Annis Inventors

Thomas Augustus Annis

Thomas A. Annis was born in 1866 at Jackson, Michigan, the son of Hollis Benjamin and Margaret (Welsh) Annis. The son of a farmer, who had removed to Michigan from his native Livonia, New York, it is most likely that Thomas spent his boyhood as many did, working his father's farm.
Thomas married February 14, 1887 to Ida R. Eicher, at Gibson County, Indiana. They made their home in Adrian, Lenawee County, Michigan. Little is known of Thomas' early years, or where he obtained his education, but he was, by 1912, a leading authority on Westinghouse and New York Air Brake systems for the railroad industry. In that year he had published, by George B. M. Seager of Adrian, his three volume set of books entitled simply "Air Brakes, by Annis".
These technical manuals are described as:
"A Plain Practical and Very Complete Treatise of the Westinghouse and New York Air Brake and Signal System. Including Train Handling and General Air Brake Practice. Including a Large List of Practical Examination Questions and Answers on Both Westinghouse and New York Air Brakes and their Appliances.

Fig. 10 Westinghouse Compound Air Pump

Thomas was last reported residing in Adrian prior to World War Two, but unfortunately there are no further records at this time. He wrote and had published several other books including: Modern Locomotives - A Plain and Complete Treatise on the Locomotive (Segar 1912); Railway Employe's Book of Ready Reference and General Information; Annis Ready Reference for Engineers.

The book "Modern Locomotives", by Thomas Augustus Annis in 1912

The text reads: "The above picture graphically illustrates the great advances that have been made in railway motive power within the memory of people now living. The DeWitt Clinton, the first locomotive run in the State of New York, which, with its three primitive coaches, made its first trip between Albany and Schenectady on what is now part of the New York Central & Hudson R.R., August 9, 1831, is here compared with one of the Pacific Type passenger locomotives now in service on the New York Central Lines. It will be observed that the entire length of the first train just equals that of one of the present locomotives."

1. Claude Thomas Annis, b. Dec 11, 1889; d. Aug 7, 1918
2. Pearl L. Annis, b. Feb 1892.
3. Paul E. Annis, b. Apr 21, 1898; d. May 10, 1969
4. Thaddeus E. Annis, b. Apr 2, 1900; d. Mar 15, 1975
5. Hollis B. Annis, b. Feb 8, 1902; d. Oct 27. 1976
6. Robert N. Annis, b. Aug 20, 1908; d. Apr 26, 1960
7. Richard B. Annis, b. Jul 7, 1912, d. Dec 1958

Thomas' lineage is: Hollis B. Annis (1826-1903?); Augustus Benjamin Annis (1789-1866); Jacob Annis (1763-1841); Ezra Annis (1726-1818); John Annis (1700-c.1771); Abraham Annis (1668-1738); Cormac Annis (1638-1717)

George Franklin Annis

Many thanks to Iris (Moreland) Barnett, grandaughter of George F. Annis, who furnished all of the following information.

George Franklin Annis was born August 11, 1867 at Lake Mills, WI, the eldest son of Charles and Adlah (Gale) Annis. He married Flora Lou Rice on June 10, 1891 at Kill Creek, KS. In May of 1902, finding it hard to support a growing family on their 40 acre farm, George and Flora moved their family to Freedom, OK and joined his parents and family who had settled there earlier (1900). The journey was made by horse and wagon over difficult country with six children, ranging in age from 10 years to 9 months. After they arrived in the area west of Alva, Oklahoma, they purchased a quarter section of land three miles west of Freedom and in 1906 and the family lived in two tents until a house could be built. When the first rural mail route was established George was appointed the first RFD carrier in Woods County, OK.

George Franklin Annis Sr. and his wife, Flora Lou (Rice)

George began carrying the mail by horse and buggy over the 33 mile route. He purchased a Model "T" Ford, which made delivery time much quicker, but he began telling his wife of the difficult time he was having driving on the slick "roads" while delivering the mail. The sandy creek beds that he traversed and loose sandy soil raised havoc with the slick tires of the day, and George soon began talking about how the tire could be improved with something that would provide a better "grip".

