Survivor Review: Episode Two - Change Is Sweet



Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

The show begins with Night 6 as Fang returns from Tribal Council.  They had
voted off Gillian.  The rest seem pretty happy about the unanimous decision
to do so.  But Randy is a tad skeptical.  He still sees his tribe as a bunch of
idiots.  LOL!  Sadly, so do I!

Day 7 and it's breakfast time at Fang.  Only a week into the 39-Day game and
half of their supply of rice is gone!  Three-squares a day is not what The
Game is all about.  It's about hardship and suffering!  Randy speaks out and
suggests that they limit themselves to only two meals per day.  Everyone
agrees, except GC.  He complains that he often has THROWN AWAY a pound
of cooked rice per meal because nobody wanted it!  Hmmm!  GC then begins
to bicker with Randy, accusing him of wanting to be the new tribal leader.
Randy tells Uncle Cameraman later that GC needs to go bye-bye!

Over at Kota, things appear to be happy-slappy.  Fish are being caught and
chores are getting done.  But there is some underlying resentment towards
Ace.  The Onion Alliance sees him as being too cocky.  They are concerned
about his relationship with 'Sugar'.  For Paloma, her resentment of Ace is
anything but concealed.  She outright hates him!  Tree-mail arrives and it
seems the next challenge will have bedding as a prize.  Dr. Marcus suggests
that bedding is not important and it would be better to sit out stronger players
now and save them for the Immunity Challenge.  Seven out of eight Kota
tribesmen agree with the doctor.  Only Paloma has apprehensions. 

The Reward Challenge is indeed about winning comfy bedding items.  Each
tribe will divide themselves into two teams of three players.  One player from
each tribe will wrap themselves around a pole at one end of the field.  The
other two players will then try to wrestle the opposing team's pole-hugger
off the pole and drag them across the field and over a goal line.  There will
be three rounds and the tribe that wins two wins the bedding.  The winning
tribe will also select one player from the losing tribe to be Exiled.

Kota sits out Kelly and Jacquie.  First round has Ace and Matty as pole hug-
gers, with Marcus & Charlie and Dan & GC as attackers.  Ace refuses to give
up his pole and stubbornly hangs on.  Matty goes quickly and gets dragged
off.  Kota wins Round One!  Round Two is where Kota plays strategic and
has the petite and weak Paloma pole hugging.  Randy and Crystal make short
work of her and Fang easily wins Round Two!  In Round Three, it's Ace again
with Dan hugging for Fang, but the attacking teams are Bob & Marcus versus
Matty & Crystal.  It's a close fight at first.  Dan seems to be wavering and
Ace solid.  But Crystal loosens Ace's legs as Matty unwraps his arms off the
pole.  Dan is also in trouble but kicks and struggles against Bob and Marcus.
In the end, Crystal and Randy out-grunt Ace and drag him to the goal line.
FANG WINS!!!  They select Sugar to be exiled.

Fang Tribe returns to camp with the spoils of victory.  They are very pleased
to have finally won an event.  Back at Kota, Ace reminds everyone that they
did not really lose, but strategically withdrew.  They'll be back at the Immunity
Challenge with their best players, meaning no Paloma!  LOL!  As they bath
in the lake, Ace and Marcus discuss dumping her first should the time come.

Sugar arrives at Camp Exile.  She sees the Comfy Hut but opts for the clue
to find the hidden immunity idol.  Sugar sets off into the jungle to find it.
Along the way, she encounters ants and other bugs which freak her out! 
She gets turned around somewhat and starts to panic.  Sugar tells Uncle
Cameraman how miserable she has been since her father died.  She had
hoped that being on "SURVIVOR" would restore her self-confidence.  It does
not take very long!

Sugar exits the jungle and sees the sandy crater that Lawyer Dan missed.
Excited, she enters it and pokes about, finding a 2nd clue!  This leads her
to a 3rd, then on to a 4th clue.  Sugar sees a strange looking tree across a
creek.  She wades into it and reaches the tree.  There, she finds the idol!

Day 8 and Ace is working on Bob to go along with booting Paloma.  Corrine
later tells Bob that she and her friends have a majority, so he ought to go
along with them instead.

Tree-mail arrives on Day 9 along with swim wear.  The tribes gather for the
Immunity Challenge.  It's a relay race down a slip-n-slide.  One player at a
time will slide down it into a lake and swim out to fetch a numbered tile.  As
that fetcher returns, another may then set off down the slide.  Once all six
tiles are obtained, a seventh player from each tribe must use the numbers
to solve a combination lock of a chest.  Inside the chest is a hatchet which
is used for cutting a rope and raising a banner.  First tribe to raise their banner
wins immunity.

Bob and Ken are the Solvers for their tribes.  Crystal gets a big lead for Fang
as she leads the way.  But Corrine evens things up during her run.  Kota
then builds a big lead and gets their six tiles first.  But Bob is slow and mis-
reads the clue to solve the number puzzle.  Ken starts working on Fang's
tiles quickly, evening out the race again.  Bob's first attempt fails, but so
does Ken's.  Bob thinks he's got it but his 2nd try fails.  Ken, however, is
successful with his 2nd shot at the lock.  He opens the chest and cuts the

Things are subdued at Camp Kota.  This time they REALLY lost!  Sugar
relates her tale about getting lost in the jungle.  But later, she privately tells
Ace that she found the idol!  Ace tells her that the tribe will boot Paloma.
But Paloma has other plans.  She chats up Corrine about how Ace and Sugar
need to go.  Corrine later talks with Charlie that maybe now is a good time to
get rid of the bossy Ace.

At Tribal Council, Paloma talks nonsense and Jeff chides her for it.  Ace lays
it out very simply, the weak must go first!  Sugar talks about her struggles
in Exile.  Paloma picks on Ace and calls him out.  Kelly backs her up, also
trashing Ace.  Marcus vocally supports Ace.  He still has the immunity idol
he won in the race on Day One, which can only be used tonight.  Marcus
chooses to keep it for himself.

It's time to vote.  Paloma and Kelly vote to boot Ace, but the rest of the tribe
sends Paloma packing her woes.  Kelly looks unhappy, as now she's the
oddball.  Oh well!

SPOILERS:  Randy and GC are still bickering with each other.  At a challenge,
the tribes must rank their players.  Hmmm, that ought to be really good for
tribal morale!  LOL!
