More Fakery
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 30 and the Nobag Tribe (Ugh!  What a horrid name!) returns from Tribal
Council after booting off Randy.  Bob is upset with all of the snickering and
general disrespect the Slacker Alliance showed during the event.  Then Sugar
and Corrine mix it up.  Corrine hates her, she hates them all, really, except
for Bob.

Day 31 and Ken goes fishing with Bob.  They catch a bunch of fish, including
a large catfish.  Ken takes credit for it all.  He thinks he's a sun god now!  LOL!
Meanwhile, Bob stays busy building things needed around the camp.  Yet,
Ken thinks Bob is stupid for not playing The Game.

It's time for the Reward Challenge.  They will be split into two teams and race
to fetch seven pieces of a giant sprocket puzzle.  The first team to assemble
their puzzle and raise a flag moves on to Round Two, solving a sliding puzzle.
First individual who does so wins beer, pizza, brownies and… a video from
home!  Jeff teases them each with a message from a loved one, which makes
everyone teary.  Jeff tells them that since today's challenge is all about the
heart, no one will be exiled.

Each player draws a rock and Crystal and Susie are team captains.  Susie
picks Matty, who picked Ken.  Crystal picked Sugar, who picks Bob.  Poor
Corrine gets left out and is ineligible for reward.  Boo-Hoo!  Susie's team
gets a lead but they are slow assembling the puzzle.  Bob, Mr. Physics, has
no trouble putting all the gears in the right place!  Crystal's team wins and
the three players now square off on the sliding puzzle.  Bob solves this one
quickly and wins reward!  Jeff sends the rest back to camp.

Bob kicks back, opens a brew and starts watching a video his wife made.  At
one point, she tells him to hold on and walks off screen.  As Bob waits for her,
his wife, Peggy, appears from behind him and ambushes a startled Bob!  She
is surprised at his appearance, but thinks his beard is nice.  Bob brings his
wife back to camp.  The others are amazed, but even more so when Bob
signals the other loved ones to join them!

After some group hugs, everyone pairs off.  Ken brags to his sister how he
is a sun god.  LOL!  Sugar's sister brought some ashes of their father which
they spread onto Gabon.  Matty proposes marriage to his girl friend and she
accepts!  As the day draws close, the loved ones depart.

Day 33 and Bob and Corrine go for tree mail.  They discuss blind-siding Matty.
The others back at camp talk about booting Bob.  But Bob is crafty and has
a new plan.  He tells Corrine he's going to make another fake idol, and this
time tell the others that it is the one that Marcus 'pretended' to throw into the
sea.  Bob will claim that Marcus showed him where it was hidden, and they
will use it to trick two others to vote with them and boot Matty.

It's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Jeff will ask questions about Gabon
and correct answers win each player a ball.  After four questions, players
will toss their balls one at a time down a steep hill to a huge target.  The one
who's ball lands closest to dead center wins immunity.  Sugar and Bob get
the most answers correct, three each.  Matty scores well on his first toss,
getting the 4th ring, but Bob gets his first ball into the 3rd ring.  The others
fail as Bob's second toss scores the 2nd ring!  It's all down to Sugar's last
toss and it bounces well past the center.  Bob wins immunity!

Back at camp, Bob and Corrine discuss their plan.  Corrine picks Ken to be
her first victim.  She tells Ken about the Marcus idol and how Bob has it.
He agrees to vote for booting Matty after Bob and Corrine agree that their
Final Four will be them plus Crystal.  So Bob goes to Crystal and shows her
his second fake immunity idol.  She tells Bob she'll go along with the plan.
But then she talks with Ken, who has another plan.  He'll vote for Matty, but
he wants Crystal to still vote with the others to boot Corrine.  That way, either
Matty will go or the other idol will be flushed out.  Crystal tells Uncle Camera-
man that she is not sure what to do.  This may be a good time to get rid of

At Tribal Council, paranoia is the main topic of discussion.  Susie is very
paranoid.  Bob isn't, since he has the immunity necklace.  Corrine says that
paranoia is a useful thing.  Sugar says that people are being duped!  Crystal
and Ken wonder who they can trust?

It's time to vote.  We see Matty vote for Corrine and Ken vote for Matty.  Jeff
then tallies the ballots after all have voted.  It's 4 to 3 against Corrine.  Crystal
voted along with her other allies after all.  Only Ken joined Bob and Corrine
to keep the illusion of his friendship alive.

SPOILERS:  Ken is unhappy that Bob lied to him about the fake idol.  Sugar
is unhappy with Crystal and thinks she's a big bully.  LOL!