After talking over the problem with his younger brother, Charles, they decided on, and designed a tread that provide the needed traction. On May 9, 1906 the filed an application with the United States Patent Office for the design shown below, and on June 28, 1910 it was accepted and given patent number 962729.
George began traveling to Kansas City, MO; Chicago, IL, and other cities where tire were being manufactured, in an attempt to sell the patent for tire design. He was met with disinterest and was told by Company officials that "success was theirs, and business was good". George kept trying to sell the patent, always meeting rejection, and he finally gave it up as a lost cause. Soon after that, tire were manufactured with variations of the Annis model and tires with treads came into popularity. George and Charles never received recognition or monetary gain from the patent.

Lineage: Charles Annis (1839-1909), Charles Annis (1794-1866), Jacob Annis (1769-1848), Jacob Annis (1741-1812), John Annis (1700-1771), Abraham Annis (1668-1738), Cormac Annis (1638-1717)

Dr. Robert Baine Annis
"Man of Precision"

Dr. Robert Baine Annis

Robert Baine Annis was born February 22, 1907 at Jackson, Indiana, the son of Elvin William Annis (1874-1944) and Mabel C.(Baine) Annis (1886-1972.

Robert's great-grandfather, Thomas Annis had settled in Dearborn County Indiana in 1821. Thomas was a veteran of the war of 1812 from New York state and it was customary at that time to award war veterans parcels of land to encourage settling of these new lands. In 1831 Thomas purchased 81 acres of land near Cincinnati, Ohio, but it appears that he never left Dearborn County, Indiana, and may have purchased the land on speculation or for one of his children. Thomas was a carpenter and farmer.
Robert's grandfather, David A. Annis grew to maturity on his father's farm. He was educated in the common schools, and from his youth had made farming his chief occupation. He married, in 1862, Mary Pearson, a daughter of Joseph and Emiline (Ayres) Pearson, natives of Hamilton County, Ohio. After his marriage David began business for himself on the old homestead, to which he had made some additions by purchase. He devoted most of his attention to general agriculture, in which he had been quite successful, owning an excellent farm in Dearborn county, besides a large tract in Pratt County, Kansas. He was regarded as one of the best farmers of the township, and in every respect an exemplary citizen. Elvin Annis was born on the farm in Lawrenceburg and after striking out on his own, married Mabel C. Baine in Doddridge Chapel in Centerville, Indiana. Elvin was a traveling salesman and sold stereoscopic viewing machines to merchants, at the time of Robert's birth, and was quite successful at his work. Mabel often joined Elvin on the road, traveling by horse and buggy throughout the Midwest. The winder of 1907 found Mabel at home awaiting the arrival of their son, Robert. With an infant at home she could no longer travel with Elvin on his selling trips and because of the difficulty associated with being away from home for extended periods of time with a baby at home, Elvin decided to seek employment closer to home.

Elvin, Mabel and two year old Robert
in front of their farm near Cambridge, IN.

They tried farming near Cambridge, Indiana for a while, and before long they moved on to Greenfield and than Indianapolis, Indiana. With no other work available, Elvin went back on the road but the strain of holding the family together proved too much and the young couple separated and divorced when Robert was still a youth. His father remarried and Robert stayed with his mother in their new home at Indianapolis, Indiana.

Robert started school in Indianapolis and soon his artistic abilities attracted the attention of his teachers and later, as a junior in high school, he won a scholarship at the John Heron Art Institute.

The story from here is both amazing and inspiring and will be continued on Robert's own dedication page.

