Survivor Review: Episode Three - Ranked To Lose

To Lose
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 9 at Kota Tribe and everyone is happy that Paloma is gone except for
Kelly.  She was the only other person to vote against Ace.  Now she is very
worried.  Ace didn't like Tribal Council but he dislikes Kelly even more now!

Day 10 at Fang and the rice supply is getting bleak.  Randy suggests they
cut back to just one meal per day.  GC, Crystal and Ken are unhappy with
Randy's opinion.  They must think the rice bag has a secret compartment,
LOL!  Randy goes off searching for fruit with Matty, Dan and Susie.  They
all agree that GC is a slacker and needs to go next.

Both tribes gather for what they expect to be a Reward Challenge.  Oh how
wrong they are!  Jeff hands out tablets and each player must rank their
fellow tribemates as to their importance to their tribe.  Oh-Oh!!!  After the
scores are tallied, everyone takes positions on declining pedestals.   For
Kota, the ranking is 1) Marcus, 2) Ace, 3) Bob, 4) Charlie, 5) Jacque, 6) Corrine,
7) Sugar and 8th) Kelly.  LOL!  For Fang it's 1) Matty, 2) Dan, 3) Randy,
4) Crystal, 5) Ken, 6) GC and 7th is Susie.

Jeff tells everyone to drop their buffs!!!  It's a tribal switch-a-roo!!!  Marcus
and Matty will stay with their tribes and begin the selection process, with
each player choosing in turn.  Kota will start picking someone from Fang and
vice-versa, then alternating.  The New Kota is:  Marcus, Dan, Charlie, Randy,
Corrine, Susie and Bob.  The New Fang is:  Matty, Ace, Crystal, Jacque, Ken,
Kelly and GC.  Jeff tells Sugar she's going back to Exile Island and will join
which ever tribe loses the next Immunity Challenge after they've been to
Tribal Council.

New Kota arrives at their camp.  Randy figures that he, Dan and Corrine may
be in trouble now that they are outnumbered.  But all in all, they like their
new tribe.  Kota is organized and doing well.  Sugar arrives at Exile Island
and chooses the Comfort key.  She finds plenty of fruit in the Comfy Hut.
She hopes she'll be reunited with Ace.  At New Fang camp, Ace makes some
suggestions about stretching the food supply.  As he and Jacque forage,
Kelly whines to the rest about how awful Ace is.  Crystal, GC and Ken decide
that they will exploit the situation.

Day 12 (what happened to Day 11???) and it's time for the Immunity Chal-
lenge.  It's Water Lacrosse!  Everyone boards small one-man inflatable rafts
and use a special paddle to move around.  The object will be to use the
paddle to control a floating ball and score a point by tossing it into the other
tribe's goal net.  First tribe to score 3 points wins.  This ought to be amusing!

Jeff tosses out the first ball and both tribes head for it.  Marcus is the quick-
est and reaches the ball first.  He works his way towards the Fang goal and
then passes to Randy.  He's covering the left side of the net and beats Ace
to the goal.  He shoots, He SCORES!!!  Kota is up 1-0.  Round 2 and again
Marcus reaches the ball.  Again, he passes to Randy who scores an empty
netter as Fang is completely disorganized.  Round 3 and this time Ace goes
up against Marcus.  Marcus still reaches the ball first but Ace checks him
and steals.  But Marcus recovers after some slick stick handling.  He passes
to Randy again, but Randy hits a goal post!  There is a melee in front of the
Fang net!  Dan and Ace both go in the water.  Randy recovers and gets the
hat-trick!  Kota wins 3-0!!!  Jeff scolds Fang for sucking so bad!  LOL!!!

Fang sulks home.  Ace thinks his new tribe sucks like a legless chicken!  LOL!
Oh, how true!  They do suck!  GC, Ken, Crystal and Kelly did absolutely nada
during the challenge.  GC ponders the situation and considers that maybe
Kelly needs to go.  She is obviously the weakest leak.  He talks with both
Crystal and Ken.  They think it's too risky to boot her off yet.  Matty joins
them, also thinking Kelly must go.  They debate the issue and decide that
Jacque will be the compromise boot.

Matty is unhappy and decides to tell Jacque what's going on.  He knows that
Kelly is their worst player.  He suggests that Jacque goes and talks with Ken
about staying longer.  She does so.  She tries to convince him to boot Kelly
instead.  Ken suggests that she talk with Crystal, telling her that even if he
does switch his vote, it won't be enough.  Jacque pours her heart out to
Crystal.  With tears running down her face, she tells Crystal that she never
had an alliance with Ace, which is true.  Crystal tells her she'll think about
it, and admits that she is a strong player.

At Tribal Council both Matty and GC express a desire to keep the tribe as
strong as possible.  Ken says that he is not sure yet who he can trust of the
new members.  Matty makes it clear he wants Ace to stay.  Ace agrees that
the tribe should keep it's strongest players.  Jacque says that she knows
that she is a strong competitor and helps in challenges.  Kelly then throws
both Crystal and Ken under the bus for being worst players than her.  LOL!!!
This earns an outburst from Crystal against Kelly.  Jeff points out that only
Matty, Ace and Jacque performed during the Challenge.

It's time to vote.  We see Kelly vote for Jacque and both Ace and Jacque
vote against Kelly.  Jeff counts the votes,  The score is 5-2 against Jacque.
Fang chooses to be mediocre.  Jeff snuffs out Jacque's torch and sends her
down the Path of Shame.  He then tells Fang that Sugar will be joining them

SPOILERS:  An elephant visits one of the tribes, looks like Kota.  It may
have damaged the camp.  At Fang tribe, GC goes missing just before a
