Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

This is one of those rare episodes of "SURVIVOR" that is difficult to write
about.  Difficult because it is very discouraging.  Very sad, very disgusting.
When you think about the thousands of people who try each season to be a
contestant, then wonder how this guy got through casting and made it on
the show.  It just makes me SICK!

Night 12 and the loser Fang Tribe waddles back to their camp.  They had just
voted off one of their strongest, most competitive members, Jacque.  Ace is
most unhappy with the results.  Sugar joins Fang from Exile Island.  She, too,
is unhappy to see Jacque gone and the weak, useless Kelly still around.
Sugar tries to pretend that she gave up looking for the hidden immunity idol,
but Crystal isn't buying it.

Day 13 and Bob nets a bunch of fish for Kota Tribe.  One turns out to be an
electric catfish!  They get shocks handling it.  Randy doesn't mind, he'll eat
anything!  He loves his new tribe!  Back at the Loser Fang Tribe, Matty comes
across a large elephant in the jungle.  The rest watch it in awe.  Ace and
Matty decide to canoe over and get a closer look.  Matty has an epiphany
over the experience.  He is one with Nature now!

It's time for a Reward Challenge.  Both tribes gather and Kota sees that Fang
booted Jacque.  They are shocked and dismayed.  The game today is Fruit
Toss.  A player from each tribe will throw fruit through an obstacle to another,
who will in turn through the fruit to a catcher behind another obstacle.  One
player from each tribe will attempt to block the fruit being tossed using a
long bat.  Behind each of the obstacles are catchers from both tribes.  Who-
ever catches the fruit may put it in their basket.  After five minutes, the
baskets will be weighed and the tribe with the most will win all the fruit plus
a herb garden.  They will also send a member of the losing tribe to Exile.

Fang actually gets a good early lead.  But it is short lived as Kota develops
a throwing strategy.  They get past Ace's bat by throwing two pieces of
fruit at a time.  Kota also starts throwing larger, heavier fruit.  The strategy
works.  Kota catches up.  After 5 minutes, Jeff weighs both baskets.  Fang
has 16 pounds of fruit.  Kota has 18 pounds!  KOTA WINS!!!  Dan the Lawyer,
former Fang member, somehow becomes Kota's spokesman and orders
Sugar to her third visit to Exile.  Jeff asks why?  Dan answers, "For comic
relief."  HMMMM!

Kota returns to camp and celebrates another victory.  They joke about not
being the "Axis of Evil" but being the "Evil Empire"!  Dan assumes a leader-
ship role.  He wants Kota to be strong and keep winning.  After The Merge,
Dan wants all of Fang booted off before any of them are.  This makes Dr.
Marcus laugh!  He does not trust Dan at all and is less impressed with Susie.
Randy seems to be fitting in better with his new tribe.  Meanwhile, Sugar
has renamed the Comfy Hut to the Sugar Shack.  LOL!  She's living it up
there with plenty of food and no labor.

Day 14 and things are not so sweet at Fang Tribe.  The food situation is get-
ting very serious.  Hunger is making everyone testy.  Crystal scolds GC for
not eating all 13 grains of his rice ration.  LOL!  GC gives her a piece of his
mind, which is not saying much.  They bicker and squabble.  Ace grins.
He's happy to see the Slacker Alliance fall apart.

Day 15 and Fang gets tree-mail about the next challenge.  Something to do
with gravity.  As the rest prepare to leave, GC decides to take the boat for
a ride.  Matty, Ken and Kelly go looking for him.  Crystal couldn't care less
if GC showed up or not.  She's done with him!  Ace grins more! GC finally
returns.  Ken tells him they were just about to leave without him but GC
answers that he doesn't care if they did or not.

The Immunity Challenge is Gravity Ball.  One player from each tribe will take
turns rolling one of five large balls down a steep hill.  Two players from
each will play defense.  One will be blind-folded and carry a shield, the other
will call out directions from the side line.  The object is to get the balls past
the defensemen into one of five goals, each with a different point value.
There will be five balls rolled from each tribe, the one with the most points

Round One and both balls get past the defensemen, but Fang's ball rolls into
a 5-point goal and Kota's into a 2-point goal.  Round Two and this time Kota's
defenseman, Dan, is well served by his caller, Randy.  They block Fang's
ball.  Ace is not served well by Sugar calling instructions, and Kota scores
2-points again.  Round Three and this time the both balls take a bad bounce
and switch sides at the last moment.  Dan blocks his own team's ball and
Fang scores 2-points,  Round Four and Dan blocks Fang's again, and Ace
trips and bangs his mouth with his shield.  Kota scores 2-points.  Fang only
leads 7-6.  The Fifth and Final Round and Dan block's Fang's ball yet again!
Ace makes a move but Randy yells out for him to go the opposite way.  The
ploy works and Kota scores 2 points and WINS!!!

Back at camp, Fang is moaning and groaning.  GC has had enough!  He tells
Mattty he's finished.  GC wants to go home.  Matty tells Crystal that GC
wants to quit.  She doesn't care and is happy to boot him off!  She tells Ken
who tells Kelly.  Ace also knows by now and tells Sugar.  He asks her where
she has the idol?  Sugar tells him it's in her bag back in the hut.  She isn't
worried about anybody poking through her belongings.  Back at the hut,
Crystal decides to peek into Sugar's bag and finds the idol.  She, Matty, Ken
and Kelly discuss blind-siding Sugar while she and Ace think GC is going.

At Tribal Council, Jeff asks about wear and tear.  Ace answers that clothes
have gotten larger due to hunger.  GC whines about being hungry and tired
all the time.  Sugar tells Jeff that GC has been talking about quitting.  GC
admits to wanting to go home tonight.  Matty tries one last time to prevent
GC from quitting, but it's no use.  Jeff talks with Sugar about the idol and
her bag.  She answers that she doesn't care if anyone did look in her bag.

It's time to vote.  GC votes to boot Kelly because he is not allowed to vote
for himself.  The rest give GC what he wants and send him home.  If he was
so set on leaving, he should have just done so without the vote.  But GC
is too lazy to even be lazy!  UUUUGGGGHHHH!

SPOILERS:  Ace uses GC's departure to spring a plot to seize control at
Fang.  He works on Matty to get him into an alliance with him and Sugar.