Robert and his mother in 1925

Obituary excerpted from The Indianapolis Star, September 7, 1999

"Services for Robert B. Annis, 92, Indianapolis, an inventor, scientist, and founder and president of R.B. Annis Co. were held September 10 in the Broadway United Methodist Church. Calling was September 9 in Shirley Brothers Washington Memorial Chapel. Burial was in Dodridge Chapel Cemetery, Pennville,Indiana. Mr. Annis died September 6, 1999.
Mr. Annis' company produces one-of-a-kind precision devices such as dynamic balancing machines, special transformer magnetizers, and demagnetizers. Primarily self-educated, Mr. Annis was a protege of D.J. Angus of the former Esterline-Angus Co. He was a member for more than 60 years of the Scientech Club whose members meet weekly to keep up on scientific and technolgical advances.
In 1966 he founded the D.J. Angus-Scientech Educational Foundation in memory fo his mentor who was one of the founders of the club. The foundation awards grants to Indiana colleges and universities and underwrites the Central Indiana Science Fair.
In 1993 he was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree by Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan, in recognition of his scientific knowldge and his contribution and support to science and technology education.
Earlier this year he was honored by the National Science Teachers Association and was named Tech High School Alumnus of the Year. Mr. Annis was a 50-year member of Mystic Tie Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite, and Murat Shrine. He was commander of the Hoosier Power Squadron of the U.S. Power Squadron in 1964-65 and a member of the Hoosier Canoe Club.
Mr. Annis was a member of the Sierra Club. He and his then-wife, the late Miriam Fay Annis, shared a love of the oudoors and a commitment to preserving nature. At the time of her death in 1985, he donated 136 acres of rolling woods to Brown County State Park. "If we don't preseve some of this stuff right now, it won't be around in the fuure," he told The Indianapolis Star in 1987. "We have to do the most with our natural resources that we can."
Memorial contributions may be made to Scientech Club or to the church.
Survivors: wife Elmira Vermillion Annis; stepson Hugh Vermilliion; half sisters Mary Walter, Lucy Sutgherland; half brother James F. Annis; three stepgrandchildren."

The St. Joseph Historic Neighborhood Society of Indianapolis wrote the following:

"We are deeply saddened to report that the St. Joseph Historic Neighborhood has lost a truly fine neighbor. Bob Annis was a founder of our association and hosted and guided the many by-laws meetings. Bob set an example of what a good "neighbor" should be and will be missed. His hand and spirt were always steady influences for all of us. No matter what event the neighborhood held, either he or Elmira or both of them were always there--cold and windy clean-up days, frozen or tropical meeting nights when most folks just opted to stay home and keep warm or cool, Bob was always there.
Bob was a person who thought on a grander scale than most folks. His world travels and interest in science proved that, as well as his always available sage advice when difficulties beset the neighborhood. His clear thinking and warm and freely offered friendship were gifts we can never replace. The official obituary from The Indianapolis Star is excerpted below to record some of his achievements over 92 years. Obituaries and cold facts printed on a paper can in no way provide a measure of the great man Bob Annis was and the inspiration he will continue to be to everyone who knew him."

Lineage: Elvin W. Annis (1874-1944), David A. Annis (1829-1908), Thomas Annis (1797-1874), Jacob Annis (1763-1841), Ezra (1726-1818), John Annis (1700-1771), Abraham Annis (1668-1738), Cormac Annis (1638-1717)

Dr. Martin Annis PhD

Martin Annis on his 90th birthday

Martin Annis was born April 27, 1922 in New York City, New York, the son of Benjamin Annis (1874-1944) and Rachel (Cohen) Annis.
In 1957, he founded the research and development company American Science & Engineering, which he led as president until 1993. In 1993, he founded AnnisTech. Annis received his doctorate in cosmic ray physics from MIT. He led successes in the fields of x-ray technology and astronomy, having over 35 issued patents. His inventions included technology related to transmission and backscatter x-ray detection and imaging for airline luggage, air-cargo containers, and personnel inspections. He was a scientific visionary and an entrepreneurial risk taker with a zest for fun. He could often be encountered riding his TerraTrike through his beloved Cambridge neighborhood.
Martin Annis, American technology company executive. Achievements include patents in field; 10 patents for digital radiography; 2 patents for security x-rays; 3 patents for Z technology. Member of American Physicists in Medicine, American Institute Physics., American Physical Society.
He passed away on December 20, 2019 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Copyrights - Registered Works

Annis Family Members

Books, music, films, sound recordings, maps, software, photos, art, and multimedia.


