Hands Of Truth Puppet Team
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We are the Hands Of Truth puppet team (HOT for short) from Middleville, Michigan. We were formed 4 years ago by Paul Spittka, who is currently the youth pastor at First Baptist of Auburn; we are very proud of Paul and all of his accomplishments. We are now directed by Jeff McCormick at First Baptist Church of Middleville. We started quite small with home made puppets, made by Marcene Stewart; but as time went on we got new puppets, added cool songs, lights and special effects. Now we put on an awesome show that gives a solid message of Jesus Christ. We also incorporate live skits into our show if at all possible.

We do not charge for our show but we do accept donations. All donations go towards traveling expenses and better puppets and equipment. We do not do this for our own glory but for God's.

The new season just started this past September and the puppet team is now 10 strong. Half of this years team are new puppeteers, still learning basic skills but doing very well. One of the biggest productions of the year, Reclaim The Night, went really well. (see link) The team is now preparing to perform at the annual sharathon pancake breakfast for WCSG, the local Christian radio station. With all new songs and Skits even the veteran puppeteers are having to work hard to get ready. We would be honored if you remembered the team in your prayers. Pray that they keep their focus on the ministry of reaching people for God.

If you would like booking or any other information please call First Baptist Church of Middleville at 1-616-795-9726

What is Reclaim The Night

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Email: hotpuppets@hotmail.com

First Baptist Church of Middleville, MI
Special thanks to Scott Meek for creating images using Corel Photo House and Microsoft Imaging!