Ladies' Day
Part One
by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Naturally, we begin the final episode of "SURVIVOR" with a quick recap of
the previous 36 days of action.  The Fans versus Favorites, the hardships,
the injuries, and the blind-sidings.  With Erik being foolish at Tribal Council,
giving his Immunity Necklace to Natalie, he is the fourth consecutive blind-
side.  Back at Camp Dabu, Natalie, Amanda, Cirie and Parvati are gleeful,
disbelieving how easily Erik had fallen into their trap!

Day 37 and the women are still chuckling about having eliminated all of the
men.  But Natalie now feels like the Outsider, being the last 'Fan' left in The
Game.  She thinks she has a good relationship with Parvati and may have
a shot at being in the Final Three.

Tree mail arrives.  It's time for an Immunity Challenge.  All will begin on top
of a twenty-foot tall perch.  They must first fill a bamboo pipe with water by
lowering and raising a bucket with a rope from the perch.  As the pipe fills,
a set of keys will float up.  Get the keys and then dive and swim to shore.
Next, unlock a chest and remove sixteen uniquely shaped ladder rungs. 
Then assemble the ladder correctly and climb to the top of a platform and
raise your flag. 

Natalie and Parvati are closely tied initially.  Natalie gets her keys first and
dives into the water.  Before she reaches the shore, Parvati gets her keys
and dives.  As they begin to assemble their ladders, Amanda, then Cirie,
get their keys and head to shore.  Natalie seems to be in the lead.  But then,
Amanda begins to overtake both Natalie and Parvati.  Amanda passes them
both and goes on to win!

Back at camp, Amanda is very happy she won.  Natalie thinks she still has
a chance.  Cirie is nervous.  Amanda and Parvati discuss the pros and cons
of who to boot next?  They see Cirie as being more liked by The Jury.  Then
Natalie tells Parvati that Cirie is questioning her about who she's voting
for.  Cirie is suspicious of the relationship between Natalie and Parvati.

At Tribal Council, Jeff praises the ladies for making it to the Final Four.
Natalie brags about all the blind-siding.  Amanda says that she had no idea
what was happening much of the time.  Parvati added that this season has
been the craziest, that no one can be confident.  Cirie then starts whining
about how she's always been at the bottom of the alliances.  Amanda and
Parvati argue with her.  Natalie is pleased.  It's time to vote.  Natalie votes
to boot Cirie, the rest boot Natalie. 

When they return to camp, Amanda and Parvati are upset with Cirie's
accusations that she feels she's a lesser ally.  Cirie defends her position,
saying she feels even more so now, because she knows Amanda and Parvati
will not vote against each other.  Amanda starts to cry, she's getting too
emotional.  They have a group hug to calm down.  They are all concerned
that there might be another IC leading to only a Final Two.

Day 38 and everyone seems better in the morning.  They decide to let the
last chicken, Gloria, free.  But Gloria likes it on Dabu Beach and builds a
nest.  LOL!  All three go for tree mail, hoping to find a fabulous meal.
But, instead, they get news that there will be one more Immunity Challenge
following the Fallen Comrade march.  They get weepy, knowing that only
two of them will move forward in The Game.  Paddling to Exile Island, they
gather the torches of all of the past players.  Parvati and Cirie tease Amanda
when they get to Ozzy's torch.  All of the torches are placed inside the
shore tower and it's set ablaze. 

The Final Immunity Challenge is a test of discipline.  The object will be to
hold a cylinder steady with a ball bearing perched on top of the middle sec-
tion.  Every five minutes, they will place the cylinder down and add another
piece to both ends, making it longer and harder to hold.  When the last pieces
are added, it will be open-ended duration till only one has not dropped their

Everyone survives the first two rounds.  But shortly after Round Three be-
gins, Parvati drops her ball and is out!  Amanda and Cirie make it through
the round.  But before the Fourth Round begins, Cirie drops her ball.  The
round is restarted.  Amanda switches her grip to try and hang on better.
It's Round Five and the last extensions are added.  Shortly after the round
starts, Cirie loses her grip and Amanda wins!

The gang returns to Dabu Beach and are greeted by Gloria.  LOL!  Amanda
and Parvati fetch coconuts.  Later, Cirie tells Parvati she thought she would
win the challenge.  Cirie also suspects that Amanda will take Parvati to the
Final Two.  Parvati tells Amanda that Cirie understands the situation.  She
is also confident with her alliance.  Cirie talks with Amanda and tells her
that The Jury hates her, Cirie, more than Parvati. 

At Tribal Council, Jeff asks Amanda how it feels to be in full control?  She
says that it is both a blessing and a curse.  She hates choosing between
her two allies.  Both Cirie and Parvati agree that they know she will have
a hard time deciding.  Jeff wants to know who is the greater risk?  Amanda
says that Cirie is a better talker and Parvati played a great social game.
She is going to decide with her gut.  Amanda cries before she goes to vote.
She boots Cirie, taking Parvati with her to the Final Two.

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"Ladies' Day, Part Two"