Registration Number







Allison J. Annis 1963-


Infinity in your eyes

Sound Cassette

Allison Jeanne Annis


Jun 15, 1999

Jun 15, 1999

Betty J. Annis 1928-


A Plan for fire insurance on public school district property in the state of Nebraska


Betty Jean Annis


May 15, 1979

Jun 20, 1979

Claudia G. Annis 1953-


Songs for chamber ensemble.

Words & music

Claudia Gary Annis



Jun 5, 1996

Claudia G. Annis 1953-


Ripples in the fabric.

23 p.
Note: Poems.

Claudia Gary Annis


May 15, 1996

Jun 5, 1996

Dale E. Annis 1945-


Do you hear me?

Song Lyrics

Dale E. Annis



Apr 10, 1990

David A. Annis Jr.


Applications of polymer-immobilization in asymmetric catalysis.

Computer text data.

David Allen Annis, Jr.


Jun 13, 1999

Jun 24, 1999

Donald L. Annis


Annis Enterprise

Leather repair - 3 photos Designs for tool belts.

Donald Lee Annis


Jun 13, 1994

Edward R. Annis


Code blue : health care in crisis /

Imprint: Washington, DC Regnery Gateway, c1993. 278 p.

Edward R. Annis


Aug 19, 1993

Jul 1, 1994

Edward R. Annis


Medical portfolio for anesthesiologists : v. 1, no. 2.

Imprint: Cortlandt Group, c1981. Description: 1 sound cassette, 2 pamphlets, 1 card.

The Cortlandt Group, Inc.


Jul 9, 1981

Jan 21, 1983

George Annis


Eye of the tiger

Art reproduction : clothing transfer design

George Annis


Dec 15, 1983

May 19, 1986

Ioana Annis


Design and preparation of novel solid-phase reagents for the formation of sulfur-sulfur bridges in peptides and proteins under mild conditions.

Computer text data

Ioana Annis


Oct 26, 1999

Nov 8, 1999

James Lee Annis, Jr.


Tennessee Senators 1911-2001 : Portraits of Leadership in a Century of Change

Imprint: Lanham, MD : Madison Books, c1999.
Description: 307 p

William H. Frist , 1952-


Jun 21, 1999

Jun 30, 1999

James Lee Annis, Jr.


Howard H. Baker, Jr. : a public biography

Imprint: Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International

James Lee Annis, Jr.


Jan 15, 1986

Mar 25, 1986

James M. Annis 1964-


Lookin' at You

Sound Cassette

lyrics: James M. Annis; music: David Schweizer



Jul 15, 1991

James M. Annis 1964-


It's about love / words & music by James Mitchell Annis

Song Lyrics

James Mitchell Annis



Apr 29, 1991

James Annis 1923-


Reflections of yesteryear

Reproduction of acrylic painting. Streetcar reflected in wet pavement of city street.

James Annis



June 28, 1978

Jerry L. Annis, Jr. 1964


The Case of the french fried woman

sheets (161 p.)

Jerry L. Annis, Jr.



Jan 13, 1988

John Annis


Care and breeding of panther, Jackson's, veiled, and Parson's chameleons : vol. 1 / edited by Philippe DeVosjoli, Gary Ferguson.

Imprint: Santee, CA : Advanced Vivarium Systems, c1995.
Description: 128 p.

Advanced Vivarium Systems, Inc.


Nov 21, 1995

Dec 15, 1995

Kelly D. Annis 1967-


Family Buzz Words

Song Lyrics (collection)

Kelly Dobben Annis



Mar 16, 2000

Kevin Annis 1979-


Your Time Draws Near.

