Good Over Evil
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 33 and things are not well at Camp Nobag.  Matty is very upset with Ken
for casting a vote against him at Tribal Council.  He calls Ken out as being
the evil mastermind.  Sugar is uncomfortable with the heavy vibe.  Crystal
regrets not voting to boot Matty now.  Ken later confronts Bob because
Corrine did not play the fake idol as planned.  Ken must still think it's real,
LOL!  Bob promises Ken that if he wins immunity, he'll give Ken the necklace.

Day 34 and Reward Challenge is another race through mucky course.  They
must fetch a ball then return to the start and toss the ball into a basket.  The
first to get all three balls in the basket wins a sight-seeing trip to a game
reserve, as well as food, a clean bed and their choice of sending someone to
Exile Island.  Matty is the quickest of the bunch, and has a lead on the others.
Bob and Ken are right behind.  Matty scores first.  Bob and Ken then make
their first baskets.  Matty is still out in front when he scores his second
basket, but Bob incredibly scores his second on the first toss!  Matty gets his
third ball but fails to connect.  Bob and Ken fail on their first attempts.  Matty
misses again.  But Bob scores and wins!  Jeff allows him to take two along
for the ride.  Bob chooses Ken and Crystal to join him, and sends Susie into
Exile.  Sugar and Matty are left behind.

Bob and Company helicopter to the reserve.  After landing, they first head for
the food.  During which, they discuss strategy, plotting to boot Matty next.
Ken permits Bob to disregard his promise of the immunity necklace, so Bob
offers to still give it to him *IF* Bob thinks Ken is in danger of getting booted.
After a shower and clean clothes, the three are taken to an observation
platform where they watch a group of gorillas.  One large silverback adult
male comes very close to them.  Bob is awe inspired!

Day 35 at Exile Island and Susie is making herself at home.  Knowing that
Sugar has the hidden idol, Susie opts for comfort and relaxes.  Back at camp,
Matty groans and moans about Ken and Crystal.  He accuses Sugar of being
part of their evil cabal.  Matty tries to convince her to give him her idol, but
she is reluctant.

Bob and Company return to Camp Nobag.  Matty immediately starts in with
Ken and Crystal.  They bicker and argue.  Ken and Crystal get very nasty
with him.  Matty then tries to talk with Crystal but just argue more.  She tells
him that the reason she does not trust him any more is because he is too
close with Susie.  Sugar overhears all this and becomes unhappy with the
way Ken and Crystal are behaving.  So Sugar later chats with Matty about
booting Crystal.

Day 36 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  The players will be blind-
folded and then they must study the features of a Gabonese mask with their
hands.  Then carry bags of puzzle pieces, one at a time, through an obstacle
course, while still blindfolded.  They must recreate the mask on the other end
using the pieces in each bag.  Matty gets an early lead, quickly making his
way through the obstacle.  He decides to fetch all three bags before starting
to work on his mask.  Bob and Ken start working on their masks with their
first bags.  Crystal gets lost and winds up outside the obstacle.  LOL!  Matty
gets his three bags and begins working on his mask.  Bob and Ken are also
getting their last two bags before doing more work.  Susie then wanders off
the obstacle course.  Bob, Ken and Matty are all wrong with their first tries
at recreating the mask.  But then Bob gets it on his next try and wins!  It's
his fourth consecutive challenge!!!

Back at camp, Ken and Crystal discuss their strategy.  Bob is just winning
too darn much, so Ken plots to blindside him.  Ken will ask Bob for the
immunity necklace, then they will vote him off instead of Matty.  Ken tries
to convince Bob that he feels in danger and asks for the necklace.  Bob
is reluctant and tells Ken he wants to see who the rest are voting for first.
Back at the hut, Crystal tells Sugar the new plan to blindside Bob, right in
front of Matty!  Sugar is upset and tells Bob what's going on.  She tells him
that she's voting to boot Crystal and not to give Ken the necklace.  Bob is
skeptical that Ken and Crystal are plotting to betray him.  Sugar tells Matty
she talked with Bob and to vote for Crystal as they planned.

At Tribal Council, Bob acknowledges that he is now the chief threat.  Ken is
amazed at how well Bob is competing.  Matty is happy for Bob and considers
him to be one of the 'good people'.  Susie says that she has missed a lot
of the goings-on at camp while in exile.  Ken then openly talks about the
promise Bob made to him about the immunity necklace.  Ken plays up how
scared he is.  Matty pounces on Ken and Crystal as being an evil alliance.
Jeff reminds Sugar that tonight is the last time she can use her immunity idol.
Bob decides NOT to give Ken the immunity necklace because he does not
believe Ken is in any danger tonight.  Ken and Crystal look worried as every-
one votes.   We see Matty and Crystal trade votes for each other and Sugar's
vote against Crystal.  Before Jeff tallies the ballots, he asks Sugar if she's
going to use the idol?  She does, and she gives it to Matty!!!  Jeff authenti-
cates the real idol and announces that all votes against Matty will not count.
Jeff then counts the votes.  Matty only got two votes, from Ken and Crystal.
The rest give Crystal the boot, which made The Jury VERY HAPPY!!!

SPOILERS:  Sunday night is the FINALE!!!  Will Good triumph over Evil?  It
sure looks that way now!
