Sorry, Charlie
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 24 and Ken is very pleased with New Kota's first Tribal Council.  He
and Crystal were successful in steering Susie to their side and boot Doctor
Marcus, the brains behind Kota.  Bob has no doubt he'll be next to go should
Kota lose another tribal immunity challenge.  He hopes for The Merge, soon!

Day 25 at Fang and they are out of rice.  Oh well, we saw that coming.  Matty
and Charlie return from a tree mail run with a golf flag and a big slingshot.
It's time for a Reward Challenge:  Golf, Survivor-style!  Each tribe will take
turns trying to get their oversized golfball into two of three 'holes'.  These
are octagonal sandboxes about a yard wide.  Kota wins the first hole with
three 'strokes' from their large slingshot.  Two players hold while a third fires.
Fang wins the next hole, also in three shots.  It all comes down to the 3rd hole.
Both tribes get close with their second shots.  Ken misses with Kota's third
shot.  Matty also fails with his third, but the ball lands right up against the
sandbox.  Ken over shoots with his 4th shot.  Matty lines up what should be
just a simple drop, but Randy butts in.  They bicker over technique till Charlie
intervenes.  Fang wins!  They get a visit to a local tribe's village for a feast.
Fang also chooses to send Bob into Exile, hoping he'll find the immunity idol,
not knowing that Sugar already has it.

The villagers greet Fang as they arrive.  Before the feast begins, they wash
Fang up.  LOL!  I don't blame them, these folks have been out in the wild for
weeks with no soap.  While eating, the subject of Marcus being booted is
discussed.  Charlie is most upset over this.  During the challenge, he traded
barbs with Ken about who deserved being in The Game.  Randy has a good
time at the festival.  Matty cuts loose during the dancing, forgetting The Game
for awhile.

Day 26 at Kota and Ken gets the boat stuck while fishing.  He manages to free
the canoe, and catches three fish.  With Bob in Exile, Ken is the only male
at Kota.  He feels powerful and horny.  LOL!  Bob searches for the hidden
immunity idol.  He finds all the clues, but not the idol itself.  Bob suspects
that Sugar has it.  So Bob does the next best thing, he makes his own idol.
Bob hopes it will be enough to fool the others.

Day 27 and Fang gets tree mail about the next challenge.  It will involve start-
ing a fire.  Randy dreads The Merge, mainly because he'll be back together
with Crystal, whom he refers to as Sasquatch.  LOL!  Both tribes gather for
the Immunity Challenge.  Jeff informs them that it will be for individual immu-
nity.  The Merge begins now! 

Each player gets a flint and a steel knife, plus a box of kindling and wood.
The object is to start a fire and build it high enough to burn through a rope
which will release a flag.  First one to raise their flag wins immunity.  Susie
gets her fire started first.  It figures, since she's been doing most of the
camp-side drudge work for the past few weeks.  Amazingly, Sugar also gets
a fire started before anyone else!  Both ladies nurture their flames, getting
them bigger and higher.  But Susie had enough of a head start and easily

Back at camp, everyone butters up Sugar.  She is the swing vote.  Corrine
and Charlie work on her.  Sugar does not like Randy, but C & C argue about
first booting Ken or Crystal and then they can boot Randy later.  Meanwhile,
Ken, Crystal, Matty and Susie discuss who to boot.  Charlie, Corrine and
Randy are on the chopping block.  Ken, who has a personal disdain for
Charlie, convinces the others that Charlie is the brains and needs to go first.
Ken then goes to tell Sugar how they are voting.  Sugar does not trust any-
one.  The gang decides to call their new tribe, Nobag, Gabon spelled back-
wards.  Sheesh!

At Tribal Council, Jeff asks Randy about the incident at the last hole of the
golf game.  Randy tries to give some lame excuse about how Matty may have
missed the shot.  Charlie has to calm down Randy and Matty again!  Then
Randy and Crystal exchange venom.  She wants to know why he hates her
so much?  Randy lists off issues, beginning with how she and GC ran and
ruined Fang during the first nine days.  Charlie and Ken trade compliments,
and even Randy says Ken has "grown up".  Sugar hasn't been around long
enough to annoy anyone.  It's time to vote.  The first four ballots read are for
Crystal.  But the next five have Charlie's name on them!  Sugar went with her
new pals again.

SPOILERS:  Randy tries to stir things up by going naked around the camp.
Yikes!!!  Randy and Corrine try working on Matty to turn him against Ken
and Crystal.  Hmmm, we'll see how that works out, but I doubt it!
