Mr. Funky
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 27 at the new Nobag Tribe.  Ugh!  What a lame name!  But it fits them
to a tee.  Ken and Crystal gloat over getting Charlie booted.  Randy is very
nervous about his position.  Corrine is getting desperate.

Day 28 finds Sugar and Bob chatting in the jungle.  She tells him she wants
Randy gone.  Bob shows her the fake idol he made.  She does not admit to
having the real one.  Corrine and Randy chat strategy.  They need numbers
and decide to work on Matty.  Tree mail arrives and announces it's time for
the Survivor Auction!

Each player gets $500.  They may not share food or cash.  The 1st item Jeff
shows is a bucket of ice with 3 cold beers and a bowl of peanuts.  Randy
wins it all for $180.  Next item is covered and Ken wins it for $340.  It's a note
that allows him to send one player to Exile and take his or her money.  Ken
sends Bob.  Another covered item is won by Sugar for $340 (Randy is just
automatically bidding his remaining $320 every time).  It's just what Sugar
needs, a bowl of peanut butter with chunks of chocolate.  Jeff unveils the
next item, a hot bath and a fresh set of clothing.  Susie wins it for $340.  She
jumps in right away, but does not stay in it long, the water is too hot.  LOL!

Next item is a burger, fries and cola.  Matty and Ken duel it out but Ken lets
Matty have it for $400.  Randy wins the next item, which was covered, for
$280.  It's a plate of spaghetti with garlic bread and a glass of red wine.  Yum!
Jeff shows the next item, a bottle with a secret message which has an advan-
tage for the next Immunity Challenge.  Corrine buys it for $500.  Next item is
covered, but Jeff warns that it must be shared with everyone.  Randy buys
it for $20.  It's a big plate of huge chocolate chip cookies!!!  He first offers
one to Sugar, but she refuses.  Everyone else takes one, Randy offers the
extra one to Corrine, who splits it in half and shares with Matty.  Randy then
offers the last cookie, HIS COOKIE, to Sugar.  She takes it, this time, and
gives it to Matty.  Jeff is astonished by this!  Randy is pissed!

Back at camp, Randy makes a lot of noise over the incident.  He sets Matty
straight about who's cookie it was that Sugar gave him, trying to play the
guilt card.  Corrine and Randy try to convince Matty that if he stays allied
with the others, he'll be voted off and finish in 5th place.  Bob tries again to
search for the idol, but after he reads the first clue, realizes that the idol is
already gone.  So he goes on his own safari.

Day 29 and Matty talks with his posse about booting Bob first, before Randy.
He argues that Bob is more of a threat.  He proposes Bob goes first, followed
by Randy and then Corrine.  The others reluctantly agree.  Then, Randy shows
up at their hut and gives them all an evil glare.  LOL!

Day 30 and Randy warns Corrine he's going to crash and burn.  He'll go
kamikaze on everyone and make them all miserable.  His plan is to get them
all to hate him and boot him off.  But if Randy can get Bob to give him the
idol, which he certainly must have, then they can boot Susie instead.  He
continues to work on Matty, but even Matty is annoyed by Randy now.  The
others are all ad and have had enough of Mr. Randy!

Immunity Challenge time!  Players will race across a balance beam carrying
one sack of puzzle blocks at a time.  If they fall off, they must begin again at
the starting end.  First two players to get all three sacks across will advance
to the final round.  During this phase, the players must set up their blocks
along a track which angles up and down.  The blocks will be dominoes and
once set into motion, will move a ball that will raise a flag.  Jeff has Corrine
open her bottle and read her note.  Her advantage is an automatic spot in
the final round!

Matty flawlessly makes his three trips across the balance beams and is the
first one to succeed.  Ken almost makes it but stumbles with his third sack.
But Ken makes it the second time and advances.  Matty, Ken and Corrine
now start setting up the domino blocks.  Not only is the track angled, but
a confusing series of ropes are attached along the sides.  The players must
negotiate through the ropes as they set up the blocks, or they'll jar their
track and knock over their blocks.  Ken finishes first but his attempt to win
fails and must reset his blocks.  All three now try near simultaneously.  But
only Ken's dominoes fall in the right sequence and raises his flag.  Ken wins!

Back at camp, Randy hopes that Bob has the hidden immunity idol.  Bob
and Sugar chit chat, he knows now that she must have the real one.  Sugar
admits to having the real idol and promises Bob she'll use her influence to
keep him around.  She then suggests to Bob that he passes off his fake idol
to Randy.  Oh-Oh!  Corrine then chats with Bob.  She tells him about Opera-
tion Kamikaze and Bob agrees to give his idol to Randy.  Later at camp, Bob
shows his fake idol to Randy and later gives it to him.  Bob lets Sugar know
that Randy has the fake.  Sugar tells the others that tonight will be really

At Tribal Council, Jeff begins with the cookie incident at the auction.  Sugar
tries to defend why she played such a mean trick on poor Randy.  Randy
thinks Sugar is just plain rotten.  Susie thinks Randy is plain rotten.  Corrine
says that things are very tense at camp.  Crystal says that she's fed up with
Mr. Randy.  Bob acts coy about the idol.  Randy admits to being worried. 
It's time to vote!  We see Randy and Corrine cast ballots against Susie.  Sugar
cast her vote against Randy, as does Crystal, who talks really loud to the
camera, loud enough for everyone to hear!  Jeff gathers the votes.  He asks
if anyone has the idol must play it now.  Randy stands up and hands his
idol to Jeff.  After Jeff repeats the rules about the idol, he examines it and
declares it a fake.  Jeff tosses it into the fire.  Randy and Corrine are shocked!
Jeff tallies the votes, it's 3 for Susie and 5 for Randy.  Bob threw the third
vote against Susie.  Jeff snuffs out Randy's torch and sends him down the
Path of Shame.  Jeff then warns the rest about trusting each other. 

SPOILERS:  Bob tells Corrine some story about how Dr. Marcus pocketed
the idol that was allegedly thrown in the sea.  That Marcus hid that idol and
that he, Bob, found it.  Is he trying to cover his tracks about the fake idol? 
Trying to convince Corrine that he was duped by Marcus?  Or does Bob
truly have the other idol???  HMMMM???
