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Military Education and Professional Reading

    General Fogleman's suggested reading list.
    -Gen Fogleman has authorized the Air Force to purchase the books on the basic list for every captain, beginning March 1.  From that time on, when officers pin on captain, they will receive a shipment of all 13 books on the basic list.
    -Officers are encouraged to have read as many of the books before attending Squadron Officers School. Then, captains will have the opportunity to discuss and report on selections from the basic list while at SOS (Space and Missile Times, 14 Feb, 1997).

      Basic List:
    • Sun Tzu, "The Art of War," Willaim Morrow & Co.
    • Phillip Meilinger, "10 Propositions," Air Force History and Museums
    • James Stokesbury, "A Short History of Air Power," William Morrow & Co.
    • Donald Phillips, "Lincoln on Leadership," Warner Books
    • Tom Wolfe, "The Right Stuff," Bantam Books
    • James Hudson, " Hostile Skies," Syracuse University Press
    • DeWitt Copp, "A Few Great Captains," Air Force Historical Foundation
    • Geoffrey Perret, "Winged Victory," Random House
    • John Sherwood, "Officers in Flight Suits," NYU Press
    • T.R. Fehrenbach, "This Kind of War," Brassey's
    • Jack Broughton, "Thud Ridge, Imagination Transportation, Inc.
    • Harold Moore and Joseph Galloway, "We Were Soldiers Once and Young," Harper Collins
    • Richard Reynolds, "Heart of the Storm," Air University Press

      Intermediate List:
    • Peter Paret, " Makers of Modern Strategy," Princeton University Press
    • Tony Mason, "Air Power: A Centennial Appraisal," Brassey's
    • George Kenney, "General Kenney Reports," Air Force History and Museums
    • Doanld Slayton, "Deke!" Forge Books
    • Lee Kennett, "The First Air War," Smithsonian Institution Press
    • Thomas Hughes, "Over Lord," Free Press
    • Frank Futrell, "USAF in Korea," Air Force History and Museums
    • Mark Codfelter, "The Limits of Airpower," Free Press
    • Richard Hallion, "Storm Over Iraq," Smithsonian Institution Press

      Advanced List:
    • Carl von Clauswitz, "On War," Princeton University Press
    • I.B. Holley, Ideas and Weapons," Air Force History and Museums
    • James Belasco and Ralph Stayer, "Flight of the Buffalo," Warner Books
    • Walter McDougall, "The Heavans and the Earth," John Hopkins University Press
    • Ray Fredette, "The Sky on Fire," Smithsonian Institution Press
    • R.J. Overy, " Why the Allies Won," Norton
    • Phillip Meilinger, "Hoyt Vandenberg," Indiana University Press
    • Ulysses Sharp, "Strategy for Defeat," Presidio Press
    • James Winnefeld and Dana Johnson, " Joint Air Operations," Naval Institute
    • Roger Beaumont, "Joint Military Operations," Greenwood
    • Michael Gordon and Bernard Trainor, "The General's War," Little Brown & Company
    • John Warden, "The Air Campaign," Brassey's

    My suggested reading list:
    • George E. Day, "Return With Honor," Champlin Museum Press
    • Blumington, "The Patton Papers 1940-1945."
    • Alvin and Heidi Toffler, "War and Anti-War."

Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 by P.A. Brown.  All rights reserved.
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