Sound cassette

Kevin Annis 1979-, Andy VanGuilder, 1978-, & Josh Taylor , 1979-



July 13, 1998

Lawrence V. Annis


Treating West Virginia sex offenders in prison and the community : a guide for mental health professionals

110 p.

Clinical and Forensic Consultants


Sep 16, 1985

October 3, 1985

Leon M. Annis, Jr. 1952



1 sound cassette + lyrics.

words & music: Jean Eula Edwards; music: Leon Millerd Annis, Jr.



Sep 5, 1986

Linda C. Annis 1945-


How to be a super shopper / written and illustrated by Linda C. Annis.

72 p.

Linda C. Annis


Apr 22, 1981

Apr 30, 1981

Linda F. Annis 1943-


Study techniques

Imprint: W. C. Brown Co., c1983.
121 p.

William C. Brown Publishing Company


Mar 1 1983

Mar 30, 1983

Linda F. Annis 1943-


The Child Before Birth

Imprint: Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell University Press, 1978.
Description: 194 p. ISBN 0-8014-1039-8.

Cornell University


Feb 2, 1978

Feb 2, 1978

Lurabelle D. Annis


A Brand New Thing

Imprint: St. Petersburg, Fla. : Valkyrie Pub. House, c1981.
Description: 162 p. ISBN 0-912760-95-8.

LuraBelle D. Annis


May 10, 1981

Sep 22, 1981

Lyle Annis


For Love / words & music- Billie Hays, Lyle Annis.

The Billie Hays Band. 1 sound disc : 33 1/3 rpm. ; 12 in. side 1, band 3

Unart Music Corporation & Mispris Music


Jan 1 1978

May 24, 1978

Lyle Annis


Gimme your lovin' / words & music- Billie Hays, Lyle Annis, Andy Peters

The Billie Hays Band. 1 sound disc : 33 1/3 rpm. ; 12 in. side 2, band 2

Unart Music Corporation & Mispris Music


Jan 1 1978

May 24, 1978

Malcolm P. Annis 1939-


The Geology and Metallogeny of the Upper Numedal Region, Norway

Imprint: Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International, 1980.
Description: Microfiche.

Malcolm Paul Annis


Oct 15, 1980

Mar 4, 1981

Melissa Annis 1956-


Brattleboro, Vermont-Riverfront Rediscovery.

Appl. identifies preexisting material as historical photos, historic district descriptive text, three map drawings.

Mark Jacobucci & Melissa Annis



Jun 5 1984

Michael F. Annis 1949-


Voices in Soft Sculpture - A play in quartet

Imprint: [S.l.] : Annis, c1986. 62 p.

Michael Frederick Annis


Jan 1 1986

Jan 27, 1986

Michael J. Annis


Mindgrinder--Due What You Wilt.

1 sound cassette.
Performed by Mindgrinder

James David Keppel , 1964-, Diane Anne Bergmasco, 1959-, & Michael Jeffrey Annis, 1962-


Sep 27, 1992

Jan 27, 1993

Mike Annis 1959

21 items

Words and Music by Mike Annis

Performed by Altar Boys. CLNA: Maranatha Music




Patricia A. Annis 1950-


Fiberwu : a data handling package to characterize the length of textile fibers / by R. David Jones, Patricia A. Annis, Randall R. Bresee.

66 p.

R. David Jones, Patricia A. Annis & Randall R. Bresee



Jun 8, 1987

Peter J. Annis 1935-


The Original Divorce Survival Manual

36 p.

Peter James Annis



November 14, 1997

Richard Annis (Vaughan Richard Annis)


Abrasive nonwoven web


Granted to Annis, Vaughan R., South Windsor; Walker, John J., Enfield; and Murdock, Scott H., Suffield. Assigned to The Dexter Corp., Windsor Locks.



July 28, 1998

Robert Annis


The Mad Frog]/ Thomas Oboe Lee ; Fredric T. Cohen, oboe ; Robert Annis, bass clarinet ; Ann Hobson Pilot, harp

Imprint:G M Recordings GM 2007, [1981?]
Description: on 1 side of 1 sound disc : 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in.

