Reclaim The Night
Reclaim The Night, halloween
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Reclaim The Night was started a few years back as a way to "reclaim" Halloween and use the night as a way to reach into the community. What we do is take over a gracious volunteers garage and yard (and sometimes house), and the house then becomes the official Puppet house of that year.

We set up the stage inside the garage and perform skits on a rotation all night for any trick or treaters that come through. We also always have coffee, hot cocoa, cookies and donuts for any parents that come with their kids. To get the kids to actually come into the garage, we have a puppeteer out in front hooked up to his/her own small speaker. He is in charge of greeting the kids as they come in and giving them the bags of candy. As a little extra touch, we have another person stand out front and get the names of the kids from the parents before they walk up to the puppet outside. He then relays the names to the outside puppeteer using a headset. The puppeteer then can greet the kids by name and create a little awe in the child. kids are much more receptive when they are being called by name. This just adds an extra touch that also impresses the parents.

All during the night we are urging kids to sign up for the drawing that is going be held at the end of the night. This is very useful for follow up ministry. The only rule that goes along with the drawing is that you have to return at the end of the night in order to claim the prize if you win. At that time when almost everyone comes back, the puppeteers perform one final song, followed bye our youth pastor giving the salvation message. We then hold the drawing, give out the prizes and thank everyone for coming.

The whole night takes a tremendous amount of work and preperation but it is well woth it. This year we had around 500 people come and watch at least one skit that tells of Jesus Christ. It gives us the chance to Reclaim The Night!!!

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