Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 19 and the loser Fang Tribe assesses their rice supply.  They have about
30 handfuls, maybe a week's worth left to go.  The uncoordinated, former
Olympian, Crystal, then stumbles into the rice chest and knocks it over!  Rice
is everywhere!  She tries to clean it up and salvage what she can.  Some of
the cleaner rice is put in a pot and cooked.  Crystal plays martyr, declining to
eat any rice.  When others try to get her to eat some, she goes negative.  She
rants and raves how she can tell how some what her gone.  Crystal goes into
full Drama-Mama Mode!

Day 20 at the Extremely Awesome Kota Tribe!  Lawyer Dan feels left out.  He
recognizes that Dr. Marcus, Charlie and Corrine are the In Crowd.  Dan tries
to schmooze his way into their clique.  But they are not buying what he's
selling.  LOL!

It's time for a Reward Challenge.  The name of the game is Keep Away!  Three
members from each tribe will pass a breakable ball around while one player
from the opposing tribe tries to cause it to break.  There are two rings, each
with an obstacle in the middle, so the events will run simultaneously.  First
tribe to score three points wins a helicopter ride to a scenic setting for a
picnic, complete with breads, meats, cheeses and wine!  They will also send
somebody from the losing tribe to Exile Island. 

Can you guess the outcome already?  LOL!  Well, first we begin with Randy
and Ace competing as their tribes' attackers.  Needless to say, Randy scores
first for Kota.  Round Two pits Bob versus Sugar as attackers.  Both have a
hard time disrupting their opponents but eventually, Bob scores a second
point for Kota.  Round Three has Dan and Matty as the attackers.  Despite a
valiant effort by Matty, Dan scores the third point for Kota.  Kota wins, AGAIN!
Needless to say, they send Sugar back into exile.  ZZZZZZZZ!

Kota flies away in their helicopter.  The landscape is incredibly beautiful as
they approach a huge, deep crater.  It has awesome limestone formations
jutting upwards along the rim.  The interior is a lush jungle.  Kota revels in
it's beauty as they settle down for their picnic. 

Meanwhile, Fang sulks back to camp, AGAIN!  Matty feels completely humili-
ated.  He vocally blames Sugar for being useless in challenges.  Gotta wonder
who chose her to be an attacker?  He and Ace take a boat ride to have a pri-
vate chat.  Matty wants to boot Sugar.  Ace calms him down and convinces
Matty to stick with the game plan to boot Crystal next.  Crystal and Ken chat
and decide it's time to blindside Ace.

Back at the picnic, Kota relaxes as they munch away.  Randy voices how he
is very happy to be eating such food and denying Fang a meal.  He tells Kota
that Fang must be nearly out of rice by now.  The helicopter pilot interrupts
the picnic long enough to give Kota a packet.  Inside are letters from home!
The Totally Awesome Kota Tribe is now even more elated than usual!  Bob
gets especially weepy while reading his mail.  Over at Exile Island, Sugar is
chilling away in the Sugar Shack.  While she munches on some fruit, she
wonders what's going on at Fang?  Sugar hopes things are OK for Ace.

Day 21 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Jeff takes back the idol
from Kota.  He then announces that BOTH TRIBES will be going to Tribal
Council tonight!  One player will have a shot at winning Individual Immunity!

The event is a log rolling contest.  Dan and Ace are up first, with Ace winning.
Charlie dispatches Crystal immediately.  Marcus defeats Matty.  Randy sends
Susie into the drink.  Sugar beats Ken, LOL!  Bob, who has competed in log
rolling before, dumps Corrine into the water.  Charlie and Ace now square
off with Ace advancing to the finals.  Marcus beats Randy and Sugar defeats
Bob!  LOL!  The final round has Ace, Sugar and Marcus all on the same log.
Sugar goes in the drink first.  Ace is disadvantaged as he has his back to
Marcus.  Marcus makes his move and Ace recovers, but only for a few short
moments.  Marcus wins!   Jeff says that there is a twist and give Marcus a
note.  Marcus reads that he may give one player from the other tribe individual
immunity.  He gives it to Sugar, of all people!  Crystal is really pissed!

Fang returns to camp.  Ken plots with Crystal about turning Sugar on their
side and boot Ace.  He has a private chat with Sugar and lies to her.  Ken
tells Sugar that Ace and Matty openly spoke about blindsiding her tonight.
Sugar agrees with Ken to blindside Ace.  Ken tells Crystal the game is on!
Ace talks with Sugar.  He is worried and asks her for the idol.  She tells him
she'll have to think about it.

At Fang's Tribal Council, Sugar brings up the rice incident.  Matty goes into
more detail about how they've gone from a 7 day supply to 5 days.  Ace
complains about Crystal's drama queen moment.  Crystal jumps back and
gets nasty with Ace.  Sugar says everyone is getting too petty.  It's time to
vote.  Ace and Matty vote to boot Crystal.  Sugar, Ken and Crystal vote to
boot Ace, instead.  Jeff comments about Ace being blindsided.

When Kota returns to their camp after the challenge, Dan asks Marcus if
he's going tonight?  Marcus assures Dan that Susie is this evening's target.
Randy has replaced Bob as the fourth member of the Onion Alliance.  He
talks with Marcus, Charlie and Corrine.  Randy throws both Dan and Susie
under the bus.  Dan is the chosen target.  Corrine tells Susie that Dan is on
the block.  Susie is happy, but then confides that she was going to write
Corrine's name down!  Corrine is upset!  She talks with Randy who confirms
that Susie is too crazy to keep around.  Corrine then talks with Marcus and
Charlie about changing up.  They have no problem booting Susie instead,
but they fear that Dan may have the hidden immunity idol.

At Kota's Tribal Council, Marcus tells Jeff the strategy is to keep Kota strong.
Susie does not think she is the weakest player, and throws Corrine under
the bus!  LOL!  Oh boy!  Corrine obviously defends herself.  Randy brags
about being the most open and honest member of the tribe, therefore the
most trustworthy.  Dan admits to being a worry-wart.  Charlie wants to keep
Kota strategically strong, alliance-wise.  It's time to vote.  Kota splits their
vote up, just in case Dan has the idol.  Dan, Marcus and Randy vote to boot
Susie.  Susie, Corrine, Charlie and Bob vote to boot Lawyer Dan.  Serves him
right for wearing his stupid suit and tie to council!  What an idiot!  Doesn't
he know he's in the middle of the jungle???  Oh well, NOT ANYMORE!  LOL!!!

SPOILERS:  Randy has maneuvered himself into a position of trust and even
leadership!  He's the new King of Gabon now!  How did he manage that one?
