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Odd and Ends

My pages on Lewis Carroll

... and of course on little Alice.

Welcome to my March Hare home!

In spite of all of my claims, this very part of my site is under heavy construction. It is not my fault: the Time doesn't cooperate. Take some more tea ...

Here you have a summary of its content. To be more precise, of what I may think that you may think that I will possibly put into. If you look for better sites on Carroll, see below. If you look for worse sites, then I'm afraid I cannot help.

First of all, let me mention my own Italian translation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (contact me about it, not found in bookstores, because they sold all of them out. See the cover below.

Additionally, I wrote a short article about Carroll (in Italian - and don't expect too much!).

A dissertation on Italian translations was written (in Italian, of course) by Adele Cammarata (University of Palermo). She says: "The conclusion of the thesis is that, at least for this text, as well as for poetry, translation is a Sisyphean task, never ending yet necessary, and that translation could mean re-creation of another text (other texts) in another language for another public in another time and space."

Find here about her own Italian translation of Alice's Adventures Underground.

Well, let's now pass to another topic, with Sisyphus permission: how to get out from this page. If you like more about Alice, you may wish to visit Lenny's Alice in Wonderland Site. That is an excellent site devoted to the character of Alice, from two viewpoints: Carroll's books and Disney's film.