 against Ben.  After
he takes his walk of shame, Jeff tells the rest that he has little advice for
them.  They better get their act together fast.

SPOILERS:  Jaison has a rough night as a storm makes life miserable.
Evil Russell is getting fed up with Jaison, who seems to be checking out.