Margun Music, Inc


Jan 2 1981

Apr 6 1986

Ronald P. Annis 1945-


Sanderling Club photo essay : a supplement to appendix A of the rules & regulations

photoprints : 15 p.
Note: Includes text.

Ronald Paul Annis


Feb 5, 1993

Jun 16, 1993

Ross F. Annis 1944-

PAu-1-756-451 PAu-1-756-452 PAu-1-756-453 PAu-1-756-450

Champagne of Life, Prairie Schooner, Hard Hitting Helga, Scintillating Cilla, Blues Train to Nashville, Staccato

Words and Music

Ross Franklyn Annis



Ruth E. Annis 1939-

13 items

Examples: Upon the Glory Road, His Alone, Even Now

Words and Music

Ruth E. Annis



Scott Annis


Cat/car artwork.

Reproduction of drawing

Cellular Consultants, Ltd.


May 1, 1992

Apr 29, 1996

Shawn R. Annis 1958-


Jam On the Kitchen Table

1 sound cassette, Music

Shawn Richard Annis & Ken Robert



Feb 8, 1987

Shayleen Annis 1977-


Sturgis 1990

Art Original

Shayleen Annis



Jun 8 2000

Sheldon Annis 1944-


God and Production in a Guatemalan Town

Imprint: Austin : University of Texas Press, 1987. 197 p.

University of Texas Press


Dec 4, 1987

Dec 14, 1987

Sheldon Annis 1944-


Poverty, natural resources, and public policy in Central America / [editor] Sheldon Annis

Imprint: New Brunswick, NJ : Transaction Publishers,
199 p.

Overseas Development Council


Nov 18, 1992

Apr 19, 1993

Timothy F. Annis


Happy Thoughts

Imprint: New York : Vantage Press, 33 p.

Timothy F. Annis


Jun 11 1987

Apr 18, 1988

Tina M. Annis 1971-


Hidden Secrets

Short story

Tina Marie Annis



Nov 27, 1996

Tracy K. Annis


The Custom Color Book.


Tracy King Annis


Aug 1, 1987

Nov 6, 1987

Verle L. Annis 1897-


The Annis Genealogy : Charles Annis, 1638-1717, of Newbury, Massachusetts and his descendants

Imprint: [s.l. : s.n.], 1978.
Description: 330 p.

Verle Lincoln Annis


Mar 4, 1978

Mar 16, 1978

Verle L. Annis 1897-


The Architecture of Antigua, Guatemala, 1543-1773.

Bilingual ed. Guatemala, University of San Carlos of Guatemala, 1968.

Elizabeth Annis



Effective Registration Date: Apr 29, 1996
Original Registration Date: Aug 27, 1968

William H. Annis


Basic Plumbling Skills

Edition: 1st ed.
Description: 1 volume

American Association for Vocational Instructional Materials


Feb 17, 1989

Apr 4, 1990

William Annis 1955-


Alaska Journal : A Cyclist's Adventure Tour in Southeast Alaska

Imprint: West Lafayette, IN : Personal PressDescription: 112 p.

William Annis & Globe Pequot Press


Nov 24, 1993

Jan 27, 1994

Periodicals, magazines, journals, and newspapers


Additonal Information


Copyright Information

Cross Reference



Joseph P. Annis

Editorial board, Frank Moya, editor-in-chief ... [et al.]. -- Vol. 1, lesson 1


Appl. au.: Current Reviews for Nurse Anesthetists, Inc., employer for hire.

H. C. Churchill- Davidson.

Current Reviews for Nurse Anesthetists, Inc.

Nov 8, 1978 - October 10, 1980

Annis Family Association

Write Us


The Annis Family in the US and Canada

The Annis Family Association

United States Copyright Office Web Site

United States Patent & Trademark Office Web Site - Searchable Database page with 142 Annis Patents