What's Up Doc?
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 21 and at Kota tribe, randy feels bad about Dan being voted off.  They
were buddies.  But, Randy is ready for Operation Clean Sweep.  Marcus wants
Susie to sign on to the grand strategy of, following the expected merge, vote
off all current Fang members first.  Publicly, she agrees, but privately, she has
reservations.  At Fang Tribe, Matty wants to know about why Ace was booted?
Sugar says she trust's Ken more, now, than she did Ace.  Matty and Crystal
then trade barbs.  He hopes for a merge so he can get out of this loser tribe!
Crystal and Ken plot to outwit Kota post-merge.

Day 22 at Kota.  Corrine and Doc talk about booting Susie.  Neither trust her.
Tree mail instructs both tribes to bring only their personal belongings to a
beach-side feast.  Everyone assumes it's The Merge!  They find a huge spread of food and drinks, and a mysterious box.  On it a note says that once the box
is opened, the feast is over. 

So everyone chows down first.  There is wine and beer, fruit, bread and a lot
of fun protein, including meatloaf!  Ken and Charlie notice another note under
a large plate.  The note gives a clue to another immunity idol hidden on the
beach.  Before everyone sprints to search for it, Randy and Marcus convince
all to agree to dispose of the idol into the sea.  Randy finds it in about seven
seconds.  He plops it on the table and tempts anyone to take it.  None do.
The idol is chucked into the ocean.

The box is finally opened.  There are two notes and a bag.  The 1st note in-
structs each player to blindly take a numbered stone from within the bag.
After each has done so, the 2nd note explains that all odd numbered players
are the new Kota tribe, and even numbered new Fang.  Oh geez!  Another
twist!  The new Kota Tribe is Dr. Marcus, Bob, Susie, Crystal and Ken.  The
new Fang Tribe is Randy, Charlie, Corrine, Sugar and Matty. 

Kota returns to camp and Marcus quickly learns that one of his best friends
is Crystal's cousin!  Small world, huh?  They chat in private and talk strategy.
They promise each other not to write the other's name down at Tribal Council.
Crystal even promises that she won't write down Bob's or Ken's either, but
she promised Ace she wouldn't boot him, too.

At the new Fang Tribe, Charlie and Corrine discuss booting Matty or Sugar
first.  Matty talks with Sugar about how Ken duped her into voting off Ace.
She now feels very bad about doing so.  They make a pact to use her idol to
stay alive in The Game.

Day 23 at Kota Tribe finds Susie and Crystal out gathering fire wood.  Susie
then chats with Doc about her situation.  She wants a guarantee to being
part of the Final Three.  He appears to agree to her terms.

Day 24 and tree-mail is checked by Matty and Sugar.  Meanwhile, Randy tells
Charlie and Corrine he's good with booting Matty out since Sugar probably
has an immunity idol.  It's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Each player will
stand on a custom perch.  They will hold a pole up against a board with each
hand.  Last player standing wins immunity for their tribe.  Crystal lasts about
3 seconds and Sugar goes out right after.  Susie then loses it.  Randy and
Corrine fail simultaneously.  Then Ken is out.  Marcus then loses his concen-
tration and is out, followed by Charlie.  It's between Matty and Bob.  Bob looks
weak but then Matty goofs off taunting Bob and his poles begin to slip away.
Matty recovers and Bob finally succumbs to the pressure.  Fang wins!!!

Kota slumps back to camp.  Marcus talks with Corrine about booting Ken.
Doc tells her that she will replace Susie on the Kota Six.  Marcus then talks
with Susie.  She will only agree to booting Ken if he promises to take her
to the Final Three.  Crystal tells Ken he's on the chopping block.  They need
to turn Susie.  So Crystal tries to sway her towards booting Marcus instead.

At Tribal Council, Crystal says that Kota Tribe is like corporate espionage.
Bob and Marcus talk about keeping the tribe strong.  Ken calls Marcus out
for being a manipulative liar.  He tries to stir the pot.  It's time to vote.  We
see Marcus and Bob vote for Ken, and Ken and Crystal vote to boot Marcus.
It all rests on Susie.  Jeff tallies the votes.  It's 3-2 versus Dr. Marcus!  Ken
and Crystal grin and smirk while Susie feels shame.

SPOILERS:  Fang Tribe still has issues.  Randy and Matty trade barbs.  Ken
feels like the new King of Kota!
